Dad Aims For The Sky/C1 Divine Daddy System
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C1 Divine Daddy System
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C1 Divine Daddy System

[Ding! DNA similarity of 99% detected. System activation in progress, binding to host...]


A grating noise echoed as the electric scooter left a faint tire mark on the expansive road.

Ye Tian slammed on the brakes, causing the scooter to jolt abruptly.

He quickly regained his balance, sitting astride the scooter, bewildered for a moment.

That odd noise had left Ye Tian scratching his head in confusion.

"Am I hearing things?"

He waited, but the strange sound didn't recur.

That's when Ye Tian was sure he must have imagined it.

"A system? The kind of aura that only surrounds the protagonist, it's come to me?"

Ye Tian chuckled at himself mockingly.

"If fate were really looking out for me, I wouldn't be relegated to being a delivery guy in Hang City, would I?"

A bitter smile fleetingly crossed his face as past humiliations came flooding back.

Once, he was the renowned young master of the Ye family!

The Ye family, the undisputed rulers of Tianhai City, were a powerhouse of immense wealth and unparalleled in both medicine and martial arts!

Everyone believed that Ye Tian was the heir apparent to the Ye family's empire.

But how fickle human hearts can be!

On that fateful night of celebration for the Ye family, his half-brother Ye Jun was marrying.

Ye Tian drank himself into a stupor, only to awaken to accusations of committing an unspeakable crime against his brother's wife and stealing the family's heirlooms!

Thus, he was stripped of his medical and martial prowess and cast out from the Ye family, left to wander Hang City.

At the thought, Ye Tian's lips curled into a sardonic smile, too weary to dwell on the past.

He dismounted the scooter, grabbed the large bag of diapers, and set out to find the customer's address.

"Tianhai Jiayuan International Villa District, number 13!"

Ye Tian took a few steps, stopped in front of a villa, glanced at the house number, and double-checked the order in his hand. No doubt about it.

He was about to ring the doorbell when, unexpectedly—


The door swung open.

Ye Tian's face lit up with delight.

What timing!

Without waiting for the resident to emerge, he was already offering up the bag in his hand.

"Hello, here's your delivery!"

A striking figure swiftly emerged from the house.

She was tall and stunning, her beauty rivaling that of a woman in a painting, with long, curly hair cascading lazily over her shoulders, adding an extra touch of allure.

Despite being clad in a purple robe pajama set, it did little to conceal her impressive physique.

Ye Tian took in the full view.

Their eyes locked.


Ye Tian's heart skipped a beat.


"I feel like I've seen her somewhere before!"

Ye Tian's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, yet he couldn't recall where he had encountered her before.

The difference was palpable when the woman from inside the house stepped out and caught sight of Ye Tian; her delicate frame shuddered, her beautiful eyes wide with shock, frozen in place.

"Is it him?"

Su Qingcheng bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with a sudden rush of red, her gaze tinged with resentment.

A surge of nameless rage welled up within her!

Time seemed to stand still for three more seconds.

Sensing something amiss, Ye Tian quickly offered a conciliatory smile and asked again.

"Miss, here's your delivery!"

Su Qingcheng snapped back to reality, noticing he was still proffering the delivery, oblivious to her identity.

She couldn't help but feel a surge of indignation.

"So this is what men are like?"

"Just a year has passed, and you don't recognize me?"

Su Qingcheng was consumed by annoyance and stifled anger.

A year prior, Su Qingcheng had been drugged with a spiked drink as part of a plot against her. Just when she was on the brink of a dire mishap, Ye Tian had come to her rescue out of the blue.

Though the effects of the drug had taken hold, Su Qingcheng had reasoned it was better to give herself to her savior than to a vile scoundrel.

Yet, she never imagined that after one night, he would abandon her, vanishing without a trace.

"I broke ties with my family for someone like you?"


Su Qingcheng sneered inwardly, her heart growing cold. She reached out to take the bag of diapers, eager to sever the connection between them.

