Dad Aims For The Sky/C21 The System Gifted Him a Doll
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C21 The System Gifted Him a Doll
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C21 The System Gifted Him a Doll

"Qingcheng, take a look at this little one in front of us. He's already calling out 'mommy' so naturally. Maybe it's time you taught him how to say 'daddy'?" Ye Tian said with a wistful look in his eyes.

Su Qingcheng couldn't suppress a burst of laughter when she saw the longing in Ye Tian's expression. She hadn't expected the little guy to show such a look of yearning.

This was a new experience for her, and a smile crept onto her face despite herself.

Finally, with an embarrassed chuckle, she replied, "Okay, I get what you're saying. Let's work together to teach them over the next while."

She then blinked rapidly, gazing with curiosity at the five cute babies before her.

"Come on, sweetie... look at this man here. He's your daddy. Say 'daddy.'"

Ye Tian eagerly nodded, adding, "Yes, my dear son, call me 'daddy'..."

The children just stared back with big eyes, still reluctant to utter a word.

Eventually, one of them spoke up hesitantly, "Mommy..."

At that, Ye Tian felt like he was going to explode with frustration. He had been so good to them, and yet they wouldn't even call him 'daddy.'

In that moment, he was at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng's eyes sparkled with an idea, and her face lit up with excitement.

"Ye Tian, if you really want them to call you 'daddy,' you're going to have to show some real effort," she teased.

"There's that song, 'In this world, only mommy is good.' Why not adapt it? I bet it would work wonders."

Ye Tian's forehead creased with lines of exasperation. Clearly, Su Qingcheng just wanted to hear him sing.

He thought she should just come out and say it if she wanted to hear a song. That would show some sincerity, wouldn't it? Why beat around the bush?

But now that she had suggested this idea, he didn't have much choice. It seemed like a solid plan, and there weren't any other options on the table.

They were acutely aware of the situation, and the thought alone brought involuntary smiles to their lips.

"Alright, Ye Tian, now that I've given you the method, the next move is up to you. If you pull it off, he might even call you 'daddy.'"

Upon hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. In plain terms, it was as if he'd dug his own grave.

He was at a complete loss for words, ultimately shaking his head in sheer helplessness.

With a look of innocence, he gazed at the five cute babies before him, a wry smile creeping across his face.

"My darlings, your daddy has made quite the sacrifice this time. Please don't let my hopes be in vain."

"In the world, there's no one like daddy... children with a daddy..."

The song ended shortly, but the five little ones seemed hooked, their big, curious eyes fixed on Ye Tian.

Su Qingcheng chuckled and said gently, "You really don't need to overthink it. If I'm not mistaken, these little ones just want to hear you sing."

"Just repeat the song a few times, and I'm sure they'll be overjoyed. So, go ahead and follow our suggestion."

"Besides, there's no one else around, so why not sing for us? We're all family here."

Ye Tian realized that he couldn't avoid this ordeal and that he likely had to sing.

"Oh, system, look at the extent of my sacrifice for this. Please don't let me down. I'm counting on a generous reward."

With that, he began to sing over and over again, the only strategy he could think of, which, frankly, was akin to a lullaby.

Yet, the five cute babies were showing remarkable improvement, their mouth movements changing as if they were trying to say 'daddy.'

Encouraged by this, Ye Tian sang with even more vigor, knowing that his efforts were finally paying off.

Time passed, and eventually, the five cute babies blinked their large eyes and slowly uttered, "Dad... Daddy..."

Upon hearing those five guys speak, a spark of cleverness couldn't help but ignite within me. This wasn't the pleasure of completing a task; it was the weight of fatherly duty.

This was my first time becoming a dad... So my heart was brimming with excitement, and I was caught between tears and laughter.

No one could truly know what was going through my mind, but from any perspective, it was obvious that I was in a particularly great mood.

"Ding... Congratulations, host, for completing the mission. You have earned a doll..."

At those words, Ye Tian's eyes blazed with fury, glaring at the system in front of him as if he could devour it.

He spoke through clenched teeth, "System! Don't you think you're going a bit too far? How can you utter such words? Isn't that excessive?"

"I've never encountered anyone as brazenly shameless as you. No matter how you look at it, the task I've completed was incredibly challenging, yet you reward me with just a doll?"

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