Daddy's Double Life/C19 Ten Million Cheque
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Daddy's Double Life/C19 Ten Million Cheque
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C19 Ten Million Cheque

Confronted with Yu Haoran's indifferent demeanor, the man had no courage to defend himself, and his psychological defenses crumbled in an instant.

The man in black was overcome with terror, seemingly paralyzed with fear as he flailed his arms in a dazed state.

Yet, behind the facade, a sinister gleam flashed in his eyes as he feigned a fall into the car.

With practiced ease, he unlocked the handcuffs with his left hand, and a black, glossy pistol materialized in his right, emanating a chilling sense of danger.

But then!

Where had the young man before him vanished to?

As the man in black grappled with confusion:

"Click!" "Ah!"

The car door slammed shut. The car's soundproofing was impressive; the bustling crowd outside remained oblivious to the drama unfolding within.

The man in black's grip on the gun weakened, sweat pouring from his forehead, his complexion ashen.

He glared at Yu Haoran, who was now calmly seated in the passenger seat, with a look of ferocious hatred.

Despite the severe pain wracking his body, as a professional investigator, this pain paled in comparison to the shock of Yu Haoran's swift attack.

Who was this man, and how could he move so quickly?

Even in the face of life and death, his eyes remained unflinchingly calm.

But the next moment, he dismissed the unrealistic thought; after all, this was a godless society.

Yet, such considerations were irrelevant to Yu Haoran. A life and death crisis?

As if you could pose a threat.

Your gun probably wouldn't even make a dent in his Divine Body!

"Come with me. No problem, right?"

Yu Haoran didn't even spare him a glance, let alone show concern for his broken arm.

The sound of his calm voice instilled fear in the man for the first time.

A persistent thought haunted his mind: just who was this person?

"Will I survive?"

Resigned to his fate, his mental fortitude was commendable.

He was able to make the most rational decision in the face of overwhelming power, as there was no other choice.

Especially after failing to ambush Yu Haoran in such a brief encounter, he knew he stood no chance in a direct confrontation.

He studied Yu Haoran's profile, searching for something, anything, but to his dismay, he found nothing.

Could a God-King who had shaken the entire Radiant Empyrean be transparent to a mere mortal like him?

"Ants don't have the right to negotiate. Leave or die."

Yu Haoran turned, his gaze calm and downcast, not sparing the man in black a glance.

"I'll go with you."

With that, the man in black, clutching his forearm, followed Yu Haoran closely. They ascended the stairs conspicuously, unchallenged by anyone.

After all, this man was a VIP, personally designated by the chairman.

In Cheng Guo'an's office.


The office door shut with a bang, and he settled onto the sofa, speaking indifferently.

"Ask him whatever you want to know. He'll be honest."

Cheng Guo'an nodded earnestly and addressed the man in black.

"Speak about the surveillance."

"I'm not privy to much, but it was Director Lee and Bai Shan Pharmaceutical who orchestrated it. My role was merely to keep watch."

The man in black's grasp of the situation was incisive. Concealing information now could cost him his life.

Moreover, he hadn't done anything that warranted death. It was simply a matter of loyalty to one's employer.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Cheng Guo'an applauded softly as a suit-clad bodyguard entered. His strength was not formidable, but the intense combat readiness he exuded made it clear he was battle-hardened.

"Take him away and guard him closely. I can't afford any slip-ups; I have more questions."

Cheng Guo'an's face broke into a broad grin once the man was escorted out.

What he had anticipated to be a thorny issue had been swiftly resolved by Yu Haoran's hand – impressively efficient.

He sat across from Yu Haoran, producing a check and swiftly filling it out with a flourish of his pen.

"Here's 10 million yuan. This will be your compensation going forward."

"Didn't you just pay me?"

Yu Haoran was puzzled. The old adage that unsolicited generosity often had ulterior motives rang true all too often.

"Oh, I must apologize for calling you in today. I employed you under the guise of Qiuyu's bodyguard, but today's matter was my own company's business. You've earned your fee."

Yu Haoran blinked, pondered for a moment, and then accepted the check.

"Alright, just call me if you need anything," he said.

Cheng Guo'an watched as Yu Haoran pocketed the check, and a weight lifted from his shoulders.

He had been genuinely concerned that Yu Haoran might refuse it. If Yu Haoran had declined and only agreed to work as Cheng Qiuyu's bodyguard, Cheng Guo'an would have felt awkward asking him to deal with company issues. The struggle had escalated from behind-the-scenes maneuvering to an open confrontation, and having such an ally was indeed quite beneficial.

The young man was not only youthful and strong, but what mattered most was his steadiness and authenticity.

Yu Haoran's standing in Cheng Guo'an's eyes was exceptionally high; he couldn't find a single fault.

Cheng Guo'an, the sly old fox, had wanted to probe further into Yu Haoran's background, but noticing that Yu Haoran was not very forthcoming, he wisely shifted the conversation.

Eventually, he learned that Yu Haoran was now essentially a full-time dad, as his wife had left home and he was living with his sister-in-law. Yu Haoran was open about these matters, which anyone could easily discover.

Glancing at the time, they realized they had been talking for over two hours. Cheng Guo'an, who hadn't even noticed his own hunger, suggested they grab a meal together.

"I can't, Tuantuan will be getting out of school soon, and I need to pick him up. Give me a call if anything comes up," Yu Haoran replied, nodding to Cheng Guo'an before heading out.

Truth be told, he had been ready to leave earlier, not out of a desire to eavesdrop on Cheng Guo'an and the untrustworthy man in black, but because he didn't feel comfortable leaving them alone together.

Driving his newly purchased Lexus, Yu Haoran managed to reach the school just before Tuantuan was dismissed, only to find no parking spots available. Skillfully, he squeezed the large vehicle into a tight space, showcasing his adeptness.

When he finally saw the flood of children streaming out of the school gates, parents eagerly lifting them up or taking their hands, a smile crept onto Yu Haoran's face.

This was life on Earth, a stark contrast to the Divine World, where the destiny of each child was predetermined at birth, and where most parents, except for the few with formidable strength and carefree lives, faced a constant struggle for survival.

Do you yearn for such a serene and blissful existence?

Keep dreaming!

Yet, for the offspring of the God-King, it was within reach.

But suddenly, a foreboding scene unfolded, a reality not exclusive to the Divine World but also present on Earth.

A dashing young man was seen tugging at a tall, slender female teacher who wore her hair in a ponytail.

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