Dad Aims For The Sky/C19 Call Your Mother
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C19 Call Your Mother
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C19 Call Your Mother

His eyes couldn't help but flicker with uncertainty. Though the idea of being called "Dad" was a bit daunting, he recalled that children typically start by calling out for "Mom."

With this realization, a sense of opportunity stirred within him. If he could teach them to say "Mom," then guiding them to say "Dad" later on should be a breeze.

With a newfound resolve, he embraced Su Qingcheng, who stood by his side.

"Come on, call me 'Mommy'..."

Su Qingcheng, witnessing Ye Tian's anxious demeanor, struggled to suppress a fit of laughter.

Who teaches a child like this? It seemed more like a joke than anything else.

She sauntered over and poured a glass of water, handing it to Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, I know you're just trying to make me happy," she said. "I must admit, I'm quite satisfied seeing you like this. The child will grow up and surely call us 'Daddy' and 'Mommy' in time."

Ye Tian felt a pang in his heart. He hadn't anticipated how challenging it would be to hear those precious words from his child, and frustration simmered within him.

Was the system playing tricks on him, assigning an impossible task just for amusement?

Fueled by this thought, he glared at the five children before him.

"Quick, call me 'Daddy' or 'Mommy,' or else I'll have to scold you!"

The children, having never seen this side of Ye Tian, were visibly frightened, their movements coming to a standstill.

Seeing their reaction, Ye Tian's spirits lifted. Perhaps this firm approach would finally coax the words from them. He watched them intently, eyes wide with anticipation.

But to his dismay, the children burst into tears.

"Ding... Baby's mood detected as extremely low. Cute Baby Point -100... Cute Baby Point -100…"

When Ye Tian heard the system's warning, he felt a sudden urge to vomit blood, as he hadn't anticipated such a rapid decrease.

If only he had known, he wouldn't have scared them. With that thought, he quickly scooped them up, one after another, to comfort them.


Su Qingcheng stood to the side, watching Ye Tian's frantic attempts to soothe the kids, and couldn't help but let a smile slip through.

"Haha... Ye Tian, that's what you get for teasing them. Now, let's see how you manage to calm them down."

But after embracing them, Ye Tian noticed a significant improvement in the moods of these playful little ones.

He was delighted and, with a slight twinkle in his eye, realized that these little rascals wouldn't respond to force.

He would have to be patient. What bizarre tasks the system was assigning!

Ye Tian couldn't help but smile wryly to himself, though he also knew that more challenges were likely on the horizon.

He played some soothing music on his phone and handed out toys to the five little ones before him.

Blinking behind his adorable glasses, Ye Tian's voice slowed down considerably.

"Come on... say... Daddy... Mom... Mommy..."

Ye Tian was visibly anxious, his forehead beaded with sweat, clearly nervous about the task at hand.

This gave Su Qingcheng, standing by his side, a warm sense of home, and her expression softened beautifully in that moment.

She cherished this attitude; it brought her inner peace and joy.

Moreover, she loved witnessing such moments, which filled her with a sense of familial warmth from start to finish.

With these thoughts, she couldn't help but smile gently, her demeanor turning exceptionally earnest.

Finally, Su Qingcheng chuckled softly and said, "Okay, Ye Tian, there's no need to stress the kids out. They're not quite ready to talk yet. Isn't this a bit too much for them?"

"Besides, they can call you daddy and mommy when they're a bit older."

Upon hearing this, Ye Tian clenched his teeth, a touch of reluctance stirring within him.

If he truly faced failure like this, he simply couldn't come to terms with the outcome. At this moment, a tremendous pressure weighed on his heart.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly pleaded, "Little ones, look into my sorrowful eyes. Please, call me daddy and mommy."

The five cute babies blinked their large eyes, seemingly oblivious to his words.

Left with no alternative, a wry smile crept across his face as he braced for the mission's apparent doom.

Then, the largest cute baby began to speak in a slow drawl, "Mom… Mom…"

Inspired by their sibling, the rest of the cute babies followed suit, each one calling out "Mommy."

Su Qingcheng, standing nearby, was agape with astonishment, her eyes brimming with incredulity as if the thought had never crossed her mind.

To her amazement, they were actually saying "Mommy." Tears welled up in Su Qingcheng's eyes, the overwhelming desire to weep taking hold. She had never imagined that the five children before her would truly call out "Mommy"... It was like a long-cherished dream finally coming true.

Without hesitation, she wrapped her arms around Ye Tian, her eyes still radiating disbelief.

"Ye Tian, did you hear that? These little ones just called me Mommy. They can actually speak and call me Mommy," she exclaimed.

Ye Tian nodded, swallowing hard, equally taken aback by the turn of events.

He had never really embraced Su Qingcheng before, but now, in this moment, they were holding each other close.

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