Daddy's Double Life/C16 Lee Zhongshan's Gratitude
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Daddy's Double Life/C16 Lee Zhongshan's Gratitude
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C16 Lee Zhongshan's Gratitude

Yu Haoran joyfully lifted Tuantuan into his arms, not sparing Wang Yueya a single glance. Since the incident, he had practically written her off.

Father and daughter shared laughter and conversation on their way home.

"Tuantuan, did anything make you unhappy today?"

"Giggling, Daddy, nobody dared to mess with Tuantuan today. They all say you're incredibly cool!"

Tuantuan gestured animatedly with her tiny hands, occasionally throwing playful punches, her face beaming with pride.

"Daddy, my teacher is really nice to me."

"Oh? That's great to hear. As long as you're happy, Tuantuan, that's all that matters. We treat those who are kind to us with kindness, and if someone bullies us, we stand up to them, right?"

Yu Haoran's smile was gentle. The unique parenting style of a God-King was not something the average person could handle.

If anyone else were present, they would probably criticize, "What terrible parenting!"

But how could Yu Haoran's approach to education be fathomed by others?

He didn't need their understanding anyway; they couldn't grasp the capabilities of a God-King.

After dinner, Tuantuan clung to Yu Haoran, begging him to tell her a story.

Yu Haoran was at a loss; dealing with adversaries was straightforward for him, but storytelling was a different challenge altogether.

After much thought, an idea struck him, and he recalled a tale from his childhood.

"Tuantuan, let me tell you about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Once upon a time..."

"No, no, Mommy has already told me that one!"

"How about the story of the clever and brave Hail brothers?"

"No, no, Mommy's told me that one too!"

"What about Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf?"

"No, no..."

Tuantuan, already weary from a day's play, was suddenly wide awake thanks to Yu Haoran's attempts at bedtime stories.

Far from sleepy, she looked increasingly agitated.

Unbeknownst to her, Yu Haoran, the God-King whose presence echoed throughout the Radiant Empyrean, was internally seething with frustration.

Watching his daughter's excitement, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of exasperation.

Lee Rong, who was busy organizing documents, couldn't help but chuckle to herself, especially upon witnessing Yu Haoran's sheepish expression. A thought sprouted in her mind, "This man is actually quite adorable. My sister really does have an eye for people!"

After Yu Haoran departed that afternoon, Lee Rong had a heart-to-heart with Lee Zhongshan. The doctor had given Zhongshan a clean bill of health, which was a relief. He didn't linger long before heading back to the office.

To say Lee Rong harbored no resentment toward the Lee family for the hardships she'd endured over the years would be dishonest. Between caring for Little Tuantuan and juggling efforts to make money and run her company, the most infuriating part was the handful of Lee family members who seemed to relish in stirring up trouble, disrupting both her personal life and business. Yet, she had set all that aside upon learning of Zhongshan's critical condition.

Now that he was on the mend, the pent-up grievances flooded back into Lee Rong's heart.

In a moment of inspiration, Yu Haoran's lips curled into a secretive smile. "How about Daddy tells you the story of the God-King?"

"The God-King?" Tuantuan's eyes lit up with curiosity as she settled down on the bed, her earlier excitement waning.

"In a realm beyond Earth, there's a place called the Divine World, and in it, a young man..." Yu Haoran was animated as he spoke, but when he glanced down, he saw Tuantuan had drifted off to sleep, a contented smile gracing her face. He quietly ceased his storytelling and tiptoed out of the room.

Unbeknownst to him, Lee Rong watched with wide eyes, barely containing her laughter. "You should be called the Great Deceiver, not Yu Haoran. You're quite the storyteller. Is that how you swept my sister off her feet?"

If Yu Haoran had any inkling of Lee Rong's thoughts, he'd surely be at a loss for words.

After a quick shower, Yu Haoran returned to his room. Just as he was about to turn off the light, the door swung open. Standing before him was a stunning beauty in a sheer nightgown, her slender, flawless legs accentuated by the soft glow of the night light.

Her slender waist, alabaster neck, alluring collarbones, flat stomach, and a pair of breasts proudly hinted at through the lace...

If it were any other man, he might have lost control. But Yu Haoran merely gave a cursory glance before shifting his attention to the smartphone in his hand.

"Is something wrong?"

Lee Rong had grown accustomed to Yu Haoran's composure, yet she couldn't help wondering if she wasn't beautiful today.

For the first time, Lee Rong questioned her own attractiveness and physique.

While she admired Yu Haoran's self-control, a small sense of disappointment crept into her heart.

With a gentle sigh, she softly seated herself on Yu Haoran's bed, cradling a night pearl in her hand.

"I really owe you one for today. If not for you, something might have happened to my dad... But let's not dwell on that. Hehe, my father wanted me to give this to you."

She composed herself and, noticing Yu Haoran's puzzled look, spoke cheerfully.

"You have no idea; this is a treasured antique of the Lee family. My dad cherishes it."

Yu Haoran stood and accepted it. The moment it was in his grasp, a surge of spiritual energy washed over him.

A rare look of astonishment crossed his face.

In the past, he might not have given such an object a second glance. But now, far from the Divine World, the mere thought of Divine Power was a fantasy; even spiritual energy was a rarity.

Ignoring Lee Rong's astonished gaze, he snatched the pearl and dove under the covers, effectively dismissing her.

"I'm off to sleep now. You should get some rest as well."

"Ah? Oh."

Lee Rong glared at Yu Haoran's retreating back. On her way out, she couldn't resist pulling a face at him.

Couldn't he show a bit more grace? Be a little more delicate? Was she not beautiful enough?

Lee Rong was truly frustrated with the man. She was tempted to leap onto the bed and knock some sense into his head, eager to discover what was going through his mind.

As soon as Lee Rong stepped out, Yu Haoran leaped from the bed, switched off the lights, and locked the door.

The click of the lock echoed.

This only fueled Lee Rong's irritation. She glared, hands on hips, her frustration palpable.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She marched up and gave the door three solid kicks.

"I told you to sleep!"

The situation was all too real. Once the person was gone, the warmth of their presence faded, and with the treasure now in his possession, his attitude changed so quickly?

It even seemed like he couldn't wait for her to leave.

After shooting the door one last disdainful look, Lee Rong stormed back to her room, fuming.

Inside, Yu Haoran could feel the spiritual energy emanating from the Night-Luminescent Pearl. He sat down cross-legged on the bed, cradling the pearl in the center of his palm.

He assessed the concentration of the spiritual energy within. Although it wasn't sufficient for him to ascend to the next realm, absorbing it would still significantly enhance his strength.

Most importantly, he now had an additional method of absorbing spiritual energy: through antiques!

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