Dad Aims For The Sky/C17 Becoming Bold
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C17 Becoming Bold
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C17 Becoming Bold

If Ye Tian truly possessed such a skill, he would have already lost his temper with me, and certainly wouldn't be dressed in such ragged clothes.

The overweight man settled himself onto a stool, a cold sneer forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Alright, Ye Tian, I didn't expect you to still be playing for time. But I've got all the time in the world today. Let's see how long you can keep this up."

With that, he began to rhythmically tap his thighs, his eyes brimming with scorn.

He seemed utterly indifferent to everything before him, as if he believed himself to be the supreme being in the world, the most powerful of all.

This belief only served to inflate his arrogance, giving him an air of someone who truly believed in his own might.

Ye Tian, witnessing this display, couldn't help but let out a sneer of his own, choosing to ignore the man before him.

It wasn't long before another man burst through the door, gasping for breath and looking frantic with worry.

He feared his tardiness might lead to trouble, and it was clear he had sprinted here as fast as he could.

Chiang Peng, having rushed in, seemed not to recognize Ye Tian, who was quietly going about his business in the room.

His gaze then shifted to the fat man at the door, who was tapping his thighs and looking smug. The scene unfolding before him made Chiang Peng's face turn sour.

He had never imagined someone would dare to challenge his newly acknowledged boss. To him, picking a fight with his boss was akin to signing one's own death warrant.

He sauntered over to the fat man, his eyes cold and mocking.

"Kid, what are you doing here all of a sudden? Don't you realize this is where my boss hangs out?"

It was only then that the fat man became aware of Chiang Peng's approach. He was about to react angrily when...

He suddenly recognized the man before him. Could it be someone he knew?

With this thought, he regarded Chiang Peng with a newfound wariness.

"Excuse me... may I ask your name, sir?"

Upon hearing the remark, Chiang Peng's smirk deepened. The audacity of this man to mention his name was almost laughable. How could anyone of ordinary standing possibly know his name? Yet, he was now curious to see what sort of tricks this fellow could pull.

"Chiang Peng."

The realization that he was in the presence of Ye Tian's subordinate made the overweight man gulp, his eyes betraying a sudden surge of fear. He was no stranger to the name Chiang Peng; it carried weight and commanded respect. The name was etched in his memory, a reminder of the hierarchy and his own vulnerability. If Chiang Peng wished to make his life difficult, it would be effortless.

With this thought, the man's face grew even paler, and he swallowed hard, a bitter smile creeping across his lips.

"President Chiang, may I ask what brings you here so unexpectedly?"

Standing to the side, Wang Lili inwardly panicked at the fat man's demeanor. It was clear to her that the newcomer held a higher rank than her corpulent companion.

Chiang Peng, however, was not in the best of spirits. He hadn't anticipated someone bold enough to trouble his boss. His gaze had previously been one of curiosity towards Ye Tian, but now it was filled with an intense interest.

"Mr. Ye Tian, please advise on our next move. Whatever your strategy for dealing with these individuals, I'll follow your lead."

Ye Tian's eyes reflected deep thought as he considered the situation. "Alright, handle this matter in the appropriate manner. But I don't want to see him around."

"The specifics of how you manage this are entirely your decision; it's beyond my scope of concern."

With that, Ye Tian allowed himself a slight, satisfied smile, clearly in a pleasant mood. Chiang Peng, however, couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, leaving him with a nagging sense of disquiet.

He gave the overweight man a pat on the shoulder and let out a wry smile. "Alright, listen up. I'm going to use the system to get a handle on your current operations and hit you where it hurts—your wallet and assets."

"Starting today, you're going to find every little thing you do to be an uphill battle. Think carefully about your next moves. If you think you can mess with my boss and get away with it, think again. You won't like the consequences."

Chiang Peng didn't waste any time. He dialed a number and spoke deliberately, "I need a full background check on this guy next to me. Strip him of any titles he holds. If he owns a company, drive it into bankruptcy."

"We'll spare no expense to teach this man a lesson about our strength."

The overweight man was visibly shaken, his forehead beaded with sweat as the gravity of the situation sank in. Overwhelmed, he dropped to his knees, his eyes brimming with desperation.

"Big brother... I realize my mistake now. I'm begging for your mercy..."

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