Daddy's Double Life/C12 He Is My Boyfriend!
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Daddy's Double Life/C12 He Is My Boyfriend!
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C12 He Is My Boyfriend!

"I... I... Are you human or a ghost?"

The driver's legs shook as he clutched the car, his lips quivering in terror.

"Don't... Don't come any closer, please!"

Yu Haoran's composure exerted immense pressure on the driver, akin to a mountain bearing down on him, making him feel as though he was on the verge of suffocation.

The presence of the God-King was overwhelmingly potent. Even without his Divine Power, his Divine Body exuded formidable strength.


"Please don't kill me, I beg you. I won't dare do it again. We were just upset that you thwarted our kidnapping scheme..."

Unable to withstand the crushing pressure, the driver collapsed to his knees, his face etched with fear.

Yu Haoran's recent show of force was petrifying, enough to instill fear in even the most hardened assassin.

Was this man even human?

"The moment you harbored murderous intent in my presence, your fate was sealed."

With a tone of finality, Yu Haoran pronounced the driver's death sentence.


He strode forward and kicked the driver, sending him flying.

The man tumbled through the air, landing with a bloody mouth and a gruesome mix of red and white staining the ground from the back of his head.

Yu Haoran briefly sensed the area to ensure there were no survivors, then checked his phone for directions. With a few swift jumps, he vanished from the scene.

Driving or leaving witnesses would only bring unnecessary complications, and he preferred to avoid any trouble until he had fully regained his strength.

Upon reaching the city, he hailed a taxi to Lee Rong's company.

"Mr. Yu... Mr. Yu... Please wait a moment."

The security guard hadn't met this young man before, but he had personally witnessed Director Lee escorting him into the office building the day before.

Despite the company's current slew of negative publicity, he was committed to performing his duties until the very end.

However, it seemed that Mr. Yu's timing could have been better.

The guard cast a somewhat uneasy glance at Yu Haoran's serene face.

"Is there a problem?"

Yu Haoran paused, then addressed the guard. Despite his esteemed position in the Divine World, he had never been one to look down on others, treating everyone with the same respect.

"Director Lee has a visitor in her office today," the security guard said, his voice trailing off as his gaze darted around nervously.

He suspected that the young man might be Lee Rong's boyfriend. Wu Shaohua had given strict instructions to stop anyone seeking Lee Rong.

Yet, he hesitated to intervene. After all, who in Zrikta didn't know of Wu Shaohua's influence?

The guard was visibly flustered, particularly under Yu Haoran's penetrating stare, which seemed to bore into his very thoughts.

Yu Haoran, an ancient demon seasoned by centuries, was not easily fooled.

"A guest?"

Normally, he would have taken the security guard's word and waited, but the man's demeanor raised Yu Haoran's suspicions.

Who was he to question?

The God-King himself! He wouldn't waste his intellect on such trivial mortal matters.

Bypassing the guard, Yu Haoran made his way to Lee Rong's office. Before he even arrived, he caught the sound of Lee Rong's voice, tinged with impatience.

"I have no feelings for you. Please leave."

"Lee Rong, I truly like you. Marry me."

At the sound of the plea, Yu Haoran's lips curled into a cold smirk.

'Some dogs never learn their lesson. They remember the reward but forget the punishment.'

With a loud "Bang!" he pushed the door open.

There stood Wu Shaohua, clutching a large bouquet of roses, smiling suavely in front of Lee Rong.

Startled by the abrupt entrance, Wu Shaohua spun around, anger flashing across his face—until he saw Yu Haoran and a shiver of fear ran through him.

Even though it wasn't Yu Haoran who had acted last time, who could say he wasn't the power behind the scenes?

Yet, the fear vanished as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by a look of defiance. He glanced at the two muscular men in black by his side, clearly well-trained fighters.

Wu Shaohua's confidence surged. With these two bodyguards, what did he have to fear?

He had learned his lesson from their last encounter and had promptly hired two retired special forces soldiers.

Today, it seemed, they would prove their worth. He had held Yu Haoran responsible for the previous incident, and now was the perfect opportunity for revenge—and to demonstrate his might in front of Lee Rong.

"Hmm? Am I seeing things? Isn't that the Wang family's good-for-nothing? What's he doing back here today?"

The two bodyguards emboldened Wu Shaohua, who began to taunt with newfound bravado.

"You dare to yap at me, you insignificant pest?"


At those words, Wu Shaohua was instinctively filled with panic, reflexively raising his right hand to shield his face.


Lee Rong couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight. Moments ago, she was annoyed by Wu Shaohua's arrogance, but now she found herself thoroughly amused by his predicament.

"Damn you, you're nothing but trash. Besides spewing nonsense, you dare to play the fool in front of me?"

Humiliated once again in Lee Rong's presence, especially by this nobody, Wu Shaohua lost all pretense of composure and erupted into a tirade, his chest heaving with rage.

"Get him! Rip his mouth open and cut out his tongue!"

He was merciless!

When had Wu Shaohua ever been provoked like this? Who in Zrikta would dare to treat him so disrespectfully?

Only this worthless fool, it seems. Well, Wu Shaohua thought, today I'll make sure you're left with nothing, let's see how fearless you are then.

Wu Shaohua couldn't stand it any longer. With no patience left, he issued his command.

What mattered most was that in Zrikta, whether you crippled someone or even killed them, what difference did it make? With the Wu family's power, any situation could be handled with ease. It all came down to money, right?

Besides, he was only dealing with someone who had neither strength nor influence.

The Wang family wouldn't dare cross the Wu family over someone like Yu Haoran.


Lee Rong's heart raced as she saw Wu Shaohua's actions. Fearing for Yu Haoran's safety, especially with Tuantuan finally having a father figure, she couldn't bear the thought of any harm coming to him. The idea of Tuantuan being devastated was unbearable.

"Wu Shaohua, leave me alone. Yu Haoran is my boyfriend now. Before my sister passed, she entrusted him with my care. All we're missing is the paperwork."

Lee Rong quickly moved to Yu Haoran's side, her hands naturally finding their way to his arm as she spoke with earnest.

"He's my boyfriend!"

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