Dad Aims For The Sky/C13 The Moving Ceremony
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C13 The Moving Ceremony
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C13 The Moving Ceremony

Hearing Ye Tian's heartfelt words and seeing the resolve in his eyes, Su Qingcheng felt a tremor in her heart. She was moved, feeling waves of emotion that continued to shake her from within.

A captivating smile spread across her lips as she gently nodded and accepted the card from Ye Tian's hand.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden quest. For assisting Su Qingcheng in unlocking the path to business success, you are rewarded with a Bone Ablutionary Pill."

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing three quests. This has triggered an upgrade to the wheel."

Ye Tian was filled with confusion. The wheel could be upgraded? If the wheel was upgraded, did that mean the rewards were also enhanced? This would surely increase his odds of drawing something valuable.

The thought brought even more joy to Ye Tian. He eagerly inspected the compass and noticed that it had changed color. Previously, gold was the most esteemed color on the compass, and the items associated with it were the most valuable. But now, there was a new, impressive red.

The vibrant red seemed to signify a status even higher than gold, and Ye Tian couldn't help but stare at it, his eyes wide and unblinking.

"Goodness gracious, if I manage to draw this red, won't I be set for life?"

A very telling gulp could be heard, causing Su Qingcheng, who stood beside him, to flush with embarrassment. She suspected that Ye Tian's mind was occupied with less than noble thoughts.

This thought sparked a surge of irritation within her, and a flicker of anger flashed in her eyes, though she managed to keep it under control.

"Ding dong... Ding dong..."

The sound snapped Ye Tian out of his reverie, and he became curious about who could be delivering an item at this time of day.

Opening the door, Ye Tian was greeted by the sight of the delivery men, ready to bring in the dolls. The man in the suit greeted Ye Tian with a polite smile.

"Mr. Ye, hello. It's a pleasure to serve you. We have many complimentary items for you that are sure to satisfy."

Ye Tian paused, then nodded and responded softly, "Alright, please bring the items in and then you may leave."

After all, he was with his wife, and Ye Tian had no desire for outsiders to intrude upon their private life, which explained his haste in this moment.

Everyone present clearly grasped the significance of the words spoken, and their movements became more agile as a result.

In no time at all, everything was completed, and they quickly dispersed. Su Qingcheng, with a look of curiosity, eyed the gift in Ye Tian's hands.

"Ye Tian, go ahead and open it. Let's see what's inside," she urged.

Ye Tian nodded, unable to contain his curiosity. He was eager to discover what the item was.

Upon opening it, he was surprised to find a silicone parenting tool, complete with a manual that clearly stated it was an imported product, essential for weaning.

The discovery only heightened Ye Tian's curiosity. After all, such a weaning aid could be incredibly useful, offering numerous benefits for feeding a child post-breastfeeding.

He proceeded to unwrap the package and found a silicone breast simulator inside. Ye Tian was taken aback. Were people really so forward nowadays, to give such a thing so openly?

Nevertheless, he gave it a couple of squeezes and immediately felt a soft sensation in his hands, which made his eyes sparkle.

He couldn't help but exclaim to himself, "Wow, this is actually quite impressive!"

However, his loud exclamation allowed Su Qingcheng, who was standing nearby, to hear everything clearly.

Her face flushed with anger, and she glared at Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, you're despicable! How could you... How can you be like this?" she exclaimed.

Seeing her flushed and angry face, Ye Tian realized he had to explain quickly.

"Qingcheng, think about it. You can't possibly feed five children on your own. Once they're weaned, it'll be much easier for us to care for them together, right?" he reasoned.

"Plus, you're aware that you'll be leaving soon to pursue your own endeavors. When you do, I'll be the one here looking after the children by myself."

"If that happens, won't things get even more complicated? So, you see, this item is definitely a good thing!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Qingcheng conceded that there was some logic to his words. She felt even more at a loss for words, sensing that she had somehow been duped by Ye Tian, yet unable to pinpoint exactly where the fault lay.

At that moment, Ye Tian noticed that Su Qingcheng was no longer angry, and he finally allowed himself a small sigh of relief.

It meant, at least, that he had dodged a bullet. But just as he started to relax, his phone suddenly rang.

"Mr. Ye, this is the moving company. We're about to arrive at the address you provided. Are you all set?"

Ye Tian paused, momentarily taken aback, then remembered that today was the scheduled time to move his belongings from his old room.

He quickly ushered Su Qingcheng into his car and sped off toward his former residence. Su Qingcheng, meanwhile, gave Ye Tian a puzzled look.

"Ye Tian, judging by your current state, you seem to be quite wealthy. Why bother with the old stuff? Those items really aren't worth much anymore."

Ye Tian, standing before her, didn't share Su Qingcheng's view. This time, he even let a trace of annoyance show.

"Hmph, Qingcheng, we may be well-off now, but we still need to be frugal. Don't forget, that landlady charged me sixty thousand yuan, a whole thirty thousand more than she should have!"

"That's why I can't let her get the better of me. You know that as well as I do, so we're not leaving anything behind. We'll take everything we can."

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