Daddy's Double Life/C10 Cheng Guo'an's Invitation
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Daddy's Double Life/C10 Cheng Guo'an's Invitation
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C10 Cheng Guo'an's Invitation

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The muffled thuds of fists meeting flesh echoed as Yu Haoran returned to his original spot, looking around with a sneer of contempt.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Four shadowy figures lay scattered on the ground, groaning in pain, their eyes now devoid of the earlier scorn and malice.

It was as if swatting a few flies was all in a day's work for him. His face softened as he turned to Tuantuan, who was wide-eyed and visibly thrilled.

"Clap! Clap!"

"Daddy, that was amazing, you're so cool! I want to be just like you! Hehe."

Tuantuan was clearly enthralled by the display, undoubtedly influenced by Yu Haoran. She hardly resembled a typical little girl.

"Tuantuan, you're a girl, and you don't need to fight. If anyone ever bullies Daddy, just beat them up. They're nothing but ants."

Yu Haoran effortlessly lifted Tuantuan into his arms and glanced indifferently at the young thug who had just been posturing with sunglasses.


The thug instantly dropped to his knees, his former ferocity and swagger vanishing under Yu Haoran's commanding gaze.

He was struck by the realization that the man before him was no mere mortal, but a deity! An overwhelming urge to kneel and worship bubbled up from within him.

The kneeling thug bowed his head, trembling slightly, too afraid to even breathe loudly.

Yu Haoran didn't give the thug a second thought. His power was swiftly returning, and soon, not just these petty thugs, but even the might of nations would bow before him.

Uninterested, he carried Tuantuan past the thug.

"I was wrong! It wasn't me; Brother Biao sent us!"

The thug blurted out, leaving Yu Haoran puzzled. The name didn't ring a bell, and he couldn't be bothered to inquire further.

To him, they were merely a swarm of ants.

He turned and walked away.


He knocked on the door.

"Come on, open up! Daddy and I are home!"


"Tuantuan, let mommy check where you're hurt!"

As soon as the door opened, Lee Rong hurriedly squeezed past Ning Yulu and grabbed Tuantuan from Yu Haoran's hands. She meticulously examined the child, feeling her head, inspecting her cheeks, and even parting her hair to check underneath.

Yu Haoran watched silently, understanding Lee Rong's concern. He slipped inside and stealthily approached Tuantuan, channeling a wisp of spiritual energy through his palm to gently soothe her injured arm.

Lee Rong had been there for Tuantuan's upbringing, stepping in as a mother figure in her sister's absence. It was no wonder Tuantuan affectionately called her mommy.

After a thorough check with no issues found, Lee Rong cast a doubtful glance at Yu Haoran, who remained unfazed.

"Mommy cooked your favorite sweet and sour fish and fries today. You must be starving. Go wash your hands and let's eat!"

Despite her confusion, Lee Rong was relieved that Tuantuan was unharmed, and she and Ning Yulu could finally relax.

Dinner was a joyful affair, with Tuantuan animatedly boasting about her dad's bravery and strength. Her tall tales of him fighting off four people were met with laughter. Such child's play—fighting four at once? Why not fly to the moon?

Tuantuan gazed at Yu Haoran with boundless admiration. Only after Lee Rong coaxed her, saying she had important matters to discuss with her dad, did Tuantuan reluctantly plant a kiss on Yu Haoran and retreat to her room.

"So, what's the story? You mentioned Tuantuan was hurt today?"

Lee Rong, clad in her pajamas, plopped down on Yu Haoran's bed, her gaze fixed on him with newfound respect, devoid of the previous pity or disdain.

"Uh, it was nothing. Cheng Guo'an wasn't there when I arrived. His daughter agreed to the contract after a brief chat."

"Stop right there!"

Lee Rong was skeptical of Yu Haoran's nonchalant response. It seemed too easy. But his expression remained unchanged—could it be true?

"Are you really that lucky?"

"Yeah, as for Tuantuan, she wasn't the one hurt—it was the other kid. Our little princess couldn't possibly be in trouble, especially with her dad being so lucky."

Feeling a bit irked, Yu Haoran cracked a light joke.

"Pfft... Cut it out. Didn't you show the kid? Every child is a family's treasure."

Lee Rong couldn't help but laugh at Yu Haoran's jest, thinking to herself that maybe this man wasn't as ineffectual as he seemed. Perhaps it was his subtle humor that had charmed her sister?

"Don't worry, the other party is unharmed."

"Alright, that's good. You should get some rest too. I need to turn in early myself; I have to look into the supply situation tomorrow."

Despite her gut feeling that things were more complicated than they appeared, Lee Rong couldn't discern anything from Yu Haoran's demeanor. She decided to let it go for the time being, especially since the prospect of the big order lifted her spirits, so she didn't dwell on it further.

Suppressing a yawn, Lee Rong headed straight for her room.

Even with his Divine Body, Yu Haoran wasn't immune to the fatigue of a regular person. After exerting himself twice today, he soon succumbed to sleep.

The following morning, after breakfast and just as he was about to take Tuantuan to school, a series of knocks echoed at the door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Haoran, there are two men in black outside."

Peering through the peephole, Ning Yulu glanced nervously at Yu Haoran, who was cheerfully dressing Tuantuan.

Yu Haoran finished dressing Tuantuan and strode to the door, opening it with purpose.

"If you really think this is so dull, I wouldn't mind taking a moment to deal with you."

His voice was calm, betraying no desire for trouble, yet his patience had limits, especially when it came to repeated intrusions into his life—and most importantly, Tuantuan's. He would show no leniency.

"I believe there's been a misunderstanding, Mr. Yu. We were sent by Director Cheng Guo'an. He thought it would be impolite to call, so he dispatched us to deliver his message."

Yu Haoran had an epiphany—it must be about the contract. He nodded lightly.

"Fine, but I'm busy right now. We can talk after I drop off my daughter. And in the future, please don't come to my house dressed like that unless you're looking for trouble."


This was Cheng Guo'an. How many people in Zrikta could boast of receiving a personal envoy from him?

Who do you think you are?

"Daddy, we need to hurry or we'll be late!"

"Okay, let's head out right now."

He turned with a smile, lifted Tuantuan into his arms, accepted the invitation from the man in black, and slipped between them, making sure to close the door behind him.

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