Daddy's Double Life/C15 Miracle Hand!
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Daddy's Double Life/C15 Miracle Hand!
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C15 Miracle Hand!


You actually spoke to your father like that over an outsider?

Everyone was initially taken aback. They only remembered the little witch having a spat with Lee Zhongshan when she left the Lee family. What was happening now?

But soon, their faces were overtaken by smirks. They relished the drama unfolding before them.

"You... you..."

Lee Zhongshan, hearing Lee Rong's tone and realizing she was defending a nobody against him, pointed a trembling finger at her, his eyes bulging.

Then, his head lolled to the side, and he collapsed.

Thankfully, someone was there to catch him, preventing a direct fall to the ground.

A doctor in a white coat quickly urged someone to call 911 while rushing to check on him.

"It's too late."

A calm voice cut through the commotion.

Everyone turned to see the so-called nobody who had been silent since entering.

They sneered internally. He was your father-in-law, and just because he scolded you, you wish him dead?

Whispers began to circulate among the crowd,

"After all these years, it looks like I've finally made it. I should get a share of the inheritance."

"Yeah, who would have thought? This guy might actually make something of himself."


Though the murmurs were soft, the majority shared this sentiment.

And as for Lee Zhongshan's fate?

Sorry, whether you live or die, our stake in the Lee family remains unchanged. The amount stays the same; it's just a matter of who's managing it. Your death might even give us a shot at moving up.


A frantic voice echoed down from the second floor as a young man dressed in designer clothes hurried down, flanked by several doctors in white coats.

The Lee family — Lee Jingtian.

Not the most impressive individual, but he was dutiful. He had been upstairs discussing treatment options with the doctors when the disturbance below caught his attention.

He rushed to Lee Zhongshan's side, clutching his body tightly, glaring at Lee Rong and Yu Haoran with loathing.

"Lee... Mr. Lee, please accept my deepest sympathies, Mr. Lee..."

"I haven't finished speaking. I can heal him."

Yu Haoran's succinct words were like a knife, each one precisely stirring the emotions of those present. He certainly had a commanding presence.

"How dare you make such comments? My father-in-law is on his deathbed, and you're here spouting cold-hearted remarks."

"Indeed, the young miss is so accomplished. Countless prestigious families have sought her out. This time, she truly misjudged, alas."


"Have you no shame in speaking? Would my father be in this state if not for you? Do you even have the ability to heal him? Disgusting!"

Lee Jingtian's eyes blazed with fury, like a wounded beast.

Lee Wen had always held a high place in his heart since childhood. How could she have chosen such a worthless man for a husband? This had always fueled a rage within him, prompting him to cause trouble.

Today, of all days, this nobody had the audacity to utter snide remarks. Normally, it might be overlooked, but not today...

"Out of my sight! Worthless man, Lee Rong, I told you to come back, not to bring him with you!"

He was acting like a rabid dog, lashing out at anyone in his way.

Lee Rong was his sister, blood of his blood, but what was this good-for-nothing to him?

A brother-in-law?


"Any further delay and I won't be able to save him."

Yu Haoran's composed demeanor slightly eased Lee Jingtian's tension.

He was a privileged brat, sure, but not without intelligence.

He scrutinized Yu Haoran's face, free of deceit, and found himself inclined to trust him.

"Heh, fine. If you fail to heal my father, you'll serve him in the afterlife. I, Lee Jingtian, mean what I say!"

He finished speaking, his gaze fixed intently on the unfazed Yu Haoran.

"This guy should be on stage, playing a role so convincingly."

"Hmph, with my influence, I'll see how this trash wraps up his act."


Ignoring the surrounding whispers and stares, Yu Haoran produced a tiny black particle. It was so small that he had to squat down to administer it, paying no mind to the onlookers.

He pried open Lee Zhongshan's mouth and placed the particle inside.

By the time Lee Jingtian thought to intervene, it was already too late.

Yu Haoran, having completed his task, stood up as if it were just another day and returned to his spot.

But to the others, it appeared as though this nobody was trying to flee.

Instantly, two individuals stepped forward to stand behind Yu Haoran, effectively cutting off his escape route.

"Hmph! Hmph!"

Everyone was quite pleased with the performance of the two young men, nodding their approval.

They recognized talent and potential for learning.

Lee Jingtian remained silent, a cold smile on his face as he kept his gaze fixed on Yu Haoran, who remained composed.

This chief physician was a leading figure in Zrikta's medical community. He had pronounced Lee Zhongshan's condition terminal, a verdict that not even the legendary Hua Tuo could reverse.

But why wasn't he nervous? Could it be that he was afraid of death?

"Cough, cough... I can't breathe..."

Lee Zhongshan, cradled in Lee Jingtian's arms, began to cough vigorously, slowly opening his eyes to see the two men in front of him, on the verge of another outburst.

"This young man is impressive. I never expected him to be a miraculous healer."

"Did he administer divine medicine to the head of the family?"

"This truly is a medical miracle. Young man, I may not be very skilled, but I would be honored to learn from you!"


Suddenly, the tone of the crowd shifted as Lee Zhongshan miraculously came back to life!

Even the esteemed leader of Zrikta's medical community was humbly seeking advice.

Lee Zhongshan, recalling the events, cast a doubtful glance at Yu Haoran, who stood opposite him, exuding calmness, and slowly rose to his feet.

Could this young man have saved me?

As he fully regained consciousness, he realized that his life had indeed been saved by his so-called worthless son-in-law.

Reflecting on his previous actions toward his savior, Lee Zhongshan couldn't help but feel his face flush with embarrassment.

Everyone's attitude had completely changed, except for Lee Jingtian, who harbored resentment. Some were even trying to cozy up to Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, you worthless fellow. When you were courting my sister, you tried to please everyone but acted all high and mighty towards me. Even after marrying, you kept it up! Damn it. But since you saved my father, I suppose I can forgive you..."

Lee Jingtian was ready to bury the hatchet and extend a hand of reconciliation to Yu Haoran.

However, Yu Haoran didn't afford him the opportunity.

"It's time to pick up Tuantuan from school. I need to go get her. Lee Rong, please stay here."

Yu Haoran gave Lee Rong a cursory glance before he departed.

He seemed to dismiss the presence of everyone there, including his father-in-law and his brother-in-law.

Apparently, he was oblivious to the fact that this was the home of the Lee family, a renowned noble lineage in Zrikta.

But what were they compared to Tuantuan? And what significance did they hold against the God-King?

In Yu Haoran's world, only Tuantuan and Lee Wen mattered. For now, it appeared that Lee Rong could be counted among them.

After hailing a cab, he smoothly made his way to Red Apple Kindergarten. This time, Wang Yueya herself delivered Tuantuan into Yu Haoran's arms, her demeanor overly ingratiating.

"Tuantuan, we're heading home!"

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