Daddy's Double Life/C17 Car Buying Incident
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Daddy's Double Life/C17 Car Buying Incident
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C17 Car Buying Incident

After breakfast, Yu Haoran and his son Tuantuan headed to school in high spirits, just like the day before.

"Daddy, I love you."

"Tuantuan, Daddy loves you too. Off to school now, bye."

"Bye, Daddy."

With Tuantuan's lingering look, father and son waved goodbye. Once Tuantuan disappeared into the classroom, Yu Haoran finally departed.

Walking home, Yu Haoran mumbled to himself,

"This is getting inconvenient. I need to buy a car."

Without delay, he deposited a two-million-yuan check directly into his bank account.

At the Baofeng 4S store, the sales associate greeted him with enthusiasm. Despite her initial skepticism of Yu Haoran, who was dressed in outdated attire, she was ultimately impressed by his presence.

Initially, she had pegged him as the type who came in just for test drives, but eventually, they began discussing a deal in front of an Infiniti.

Yu Haoran found the car satisfactory. Priced at just over half a million yuan, he was ready to place an order.

"Alright, Mr. Yu, if you could please wait, I'll call the manager to handle the paperwork."

The sales associate was visibly excited. She hadn't been very confident at first but was pleasantly surprised by the size of the sale.

"Hello, Manager Liu, could you come and assist with the paperwork? Yes, right now, thank you."

After ending the call, she ushered Yu Haoran to a waiting area and quickly served him water, her face beaming with happiness.

Yu Haoran enjoyed the attentive service, although his expression remained unchanged, as if etched in stone.

Soon after, a portly middle-aged man came into view.

"Manager Li, good to see you. This customer here has chosen the 520,000 yuan model..."

As soon as Manager Li appeared, the sales associate eagerly approached him with a smile and made the introduction.

"Hello, sir. I am the manager of this Baofeng 4S store, Liu..."

Liu Tianyi subtly caressed the sales associate's hand before turning to approach Yu Haoran, who was seated with his back to him.

Why did this voice sound so familiar?

He didn't dwell on it. Why would a God-King from the Divine World bother to decipher the motives of a mere mortal?

But as he turned around, Yu Haoran's brow lifted slightly, and he spoke with a cool detachment.

"What a coincidence."

"Yes... you..."

When adversaries cross paths, there's bound to be bad blood. This kid had managed to beat me up last time without anyone catching on, and even the guys Brother Biao sent after him ended up clearly outmatched.

Brother Biao had warned that this kid was no ordinary person and that it was better not to mess with him.

This infuriated Liu Tianyi, who was seething internally, but he dared not let it show.

But now!

If I can't lay a hand on him, who says I can't get under his skin?

He gave Yu Haoran, still dressed as he was the last time, a disdainful once-over, his initial hospitality nowhere to be seen.

"You, buying a luxury car worth over half a million? An Infiniti, no less. Do you even know how much that costs per month? Hmph."

The service associate was initially delighted to see the two men knew each other, thinking it would make her job easier.

But now, realizing there was bad blood between them, her heart raced. If this deal fell through, it could mean a significant cut in her monthly earnings!

Powerless to intervene and seeing Manager Liu's demeanor, she could only stand by, filled with anxiety.

She clung to the hope that somehow, she'd still manage to secure her commission.

"As the manager of this dealership, I'm quite familiar with our inventory. There are plenty of models that would suit your... level," he said, guiding Yu Haoran with a smile.

There's a saying: don't slap a smiling face. With Liu Tianyi acting this way, Yu Haoran couldn't just retaliate.

After all, we live in a society governed by laws, and since he hadn't regained his full strength, it wasn't wise to make a scene. Quietly observing this man's pretense was entertaining enough.

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Ha, sure. For a new car, something like a Chery, Geely, or a Wuling Hong Guang would be appropriate. They're affordable and offer good value for money, which is perfect for someone with... limited means. Oh, my apologies, I got carried away there."

Liu Tianyi's face feigned regret, but his apology lacked any real sincerity.

"No worries, Mr. Yu. Don't take it to heart. There's a saying: 'Though one may be poor, their aspirations are not.' While I may have some money, I've never looked down on those with less. So you shouldn't look down on yourself, either."

It's a real shame this guy isn't a lecturer; he certainly has a way with words.

Yu Haoran nodded at the brazen display and silently watched him spout nonsense.

"Since Mr. Yu hasn't objected, I must be right, huh? Gulp... Actually, I think that the model I just mentioned might be a bit of a stretch for someone with your budget."

Liu Tianyi seemed a bit worn out. He plopped down on the sofa across from Yu Haoran, poured himself a glass of water, and downed it in one go.

With his legs crossed and his eyes seemingly perched on his nose, he looked up at the still-composed Yu Haoran.

"A lot of the second-hand domestic cars are quite decent. They're affordable, and though they come with minor flaws, our dealership has a rigorous inspection and repair process. The value for money is exceptional. Interested in one?"

Yu Haoran stood up, but Liu Tianyi remained seated.

In his mind, Yu Haoran had been ridiculed to the point of being too embarrassed to stay any longer.

The salespeople nearby, overhearing the conversation, were stunned. They had never seen a customer who wouldn't fight back or respond to insults.

The manager spoke with such an attitude, and yet he didn't argue back?

It seemed he was just another poser. There were plenty of those around these days, like those who test drive, apply for loans, and then don't meet the loan requirements.

Or those who pay in full, only to have their spouses disagree.


They came up with all sorts of reasons and excuses, just for the thrill of it.

These types were known in the shop as "full and bored, just here to show off."

Seeing this, Yu Haoran's sales associate didn't pay much attention. She just slightly curled her lip and took a serious look at Yu Haoran's profile, thinking to herself,

"He doesn't seem like that type of person."

At that moment, Yu Haoran had already moved on from the sofa to another section.

"Miss, how much for this car?"

"The Lexus 570, fully loaded, will run you over a million, sir."

The sales associate's initial enthusiasm had waned, but her professionalism prevailed as she began to briefly introduce the car to Yu Haoran.

"The top-of-the-line model."

He had always admired this car in his past life, and now he had decided to go for it.

"This model is the pinnacle of luxury, featuring an 8-speed automatic transmission paired with a V8 engine."

"The out-the-door price?"

"Mr. Yu, this particular vehicle is on the pricier side, around 1.6 million."

The server continued to smile patiently as she responded.

"Haha, Mr. Yu, this car isn't really a fit for you. Folks like you can only dream of owning such a car, relegated to just looking and touching. Truth be told, I'm in the same boat; I can only admire it from a distance."

Liu Tianyi's voice chimed in once more.

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