But as she extended her hand, the tattoo of an autumn lotus on her arm caught Ye Tian's eye.


Ye Tian's mind exploded with realization.

Ye Tian was momentarily dazed.

"Is it her?"

A wave of guilt washed over him, and he quickly lowered his head, unable to look at her again.

Then, the large bag of diapers in his hand caught his attention.

Did she already have a child?

"Perhaps she's found a better life and remarried," he thought, feeling a twinge of disappointment.

She was, after all, from a noble family, far above his current status as a delivery man.

"Forget it! What right do I have, a man of such lowly status?"

Handing over the bag, Ye Tian said out of habit,

"If you're satisfied, don't forget to give me a five-star rating!"


"Give you a five-star rating? You should be grateful if I don't leave you a one-star review! Jerk!"

Su Qingcheng's words were laced with venom. She was about to refuse Ye Tian's request when suddenly...


The sound of a baby's wail filled the air.

Su Qingcheng's retort was cut short by the cry. Her eyes widened in shock as she exclaimed,

"My little brother!"

Ye Tian was taken aback.

That familiar mechanical voice echoed in his head.

[System Mission Activation]

[Host Mission: Change the child's diaper to receive a reward!]


Ye Tian was startled.

"The system?"

"Was I just hearing things?"

Overwhelmed with joy, Ye Tian wondered if he too had acquired the protagonist's special abilities.

Wait a minute!

The mission made Ye Tian's face contort with frustration.

"Why should I change someone else's child's diaper?"

This was the question plaguing his mind.

The mechanical voice responded with a hint of mockery,

"Because that child is yours!"

The voice seemed to be taunting him.


Ye Tian's forehead felt like it had been struck, causing him to stagger backward in shock.

Confusion spread across his face.

"Me? My... child?"

He remembered the tremble in Su Qingcheng's eyes when he first saw her. Her hesitation was the proof he needed.

Suddenly, it all made sense to Ye Tian.

The truth was clear!

A mix of elation and complexity washed over him, but without further thought, Ye Tian dashed into the villa.

Upon entering, he stood frozen in shock.

Under a canopy of deep blue, the room exuded warmth. On a large king-size bed, five adorable and lively little ones lay nestled together. Each one was exquisitely charming, waving their arms and legs about, their tiny mouths open as they cried out in a cacophony of sounds. In that moment, the overwhelming guilt in his heart dissipated, replaced by a surge of tender affection and a pang of self-reproach.

"Are these all my children?" he thought, as a goofy grin spread across his ruggedly handsome face. His eyes misted over as he watched Su Qingcheng bustling about in a state of disarray.

Without a second thought, Ye Tian stepped forward and scooped up one of the endearing tots. "I'll help you!" he offered.

Su Qingcheng, upon realizing it was Ye Tian, felt a wave of irritation rise within her, ready to scold him. But to her astonishment, she noticed that the usually boisterous second child had ceased crying in his embrace!

Ye Tian was pulling faces and whispering silly sounds, doing his utmost to soothe the little one. "Don't cry, baby. Look, Daddy's going to make a funny face for you!" he cooed.

"Like this!"

"And this...!"

Soon enough, the second child was giggling uncontrollably. Su Qingcheng, watching from the sidelines, was filled with a mother's tender love and couldn't help but smile at the scene.

Seeing that the second child had calmed down, Ye Tian gently placed him back on the bed, still pulling a variety of faces. "There you go, sweetheart! Daddy's going to get you a fresh diaper!" he said cheerfully. "We need to keep that little bottom clean!"

Su Qingcheng bit back her words as the term "Daddy" resonated with her, stirring deep emotions within her. Her beautiful eyes flickered as she fixed her gaze on Ye Tian.

"So, he knew all along?" she wondered silently.

As Ye Tian finished changing the diaper, a sudden realization struck him.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. You have received a Lamborghini!]

[System Notification: The car key has been placed in the host's pocket. Please head outside to pick up the car.]

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