Dad Aims For The Sky/C12 Investing Ten Million
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C12 Investing Ten Million
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C12 Investing Ten Million

[Ding! Congratulations on unlocking the achievement system. You've earned the 'First Patient' title, which grants a 5-point increase in focus during medical treatment.]

The system's reward chime echoed, yet Ye Tian remained unmoved.

He was deep in thought about what Chiang Peng had just revealed.

"Every year, the Chiang family pays a hefty sum of money in exchange for pills to the shadowy figures behind the scenes."

The scenario felt eerily familiar.

If his memory served him right, the Ye family had experienced something similar. Back then, Ye Tian had wanted to inquire about it but was harshly scolded by the family elders.

Could there be a connection?

After pondering for a moment, Ye Tian spoke up.

"Chiang Peng, every year you're stripped of so much wealth. Haven't you ever considered resisting?"

"Of course we have!"

Chiang Peng's lips curled into a bitter smile as he explained with a sense of helplessness, "The problem is, despite the Chiang family pouring money into medical research every year, we've seen no results!"

"Over time, everyone's spirit just dwindled."

It made sense. It was only natural for people to lose hope after numerous failed attempts.

But Ye Tian was no ordinary man.

He was determined to uncover the truth at all costs!

With a sly grin, Ye Tian turned to Chiang Peng and teased,

"Did it ever cross your mind to enlist my help in resolving this issue?"

"This..." Chiang Peng hesitated, his face a mix of emotions.

He had witnessed Ye Tian's medical prowess, but this was a matter of the Chiang family's honor. Could they really involve an outsider?

"What's the matter? You're not interested?" Ye Tian challenged, arching an eyebrow, "Do you really want to let your hard-earned money be taken so easily, to live forever in someone else's shadow?"

"Absolutely not!"

In a sudden outburst, Chiang Peng flipped the table and rose to his feet, his eyes ablaze with a fire like never before, as if ready to devour his adversary on the spot.

He gripped Ye Tian's hand with fervor, his plea earnest.

"Master, I entrust this task to you. You must get to the bottom of this! Please, save our Chiang family from this dire plight!"

"As long as you agree, the Chiang family will be at your beck and call, ready to walk through fire and water for you!"

A smile of satisfaction spread across Ye Tian's face.

Truth be told, with or without the Chiang family's assistance, Ye Tian was determined to get to the bottom of the matter!

But as the old adage goes, having an extra friend means having an extra path. Who knows when they might come in handy?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission: Chiang Peng's Request. Reward: 800,000 Dragon Coins; one parenting manual."

The system notification rang out abruptly, startling Ye Tian.

He had finally gotten a handle on this unpredictable system!

These hidden missions came without warning or announcement, only revealing their rewards upon completion.

It was like those blind boxes sold for a few yuan outside the school gates.

You never know what's coming next.

Sensing Ye Tian's thoughts, the system "kindly" chimed in with a reminder: "Note: Different storylines and characters can trigger hidden mission rewards."

This meant that there wasn't just one hidden mission; there were many others included.

That was all well and good, but... what in the world was this parenting manual for?

With the system's prompt, Ye Tian suddenly remembered the five children left at the hotel and Su Qingcheng, who was caring for them.

"If you need anything, find a way to contact me later! I've got something to take care of right now, goodbye."

Imagining Su Qingcheng struggling to manage the five children, Ye Tian involuntarily quickened his pace.

My dearest little ones, just wait for me to return!


"Wah, wah!"

"Baby, be patient, I'll feed your sister first and then I'll come to change your diaper!"

"There, there, don't cry. Mommy's going to dress you up!"

Su Qingcheng was single-handedly managing the five children, visibly struggling but remaining incredibly focused.

A wave of warmth swept through Ye Tian as he pushed open the door and strode over to Su Qingcheng's side.

"You've been doing so much. Let me take over from here!"

With practiced ease, Ye Tian took the diaper from Su Qingcheng and swiftly attended to the needs of the five little ones.

His experience had grown significantly over the past few days, and now handling all five children on his own was no longer an issue.

Watching Ye Tian bustling about, Su Qingcheng's eyes betrayed a flicker of complexity.

The more diligent Ye Tian was, the harder it became for her to speak up.

"Ye Tian, I..."

"Never mind, it's okay. What are you in the mood for? I can order takeout or whip something up for you."

Su Qingcheng wore her heart on her sleeve, unable to conceal her emotions. Ye Tian almost instantly recognized her hesitance.

"Speak your mind," Ye Tian urged, thumping his chest with conviction. "Whatever happens, you have my unconditional support."

"I'll make up for the suffering you've endured over these years."

His words shattered the last of Su Qingcheng's reservations. Indeed, he was the father of her child. What did she have to be timid about?

"I... I want to venture into business in the neighboring city."

The words seemed to drain all of Su Qingcheng's energy as they locked eyes. Ye Tian's piercing gaze seemed to see right through her.

The silence lingered, and Su Qingcheng's confidence waned.

"Is it not possible? I know it's a bold request, so if you..."

"Of course it's possible! How could it not be? I wholeheartedly support you!"

Ye Tian's voice rose with enthusiasm, his eyes shining with an intensity she had never seen before.

Jinling is no small pond, and Su Qingcheng was destined to spread her wings and soar.

How could Ye Tian not be willing to help her take flight?

Stunned by Ye Tian's fervent reaction, Su Qingcheng paused. She had anticipated many scenarios, but never this one.

Did this man truly have no temper?

Unaware of Su Qingcheng's inner turmoil, Ye Tian rambled on, eventually presenting her with a card.

"You'll need funds for your business venture, right? Here's a card with ten million yuan. It's yours."

"Take it and invest. Go for it!"

"No!" Su Qingcheng instantly refused, "That's the Ye family's money. If I earn a profit later, how will we settle it?"

Truth be told, her resolve to work stemmed from the stark disparity between their statuses.

If I accepted his money, how would I handle the situation afterward?

"No, this is the money I earned for treating Chiang Peng; it's part of our marital assets."

"If you win, I'll travel with you to see the world's wonders. If you lose, I'll be by your side as you make a comeback."

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