Daddy's Double Life/C14 Lee Zhongshan Was Seriously Ill
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Daddy's Double Life/C14 Lee Zhongshan Was Seriously Ill
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C14 Lee Zhongshan Was Seriously Ill

The phone rang, and after a brief hesitation, Lee Rong pressed the answer button.

"Hello, go ahead."

"It's your second brother. Come back home right now!"

An urgent voice came through the line.

After hanging up, Lee Rong looked at Yu Haoran with a troubled expression.

"Brother-in-law, I need to go back home. There seems to be some trouble. Could you... would you mind coming with me?"

She finished speaking and watched Yu Haoran, who was dabbing his mouth with a napkin, a glimmer of hope flickering across her face.

Considering the past treatment Yu Haoran had endured from the Lee family, Lee Rong felt guilty for asking such a favor. Yet, she couldn't help wanting him by her side.

Lee Jingtian's tone had made her even more eager for Yu Haoran's company, as it gave her a sense of security.

Yu Haoran glanced at the clock and saw it was still early, not yet time to leave work, but he gently nodded.


Even a skinny camel is larger than a horse.

Lee Rong had been away from the Lee family for a few years, but she had been somewhat well-off before. They climbed into a Maserati.

Though it was a model from several years ago, it was still seen as a luxury car worth a million dollars to the average person. To the elite, however, it seemed somewhat modest.

An hour later, they arrived at the Lee family residence in Zrikta.

Lee Rong parked the car and was about to walk in with Yu Haoran.

"Hey! The young lady has returned? And who's this with you? Isn't this our Lee family's esteemed son-in-law?"

A mocking voice rang out.

Lee Rong didn't need to look to know it was Zhang Laifu, her second brother's henchman.

Under the Lee family's wing, he was known for his bullying antics and was particularly skilled at stirring up trouble.

Yu Haoran's marriage to Lee Wen had been met with opposition from nearly everyone in the Lee family.

Lee Jingtian, in particular, had frequently sent Zhang Laifu to meddle in the past.

Seeing Lee Wen and her so-called worthless husband happy together always irked Lee Jingtian and his minion. They believed that a suitable match should at least come from an equal social standing.

Being associated with someone considered worthless was a source of shame for them, particularly for Lee Jingtian when he was with his clique and other influential individuals. He was constantly the butt of jokes.

As a result, Yu Haoran bore the brunt of his frustration.

Zhang Laifu was his henchman.

For reasons unknown, whenever Zhang Laifu encountered the pair, a senseless loathing would well up inside him, prompting him to launch into ridicule.

"What's the matter? Can't make it on your own? Crawling back to the Lee family for a handout? Just remember, the Lee family doesn't support losers."

He finished with a taunting glance at Yu Haoran, who was standing next to Lee Rong.

Years ago, Yu Haoran would have responded with a good-natured smile and deflected the conversation with a joke.

But today was different.

The man who was once so accommodating didn't even bother to respond or make eye contact.

"Hmph, you were a loser then, and you're a loser now, though it seems your mind is even less sharp than before."

Zhang Laifu was not about to let the slight go unchecked. Being ignored by what he deemed a nobody was an affront to him.

"Zhang Laifu, listen up! Keep your mouth shut. If it weren't for your boss calling me back, I wouldn't have wasted my time returning. Now, beat it."

Lee Rong had hoped Yu Haoran would demonstrate his newfound strength today, to assert himself and impress everyone with his valor. However, Yu Haoran's calm demeanor left her perplexed. Nevertheless, she stepped forward to confront the situation.

Outside the family, she might appear gentle, but the reputation of the Lee family's fiery little witch wasn't for show.

Her sister, Lee Wen, might have brushed off the comment with a smile, but Lee Rong was not one to let things slide.

"Hmph, you think invoking the Young Master will intimidate me? Think again."

But as he spoke, Zhang Laifu's bravado faded. Considering Lee Jingtian's temperament, he shrank back, shooting a venomous look at Yu Haoran before hastily making his exit.

"Let's go."

Yu Haoran finally spoke.

Upon entering the villa, they discovered the hall was filled with guests. Arriving last, they found all eyes upon them.

The mood in the hall was noticeably varied, with some groups chatting merrily, while others wore expressions tinged with anxiety.

"Hmm? What a surprise visitor. Am I seeing things? Who is this? Haha."

"Oh my goodness, has the Lee family's little devil brought back their son-in-law?"

"I recall someone vowing never to set foot in here again. What's this about?"

The hall had been relatively quiet, save for a handful of people chuckling and murmuring to each other. Their arrival, however, stirred up a commotion.

Lee Rong was visibly enraged, but with so many of her uncles present, she held her tongue. She glanced at Yu Haoran, who remained unfazed by her side.

"Hey, Lee family's son-in-law, weren't you supposed to have died falling off a cliff? I thought we'd be saving on food... Alas, such a tragedy."

The man lingered on the term "son-in-law," his face a picture of feigned disappointment as he gazed at Yu Haoran.

They expected Yu Haoran to respond with a placating smile, providing them with more amusement. But today, something was off.

A middle-aged man with streaks of white in his hair descended the stairs, flanked by a doctor in a white coat.

"Mr. Lee, I really think you should visit the provincial hospital for a check-up..."

The doctor looked deeply concerned.

"Enough. I'm well aware of my own condition."

Lee Zhongshan cut off the doctor with a wave of his hand and a wry smile. But as his gaze swept over the hall, any trace of humor vanished from his face.

"You wretch, how dare you show your face here?"

He pushed past the doctor and quickly approached the pair, the three of them now standing confrontationally in the center of the hall.

Even Lee Rong, often oblivious, recognized the gravity of her father's health issues. With so many relatives around, it dawned on her that he might be gravely ill, with little time left. She bit her lip, her eyes welling up, but she remained silent.

Lee Zhongshan scrutinized Yu Haoran, noting significant changes in the man who was once deemed worthless. Yet, he couldn't pinpoint exactly what was different.

The thought was dismissed in an instant. How could that be possible? It had to be a trick of the mind. Frowning, he said,

"Don't you realize that you're not welcome in the Lee family? Lee Wen left because of you, and now her fate is uncertain. How can you show your face here again? Worthless!"

Lee Rong watched as Yu Haoran merely glanced at Lee Zhongshan before looking away. She was worried; she knew what he was capable of and feared he might act rashly. She quickly interjected,

"Dad, my brother-in-law is not worthless anymore! I won't let you talk about him like that!"

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