Dad Aims For The Sky/C4 What Are You Staring Blankly For?
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C4 What Are You Staring Blankly For?
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C4 What Are You Staring Blankly For?

Upon hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but be taken aback.


The child was already a year old and still without a name?

Once inside the house, Su Qingcheng discovered that one cute baby had rolled over onto another.

The cute baby underneath was flailing his little hands, but he lacked the strength to push off his older or younger brother who was on top.

By chance, the baby on top had stuck his toes into the mouth of the one below.

And just like that, the baby below suckled as if nursing.

Non-stop sucking!

Seeing this, Su Qingcheng felt a mix of amusement and irritation.

"Laosan! Look how you're squashing the fourth one!"

Ye Tian, unable to contain his laughter, stepped forward to lend a hand.

He was curious, though. These five babies looked so similar.

But if the system indicated they were unnamed,

Then surely, they were unnamed!

The question was, how did Su Qingcheng, their mother, manage to tell her sons apart? Who was the eldest and who was the second?

Ye Tian couldn't resist asking.

"Qingcheng? Our babies all look so alike. You haven't named them yet, have you?"

Su Qingcheng's expression stalled for a moment, as if a secret had been uncovered.


She quickly admitted, "No, I haven't!"

"Then how can you tell who's the eldest and who's the second when all five look as though they were cut from the same cloth?"

Ye Tian was equally curious.

"Look at their necks! They each have a name tag!"

Intrigued, Ye Tian picked up a cute baby and indeed, there was a red string around the baby's delicate neck.

"Ahba... Ahba!"

The cute baby blinked his large eyes and reached out to grab at Ye Tian's face.

Ye Tian squinted, soothing the baby while he examined the name tag on the red string.

He hadn't realized until he looked closer.

It was a moment that left Ye Tian torn between laughter and tears!

"So you're Laowu, my little one!"

It turned out that Su Qingcheng had resorted to numbering her children to keep track of who was the eldest and who was the second.

Ye Tian struggled to suppress his chuckles on the sidelines.

Su Qingcheng rolled her eyes and huffed, feigning annoyance as she spoke.

"These five little rascals look so alike; it's your fault for having such strong genes! Sometimes even their mother can't tell them apart! Without numbers, how am I supposed to recognize them?"

"Even with names, it's not like these five little wolves will remember who they are."


"And besides... shouldn't their father be the one naming them?"

Her voice was a whisper, barely audible.

As she finished, her cheeks flushed red, seemingly drawing her closer to Ye Tian in that moment.

Ye Tian felt a warmth in his heart at her words and smiled back.

"Alright, if it's up to the father, then I'll take on the task!"

He then pondered deeply. The system had mentioned that it would award extra bonuses based on the quality of the names.

Ye Tian certainly didn't want to miss out on that reward!

Moreover, completing this mission would trigger a roulette reward.

He was eager to find out what that roulette reward would be.

As he contemplated, an idea struck him.

"Since the names should be meaningful?"

Suddenly, inspiration struck Ye Tian!

That's it!

"The poem from 'Birdsong Brook' goes: 'Idle in the fragrance of osmanthus, the quiet night empties the spring mountain. The moon startles the mountain bird, which sings at times in the spring brook.'"

"The eldest shall be Ye Ming, the second Ye Xian, the third Ye Kong, the fourth Ye Shan, and the youngest Ye Chun."

"What do you think?"

Ye Tian looked at Su Qingcheng, his face alight with joy.

The cute babies on the bed blinked up at Ye Tian, their eyes shining with innocence. They giggled and babbled to themselves as if they understood they were being named.

Su Qingcheng listened, her frown melting into a smile. She wasn't entirely pleased with the names.

However, since they were inspired by 'Birdsong Brook,' they must hold some significance for Ye Tian.

"They're quite nice!" Su Qingcheng nodded in approval.

Simultaneously, a voice rang out in Ye Tian's mind.

"Congratulations, Host! Mission accomplished! The system has determined that the naming is of above-average quality, awarding an extra bonus!"

"Reward: A seaside villa in Hang City, plus 10,000,000 Dragon Coins. Note: The property deed and keys have been dispatched to the host's inventory, please claim them at your convenience!"

[Three system missions have been completed. Would you like to initiate the roulette lottery?]

Ye Tian heard the mechanical yet familiar voice echo in his mind.

He was overjoyed!

His phone vibrated shortly after, confirming that the reward money had been deposited into his account.

He checked the amount.

Ten million!

It was ten million this time!

Ye Tian was thrilled beyond measure.

However, while Ye Tian was still reveling in his excitement, the voice in his head spoke again.

[Three system missions have been completed. Would you like to initiate the roulette lottery?]

It was then that Ye Tian remembered he had triggered the system's roulette lottery mechanism.

He managed to quell the surge of excitement within him.


Without hesitation, Ye Tian blurted out the command.

[Initiating beginner roulette lottery...]

In no time, something resembling a wheel materialized in Ye Tian's consciousness.

The wheel was small, about the size of a washbasin, with roughly twelve segments and a pointer at the center, much like the roulette lotteries in real life.

But there was a distinction; each segment contained an icon.

"The icons must signify the prizes, right?" Ye Tian mused to himself.

He also noticed that the icons were of different colors—white, blue, purple, and gold!

"So, each color represents a different quality of item?"

"There's only one gold icon! That means the gold icon is the rarest item on the wheel!"

With the wheel's secrets revealed, Ye Tian impulsively spun the pointer with his mind.

The pointer whirred into motion, and as Ye Tian watched intently, it finally came to rest on a purple icon.

A tinge of disappointment washed over him.

"It's not gold?"

But purple was still good.

He focused his consciousness and saw that the icon resembled a box of silver needles.

The voice in his head soon spoke again.

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring twenty years of acupuncture medical skill inheritance! Please proceed to the warehouse to claim it!]

"An inheritance of medical skills?"

"Holy shit!"

Ye Tian was astounded.

"Twenty years of acupuncture skills?"

"What does that mean?"

Ye Tian was acutely aware of the significance of two decades' worth of acupuncture skills.

Especially since he was the eldest son of the Tianhai Ye family. What stature did the Ye family hold?

Their expertise in medicine was considered among the highest echelons in Dragon Country!

He understood that.

Twenty years of practicing acupuncture could place one on par with the top medical professionals!

In fact, it was even possible to challenge some of the mid-level members of the Ye family!

"This is truly defying the natural order!"

Ye Tian exclaimed in amazement.

While Ye Tian was lost in his astonishment and elation,

"Ye Tian? Ye Tian?!"

He suddenly heard his name being called.

Ye Tian quickly snapped out of his reverie and noticed Su Qingcheng giving him a peculiar look.

"What's got you so distracted?"

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