Dad Aims For The Sky/C8 If You Touch Me You will Die!!
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Dad Aims For The Sky/C8 If You Touch Me You will Die!!
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C8 If You Touch Me You will Die!!

As the system indicated, if he could just cheer up those little rascals, his cute baby's Happy Point would be secured.

What a great feeling!

Ye Tian was so thrilled he nearly burst into applause. He adored those little ones; making them happy was a cinch for him.

But Ye Tian's joy was short-lived as reality gave him a rude awakening.

"Ding! Detected that eldest baby Ye Ming's disappointment value has increased. Cute baby's Happy Point has decreased by 100."

"Ding! Detected that cute baby Ye Xian's Happy Point has decreased by 100."

These alerts reverberated in Ye Tian's head, causing his eyelids to twitch in alarm. What was happening? Weren't the kids with Su Qingcheng at the mall? What could have gone wrong?

A sense of urgency gripped Ye Tian as he scoured the mall. Eventually, he found Su Qingcheng cornered, her expression one of guarded concern, with a menacing couple confronting her.

"So, you're the one who bullied my girlfriend? Don't you know she belongs to me, Chiang Peng?"

The man towered over them, his gaze menacing, trapping Su Qingcheng in the corner, while the woman beside him watched with malicious glee.

Indeed, it was Su Jinyu and her boyfriend—Chiang Peng!

Confronted by Chiang Peng's hostility, Su Qingcheng grew pale, clutching the eldest baby tightly and keeping the little ones at a distance, not wanting them to hear such harsh words.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, still thinking of your kids when you're in such a dire situation!"

"Struggle all you want! Let's see what the notorious wastrel looks like!"

At that, Ye Tian couldn't contain himself any longer. He dashed forward, shielding Su Qingcheng.

"What do you think you're doing to my wife and child?"

Upon spotting Ye Tian, Su Jinyu's complaints grew even louder.

"Peng, he slapped me too! You must get justice for me!"

Egged on by Su Jinyu's exaggerations, Chiang Peng's rage intensified.

"Kid, who gave you the right to harm my woman?!"

"Enough talk, let's get down to business!"

Ye Tian stood his ground, locking eyes with Chiang Peng, showing no sign of fear.

Out of nowhere, a fist the size of a sandbag, accompanied by a gust of wind, rocketed towards Ye Tian's temple!

He was playing for keeps right from the start!

In a split second, Ye Tian's hand shot out with a swift motion, attempting to intercept the punch.

As his hand made contact with Chiang Peng's wrist, decades of diagnostic expertise kicked in, and Ye Tian's expression turned peculiar.

Having narrowly avoided several of Chiang Peng's strikes, Ye Tian finally spoke up.

"I'd advise against hitting me. Your veins are blocked, your circulation's poor. You used to dance the night away at clubs, and now your knees are giving you grief."

"Sounds like a flare-up of gout, doesn't it?"

Chiang Peng's face twisted in anger, his punches coming faster and more furious, clearly infuriated and embarrassed.

With time, Ye Tian got the hang of Chiang Peng's attack pattern, dodging with increasing ease.

He weaved through the onslaught with agility.

"I'd suggest you stop. If I can diagnose your condition, rest assured I can treat it!"

"Provoke me by accident, and you might find there's no one who can help you."

"You're aware that modern medicine can't cure gout completely."

"You wouldn't want to end up bedridden and ridiculed in your old age, would you?"

These words, measured yet impactful, resonated with the onlookers, particularly Su Jinyu, whose comments were as relentless as a Gatling gun.

"Ye Tian, if you can't win, just give up! What's with all this bluster?"

"All this blabbering, are you scared? You're nothing but a coward who only picks on women! Better to surrender now!"

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Remember, when Ye Tian slapped Su Jinyu, it was witnessed by many as a display of sheer brutality and speed!

And now, facing a man, he hesitated to act?

If that's not cowardice, what is?

Ignoring the crowd's judgmental stares, Ye Tian once again fixed his gaze on Chiang Peng and spoke.

"This is your last chance. Are you going to treat it or not?"

Chiang Peng's demeanor shifted at those words, visibly agitated.

The man had merely taken his pulse to diagnose the issue, indicating a high level of medical expertise.

But to reveal his ailment in front of an audience—didn't he have any concern for his reputation?

After a moment of indecision, Chiang Peng took an action that left everyone speechless.

He ceased his protest and bowed deeply to Ye Tian.

"I sincerely apologize for my earlier offense! It was all that woman's fault for stirring up trouble!"

"I'll seek you out soon! Could you please give me your contact details?"

His attitude did a complete turnaround, stunning Su Jinyu and the rest of the onlookers.

Trembling, Su Jinyu pointed at Chiang Peng, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Do you really have... gout?"

"Shut up!"


The sound of a sharp slap echoed; Chiang Peng had struck.

"It's all your fault, spreading panic! Have you even looked at yourself in the mirror?"

"Do you have any idea of the consequences if you've upset this gentleman?!"

"You're a disgrace! Get out of my sight!"

With a slap, he dismissed Su Jinyu and quickly turned to Ye Tian.

"Sir, rest assured, I will deal with her appropriately on your behalf!"

With that, he handed Ye Tian a business card and departed with Su Jinyu.

This man could be the key to curing my gout; I can't afford to have him offended!

The entire episode unfolded in just over ten minutes, and the dramatic turn of events left Su Qingcheng somewhat dazed as she watched, murmuring to herself,

"I never imagined the esteemed daughter of the Su family would be subjected to such treatment..."

When Ye Tian didn't respond for some time, Su Qingcheng turned around out of curiosity and found him comforting the cute baby.

"Sweetheart, be good. Daddy has chased away the bad people! No more tears, okay?"

"Daddy will always protect you."

In that moment, Su Qingcheng's eyes softened. This man was truly embracing his role as a father!

His first concern in a crisis was his child.

Impressive, indeed!

Sensing Su Qingcheng's intense gaze, Ye Tian instinctively turned and offered a warm smile.

"Ding! The five babies are in high spirits, causing the cute baby's Happy Point to surge by a total of 500 points."

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