Dad Aims For The Sky/C5 Buying All the Toys
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C5 Buying All the Toys
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C5 Buying All the Toys

Ye Tian paused, caught off guard, then offered an awkward smile to lighten the mood.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something!"

Su Qingcheng's gaze was tinged with confusion as she studied him for a moment before she let it go.

"Alright then! I was actually thinking of buying some clothes for the five babies. Shall we head to Long Chen International?"

"We can just grab a taxi!"

Su Qingcheng suggested, her voice hinting at compromise.

Long Chen International wasn't exactly upscale, but it wasn't cheap either, and Ye Tian was just a delivery guy...

But Ye Tian's response was decisive.

"Roger that!"

He even stood up straight, cradling his son, and gave Su Qingcheng a crisp military salute.

She was momentarily taken aback by his gesture.

And then...

She couldn't help but giggle, her eyes sparkling with amusement at his earnest nonsense.

However, Ye Tian quickly set the cute baby back on the bed.

He fondled the car keys in his hand and flashed a secretive smile.

"So, you'll wait for me...?"

"Hey, where are you off to?"

Before Su Qingcheng could call out to him, Ye Tian had dashed out the door.

Without further ado, Su Qingcheng began organizing the essentials for the five babies, preparing for their outing.

In no time at all!

She finished packing and placed the five babies in their custom baby stroller.

The little ones seemed excited about the adventure, blinking their tiny eyes in anticipation.

As Su Qingcheng wheeled the five babies to the front door...


The Lamborghini roared like a wild beast.

A purple luxury car approached.

Ye Tian emerged from the vehicle.

Upon recognizing him, Su Qingcheng was taken aback.


Ye Tian grinned, took the five babies from her arms, lifted one, and planted a kiss on Su Qingcheng's cheek.


Her face flushed a deep shade of pink, as if time stood still for a brief moment.

"Ahba... Ahba... Ahaha!"

Inside the stroller, the five babies clapped and cheered for their parents.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Ye Tian urged.

Snapping out of her daze, Su Qingcheng's blush deepened as she spoke shyly.

"You can't do that next time, not in front of the children!"

Hearing her words, Ye Tian felt their relationship was a mix of comfortable familiarity and the thrill of new love.

The sensation was both marvelous and heartwarming!

Ye Tian couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"Five little rascals? Their teeth haven't even come in yet! What could they possibly understand?"

He turned, lifted a cute baby high into the air, and playfully inquired,

"Son, did you see anything?"

"Did you see?"

The cute baby in his arms just laughed merrily.

Another cute baby in the stroller joined in with cheerful babbling.

For a moment, Su Qingcheng was at a loss for words to describe the feeling.

It was a feeling so intoxicating, it was hard not to get hooked.

Yet the harsh truth remained—he had once abandoned her!

No, this wouldn't do!

Su Qingcheng felt torn. She intended to keep her distance from Ye Tian since their relationship was primarily held together by the bond with their five children.

But finding the right balance of distance was proving to be a challenge.

Once in the car, the Lamborghini's engine roared to life.

The vehicle didn't speed off but instead began to move smoothly—considering the five babies on board, a gentle start was necessary.

She had to be mindful of her five adorable little ones' comfort!

Inside the car,

Su Qingcheng cradled the five babies, who were exceptionally serene. Some dozed off peacefully, while others blinked curiously at the world beyond the windshield.

Su Qingcheng bombarded Ye Tian with a barrage of questions.

Like how he alternated between riding a modest electric scooter and driving a luxurious Lamborghini.

What, then, was Ye Tian's true profession?

"You're not going to tell me you deliver food in a Lamborghini, are you?" she asked, her large eyes searching his face for the truth.

Ye Tian had anticipated this line of questioning.

Yet, he found himself momentarily at a loss for a plausible excuse.

He had to be frank.

"I am the eldest son of the Ye family."

It seemed he had no choice but to invoke the Ye family name as a shield.

It was, after all, the only explanation that made sense.

The Ye family?

Upon hearing "Ye family," Ye Tian could distinctly see a shift in Su Qingcheng's demeanor.

"The Ye family from Tianhai City?"

Su Qingcheng appeared visibly moved by the notion of her husband belonging to such an illustrious clan.

Ye Tian nodded, albeit reluctantly.

He really didn't like using the Ye family as a defense.

"There are some things I'll need to explain to you later, but for now, just know that!"

"From now on, I won't let you suffer any more hardships!"

Ye Tian reached out and firmly grasped Su Qingcheng's trembling hand. Whether it was from excitement or something else, her hand shook slightly.

But soon, she withdrew it.

At Tianchen International, the arrival of the purple Lamborghini caused a sensation, drawing all eyes like a tidal wave.

A Lamborghini alone was enough to turn heads, but the sight of Ye Tian opening the door and Su Qingcheng stepping out with the five adorable babies in tow was truly show-stopping.

Su Qingcheng blushed slightly at first, while Ye Tian was a different story.

He proudly settled the five cute babies into their stroller and then confidently wheeled them into the mall.

Their endearing cuteness captivated everyone they passed.

Onlookers couldn't help but gaze with envy and longing.

Ye Tian strutted through the mall with the pride of a straight-A student, while Su Qingcheng followed, feeling both amused and touched.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in Ye Tian's head:

[System Mission: Purchase every toy in the mall for the children.]

Ye Tian chuckled to himself.

"I would have done that even without you telling me!"

Su Qingcheng then took the lead, guiding Ye Tian into a children's store with practiced ease.

"Baby, Mommy and your big brother are going to pick out clothes for you!"

"Don't cry or fuss! Stay with Dad in the mall and be good!"

She gently spoke to each of the cute babies, giving them a kiss.

Then she turned to Ye Tian with further instructions.

"You're in charge of the other four little ones!"

Ye Tian accepted the task without hesitation.

"Don't worry, my dear! I've got this!"

Su Qingcheng gave him a playful look.

"Who's your dear?"

She had opted not to bring all five children because the oversized stroller was impractical.

Besides, the five brothers were quite similar, so buying five of the same outfit would suffice.

Ye Tian was left with the task of shopping for the other four, which suited Su Qingcheng just fine—it was part of her plan to nurture his role as a doting dad.

How could the father of five children not keep himself in shape?

Even though she was doing her utmost to keep her relationship with Ye Tian in check.

But no sooner had Su Qingcheng stepped into the shopping mall than Ye Tian spotted a children's toy store and took off!

Then, a familiar voice rang out.

"Hey there! Sister Qingcheng!"

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