Daddy's Double Life/C11 No One Was Left!
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Daddy's Double Life/C11 No One Was Left!
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C11 No One Was Left!

"Ning Yulu, did I just hear someone mention Cheng Guo'an?"

"Yes, what about it? He was looking for Haoran, but Haoran said he's busy and will get back to him later."

After finishing breakfast, Lee Rong returned to her room to sort out the documents she needed for the day on her computer. Yet, she couldn't shake off the name she had overheard and asked nonchalantly.

"Ah? Cheng Guo'an was looking for Yu Haoran, and Haoran said he doesn't have time?"

Lee Rong dashed out of her room, her face a picture of incredulity as she glanced at the ever-composed Ning Yulu.

Just yesterday, Lee Rong would never have connected that name with the entrepreneur. But their companies had just signed a contract!

And now, Yu Haoran was claiming he didn't have time!

The thought made Lee Rong both anxious and worried. She feared Yu Haoran's dismissive attitude might offend Cheng Guo'an enough to cancel the contract.

Her fondness for Yu Haoran plummeted to zero as she seethed, "Yu Haoran, if you ruin this contract, you'll have me to answer to!"

Ning Yulu didn't understand where Miss Lee Rong's sudden outburst of temper came from and wisely chose not to pry, continuing with her cleaning.

At the kindergarten gates, Yu Haoran tenderly kissed Tuantuan's cheek amidst her longing gaze, bidding her farewell.

Maple Forest Villa.

Yu Haoran arrived at the address indicated on the invitation and rang the doorbell. A middle-aged man opened the door for him.

The man had a square face, not the chubby, jolly look one might expect from a businessman. He didn't fit the mold of a cunning merchant, and Yu Haoran guessed this must be Cheng Guo'an.

Yu Haoran was taken aback by his aura of integrity.

It was common knowledge that businessmen were synonymous with cunning, but Cheng Guo'an seemed to be an exception.

Dressed in comfortable home attire, Cheng Guo'an had a warm smile. As Yu Haoran observed him, Cheng Guo'an was also taking the measure of the young man his daughter regarded as nothing short of a hero.

Chen Qiuyu was not easily impressed, and it was the first time she had spoken so highly of any man. Cheng Guo'an was intrigued, especially since this was the man who had saved his daughter's life. He was determined to make a good impression.

"Director Chen, if you have something to say, please just say it."

Yu Haoran was the one to break the silence. Could Cheng Guo'an really match up to the God-King of the Divine World? In terms of vision or power, he didn't stand a chance.

If not for the contract weighing on his mind, he might not have bothered coming at all. He could have used the time to seek out business opportunities and make some real money.

"True heroes are often young, aren't they? Young man, you possess a potential that even I can't fully grasp. Impressive, truly impressive. I'll get straight to the point. Qiuyu tells me you're highly skilled in martial arts and have a solid character. I'd like to hire you as her bodyguard."

With that, he reached for a check on the nearby coffee table, but Yu Haoran didn't even glance at it.

"Oh? Don't you want to see the amount I'm offering?"

"I have my daughter to take care of; I might not have the time to protect her constantly."

Yu Haoran shook his head firmly. It wasn't that he didn't want the money – if that were the case, he wouldn't be working as a basic salesman. But Tuantuan was his priority.

"Ha, no problem. Take this two million for now, and we'll discuss your salary later. This is a token of my gratitude for saving my daughter. Don't think it's too little; my daughter is worth far more than this. Regarding your time constraints, that's fine. Can we call on you when we need you?"

Seeing Cheng Guo'an's genuine offer and the absence of any pretense, Yu Haoran gave it some thought and then nodded.

Considering the need for money to quickly advance his cultivation and to provide a better life for Tuantuan, and since Cheng Guo'an was accepting of his daughter's presence, he agreed.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Yu Haoran accepted the check and left the villa.

In the taxi on the way home.

The ride should have taken half an hour, but something seemed off. This wasn't the city; it was the outskirts.

"Driver, are we going the wrong way?"

Yu Haoran furrowed his brow and spoke with a hint of annoyance. Mid-sentence, the taxi came to a halt inside an abandoned factory.

"Kid, you're done for. Get out and meet your fate!"


The driver stepped out and slammed the car door shut with a thud.

"Come on out, guys. Mission accomplished—we've got the kid!"

No sooner had he spoken than over ten individuals emerged from various nooks of the factory. Their attire wasn't formal, but the hatred they bore him was palpable.

He genuinely couldn't fathom how he'd managed to unwittingly offend so many people in just two days.

But Yu Haoran wasn't in the mood to speculate on who might want to harm him. To him, they were insignificant, mere ants.

Can the glow of a firefly ever rival the moon's radiance?

"Damn you, you little punk! Did you screw up our deal?"

"You had a path to heaven, yet you chose not to take it. Hell had no gate, yet you barged in."

"Mind your own business in your next life."


Yu Haoran surveyed the group with a detached gaze. They were all ordinary, lacking any real power. He found the prospect of fighting them utterly dull. Beating them, whether a few or a hundred, would end the same way.

"Do you ants really think you can yap at me?"


"What did he just say?"

"Guys, did this kid lose his mind from fear?"

"Ha! Let me tell you, today, no act of insanity will save you—not even the God-King himself could rescue you!"

The driver, growing impatient, snuffed out his cigarette and ground it under his shoe with a twist.

"Let's make this quick. We're wasting time. Just kill him and find a place to bury the body."

The crowd didn't bother with more talk. They grabbed their makeshift weapons—sticks, metal rods, and was that a tree branch someone had found?

Was this guy here for a laugh, or did he actually know some moves?

Watching the mob charge at him, Yu Haoran shook his head with a wry smile.

In a flash, he transformed into a whirlwind, spinning like a top.

Screams filled the air as bodies dropped to the ground.

Yu Haoran showed no mercy this time. He knew that compassion for his enemies was a weakness for himself. They might pose no threat to him, but what about Lee Rong and Tuantuan?

They had found him once; they could certainly find him again.

Taking them out here would go unnoticed, as if by a phantom's hand.

Above all, Yu Haoran sensed a bloody aura emanating from them.

They had lives on their hands!

They were the epitome of a menace. Should he wait for them to endanger others?

The driver standing by the car was stunned, vigorously rubbing his eyes, only to see the young man, who had seemed so composed, now appearing as terrifying as a nightmare.

He was approaching!

The driver bit down on his tongue hard. Ouch! It hurt!

This was no dream!

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