Dad Aims For The Sky/C2 I Can't Lose You
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C2 I Can't Lose You
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C2 I Can't Lose You


Ye Tian was taken aback.

He hastily fished in his pocket and a car key materialized in his hand.

Was it really a car key?

Ye Tian was dumbfounded.

"I...? I get a Lamborghini just for soothing my own kid?"

Su Qingcheng was at the side, busy changing her brother's diaper, and noticed Ye Tian frozen in place, staring at her brother.

Her brother, meanwhile, was giggling incessantly, irresistibly adorable.

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng felt a twinge of annoyance.

"Now he's all about how cute his kid is!"

Eventually, Ye Tian snapped out of his astonishment.

Simultaneously, a significant decision took root in his heart!

Ye Tian realized that fate was on his side!

"Even though I, Ye Tian, have fallen on hard times, I can rise again."

Gazing at the five little ones on the bed, he saw a new beginning for himself.

He resolved that from now on, he would spare them from enduring any more hardships.

"If fortune favors me, what about the past?"

"I'll reclaim every bit of my lost dignity!"

Armed with the God Level Babysitting System, turning the tide was within reach.

Ye Tian clenched his fists, swearing a silent, fierce oath.

Coming to his senses, Ye Tian's face was etched with remorse as he looked once more at Su Qingcheng's beautiful and captivating visage.

Ye Tian found himself at a loss for words, overwhelmed with guilt.

"Qingcheng, I...!"

"About what happened before...!"

"I'm sorry!"

Those were the three words Ye Tian finally managed to utter.

Su Qingcheng, upon hearing this, merely bit her red lip. Was all she got in the end just an apology?

She couldn't help but smirk at the irony.

"So, I'm still lacking in allure?"

"After five kids, you're still not ready to look back?"

Despite feeling disheartened, Su Qingcheng maintained her composure.

Her offhand remark was laced with a chill.

"It's okay. You've done me a big favor today."

"You should leave."

Ye Tian's heart skipped a beat.


It took him a moment to grasp the reality.


It would be difficult for them, the mother and six children, to accept him—the husband and father who had vanished for a year—right away.

They deserved some time.

Taking a moment to consider, Ye Tian finally gave a nod.

His smile was forced.


"I'll make sure to visit the five little ones often!"

Though Ye Tian was reluctant to leave, he expressed his sentiment cheerfully.

As he was about to leave the room, he looked back repeatedly, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I won't see you out!"

Su Qingcheng's voice was cold and proud, as if she was holding back her frustration. She stood up to clean up the trash.

But just as Ye Tian reached the door, it was unclear whether the second child was too sad to part with his father or something else.


The child's heartbreaking cry echoed through the room.

In an instant, the other four babies joined in with loud wails.

Ye Tian and Su Qingcheng's faces turned pale as they hurried back to soothe their children.

"There, there, baby. Mommy's here!"

"Don't cry, don't cry!"

"Daddy's here!"

"Don't cry!"


Su Qingcheng was frantic, picking up one child and setting down another, overwhelmed by the chaos.

Neither holding and comforting nor walking with them seemed to help.

The crying continued unabated!

For a moment, Su Qingcheng was exasperated by the cries of her five children, yet they were her darlings.

She couldn't bring herself to scold or punish them!

But the crying wouldn't stop!

She was at a loss for what to do.

"Baby, what's wrong? Mommy's here," she said, soothing each child gently, her heart aching as she watched their tearful faces.

She couldn't help but feel her own eyes moisten with tears.

However, as Ye Tian was holding the second child, whose cries were the loudest, a thought suddenly struck him.

[Host's Mission: Feed the child]

Ye Tian paused, then quickly realized what was needed.

"The child must be hungry!" he exclaimed.

He passed the second child over.

"Why don't you try feeding the child?"

The suggestion of feeding made Su Qingcheng's cheeks flush with an unexplained embarrassment.

After all, Ye Tian and she had shared just one night together.

Ye Tian gazed at Su Qingcheng, whose face was flushed with a mix of crimson and lavender hues. His eyes involuntarily drifted downward to her chest, where her full, rounded curves were on proud display. She was truly a captivating presence!

Suddenly, Ye Tian swallowed hard, the sound audible in the quiet room. Su Qingcheng's cheeks burned even hotter at the noise. Internally, she branded him a scoundrel, feeling his heated gaze roaming over her body without restraint.

The tension in the air was palpable. Su Qingcheng, without saying much more, handed over the baby bottle, her words tinged with embarrassment and indignation. "The baby is the one who needs milk, not you!"

"Why are you still here?" she demanded. "Out!"

Her tone had softened somewhat, which Ye Tian noticed, feeling a warmth spread through him. Yet, he silently mused, "If the little ones can eat, why should their father miss out?"

Under Su Qingcheng's stern look, however, Ye Tian reluctantly accepted defeat and headed for the door. But just as he was about to leave, he spun around, only to find Su Qingcheng not as he had imagined. Instead, she was frantically searching for a baby bottle.

As Su Qingcheng prepared to mix the formula, she caught Ye Tian's unwavering gaze, which startled her. "Didn't I tell you to leave?" she asked, her voice sharp with annoyance.

Ye Tian, ever curious, inquired, "Aren't you supposed to be nursing the child? Why the need for formula?"

Su Qingcheng, now visibly irritated, retorted, "Do you think I'm a dairy cow? How can I possibly tend to five little ones?"

She handed him five small bottles and instructed, "Go to the living room. There's pure, warm water there. Mix the formula to the specified amount on the label!"

Ye Tian's eyebrows lifted in delight as he took the bottles and scampered off. Su Qingcheng's point was valid, after all. Five little ones! Each taking their turn could very well leave their mother drained.

The thought alone was unsettling! This selfish worry was, of course, Ye Tian's own. He'd rather shortchange the little ones than himself, but deep down, he knew that the formula on the market, though costly, offered nutrition comparable to breast milk.

Actually, the nutritional value of the expensive formula milk on the market is comparable to that of breast milk. As long as one is willing to invest, the little ones can thrive just as well!

In no time, Ye Tian had prepared the formula, checking the temperature until it was perfect. He soothed one of the fussy babies and handed them a bottle.

Meanwhile, Su Qingcheng headed to the living room to set up a crib for the baby's nap time.

As soon as Ye Tian offered the bottle, the little one seemed to sense something at their lips and latched on eagerly, their cries ceasing immediately as they sucked away contentedly.

At that moment, a voice echoed in Ye Tian's mind, "Congratulations, host, for completing the task. You have received a reward: 200,000 Dragon Coins x1."

Ye Tian was thrilled. "Money?" he thought.

Simultaneously, his phone buzzed with a vibration.

Pulling out his phone, Ye Tian saw the notification for the deposit of two hundred thousand Dragon Coins. He couldn't contain his excitement!

After feeding one baby, he quickly moved on to the next, bustling about non-stop.

As Ye Tian finished up, a dispute seemed to arise outside the door. The sound had been drowned out by the wails of the little ones, but now in the silence, it was audible.

"Miss Su, haven't you been behind on our rent for five months now?" a voice demanded.

"Don't push your luck! Today, you must pay up. Will you, or won't you?" another insisted.

"Get out!" came the harsh reply.

Hearing this, a shadow fell over Ye Tian's expression.

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