Dad Aims For The Sky/C3 Name the Child!
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C3 Name the Child!
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C3 Name the Child!

Ye Tian smiled as he soothed his baby, who had finally stopped crying.

"There's a good boy, no more tears!"

"Mommy's run into a bit of trouble, but hang tight, Daddy will be right back."

After setting down his well-behaved son, Ye Tian scattered a few plush toys for him to grab and chew on. Before leaving, he carefully placed an extra blanket around the child as a makeshift 'safety fortress' to prevent any tumbles off the bed.

The little ones seemed to take his words to heart, blinking their tiny eyes and offering a small smile.

"Ahba... Ahba..." they cooed, without a single tear.

"Aunt Wu, please understand... managing these kids alone is quite a challenge. Could you possibly give me a few more days? I promise to bring you the money as soon as I can. How does that sound?"

As Ye Tian stepped outside, he caught Su Qingcheng pleading meekly.

A stout woman blocked the doorway, her ample frame draped in a billowing floral dress. Her cheeks jiggled as she spoke, clearly agitated.

Hearing Su Qingcheng's plea, she bristled with irritation.

"A few more days? Why not ask for a few more years while you're at it?"

"What's the matter? Have those five little brats driven you to poverty?"

"No money? Ha! Then why on earth are you living in such a fancy house? Why not just move to the curb?"

The woman's biting words stung Su Qingcheng, who felt a deep discomfort. She was, after all, born into a noble family and was unaccustomed to such disrespect.

She was on the verge of snapping back!

But then her thoughts turned to her five children.

If she spoke out and they were evicted, what would become of them?

She couldn't bear the thought.

So, with a heavy heart, she crushed her pride and swallowed the pain.

Unable to come up with the money right away, she considered pleading with the landlord once more.

But before she could speak, a stern voice echoed from inside.

"What? You can't stay in this rundown place without money?"

"You can't raise kids without money?"

A cold shout interrupted the room, prompting Su Qingcheng and the landlord to turn their heads in unison. The landlord was taken aback to see someone from the inner room emerging to deliver takeout. Her gossiping instincts kicked in immediately.

She had always envied Su Qingcheng for her beauty, especially since Su Qingcheng was behind on her rent. This was the perfect opportunity to take a jab at her.

Wu Ju couldn't help but sneer when she heard Ye Tian's words. "Oh? I hadn't noticed. Keeping a man hidden away, are we?"

"Su Qingcheng, aren't you a mother of five? What lowly acts are you stooping to now?" Su Qingcheng's face instantly turned stone-cold at the accusation. Was she being accused of stealing a man?

"Sister Wu, I'd appreciate it if you spoke with some respect," Su Qingcheng said, her face frosty.

Wu Ju scoffed. "Respect? Are you not aware of your own actions? You want respect? Then cough up the rent you owe!"

Ye Tian just smiled. "You think others can't pay your measly rent?"

Wu Ju laughed mockingly. "Really? You think you, a mere delivery guy, can afford it?"

Ye Tian confidently inquired, "How much?"

Wu Ju replied with a snort and a look of disdain, "Exactly 50,000 yuan."

Without a word, Ye Tian pulled out a bank card from his pocket and tossed it casually. "Here."

"There's 60,000 yuan on it. The extra 10,000 is for you."

Wu Ju was taken aback at the mention of 60,000 yuan. "What, you think that's not enough? Or are you trying to squeeze more out of me?"

Ye Tian retorted.

Wu Ju could only scoff. "You say there's 60,000 yuan? A delivery guy like you, how much do you make in a year? Pretending to be so generous!"

Ye Tian didn't bother to engage further with the overweight landlord, giving her a cold glance. "I've paid you. If you keep making a scene, I won't hesitate to call the police."

At the mention of the police, Wu Ju's bluster deflated. If the card truly held 60,000 yuan, they were no longer in arrears with the rent. In fact, she was the one causing a commotion.

"Fine! If that money isn't there, you'll have me to answer to when I check this card and it's not 60,000 yuan!"

Wu Ju declared, twisting her hefty frame as she turned to leave.

After Ye Tian had handed over his salary card, which represented a year's worth of savings, a voice echoed in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for alleviating the mother's worries and creating a warm and complete home for the children. You have been awarded 5000000 Dragon Coins.]

[System Notification: Host, keep up the good work and safeguard the children!]

Ye Tian was momentarily taken aback by the announcement.

Another 5 million?

The reward was incredibly generous!

But before Ye Tian could even revel in his good fortune, he heard a voice.

"Ye Tian! You...!"

Su Qingcheng gripped Ye Tian, concern etched in her beautiful eyes.

"Did you just give away an entire year's salary?"

She pressed for an answer.

Before Ye Tian could respond, Su Qingcheng continued urgently.

"Have you lost your mind? She demanded 50,000, and you just complied? The rent was only supposed to be 30,000, and you've overpaid by another 30,000!"

Ye Tian was momentarily dumbfounded.


"That cheap?"

Su Qingcheng was visibly frustrated.

At this moment, he still thought it was a bargain?

60,000 yuan!

That was two months' worth of expenses for his five children!

Yet, Su Qingcheng bit back any complaints.

She pondered how he had silently borne the loss for her and the children, and her heart swelled with emotion.

Simultaneously, she felt a twinge of guilt.

"I'm sorry! This situation arose because of me. I'll pay you back this money later!"

Ye Tian was taken aback.

Seeing her somewhat flustered, she resembled a child.

Ye Tian's heart softened with compassion.

The once noble lady was now fretting over money.

He reached out and took her hand. As his warm hand enveloped hers, Su Qingcheng's body shivered slightly.

But she did not pull away.

Instead, her heart fluttered wildly.

"What silly talk is that? Isn't what's yours also mine, and mine yours?"

"Besides, it's only 60,000 yuan. It's really not a significant amount!"

When the topic of money resurfaced, Su Qingcheng was astonished by Ye Tian's nonchalant attitude.

However, she quickly regained her composure.

"Cut the bull!"

Ye Tian was in an awkward spot, about to offer an explanation, when a squeaking noise suddenly emanated from the room.

Realizing what it meant, both of them dashed into the room.

At that moment, a voice echoed in Ye Tian's head.

[User Mission: Name the child.]

[System Notification: The user has completed three missions. Upon completing this mission, the user will be granted one spin on the prize wheel!]

[Note: The system will assess the significance of the name chosen, which could trigger additional rewards!]

What shall the name be?

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