Daddy's Double Life/C20 This Slap!!
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Daddy's Double Life/C20 This Slap!!
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C20 This Slap!!

"Dad... Dad... Tuantuan is here, teehee!"

A little girl with a pink bow in her hair and a long white dress came into view. It was none other than Tuantuan.

Interrupted by Tuantuan, Yu Haoran chuckled and looked away.

The world was full of injustices, and he simply didn't have the time or energy to address everyone's issues.

Such was the rule of society, the very foundation of progress.

Survival of the fittest, a dog-eat-dog world.

Yu Haoran weaved through the crowd of parents like an eel and scooped Tuantuan into his arms.

He affectionately nuzzled Tuantuan's soft cheek, his face beaming with contentment.

"Dad... let me go... Your beard is prickly. It hurts!"

Tuantuan pouted, her face a picture of distress, yet she seemed somewhat unwilling to let go.

Her tiny hands tenderly cradled Yu Haoran's face.

Yu Haoran let out a wry smile.

"Okay, tomorrow Dad won't let his beard grow out. It's poking our Tuantuan."

"Hee hee, but without the beard, Dad won't look handsome! We should let it grow."

"Come on, Dad will take you home."

"Okay! Oh? Quick, save the teacher, Dad!"

Just as Tuantuan was about to leave, she looked around from her elevated position in Yu Haoran's arms – after all, being up high meant she could see further.

She spotted the scene of a beautiful teacher being accosted at the door and indignantly pointed at the thuggish young man.

Yu Haoran focused and realized the coincidence.

It was his second uncle, Lee Jingtian.

The guy was as irresponsible as ever. Now that Lee Zhongshan had recovered, he seemed to have forgotten his past troubles.

Lee Jingtian, born into wealth, had always been this way, living a life of ease, chasing girls or seeking pleasure every day.

Yu Haoran had actually misjudged him.

His background was his background, and it shaped his destiny.

But to brazenly abduct a woman in broad daylight was crossing the line. Moreover, with Tuantuan speaking up, Yu Haoran felt compelled to intervene.

Yu Haoran carried Tuantuan through the crowd to join the two of them.

Most of the onlookers were parents there to pick up their kids and assumed the pair was a couple having an argument, so they didn't intervene.

In today's world, few people are inclined to get involved in others' affairs, and even fewer can sense when a woman is unwilling.

"If she's not interested, why persist?"

Yu Haoran remarked coolly.

"I'm Tuantuan, here to rescue you, hehe."

Lee Jingtian didn't look back. After all, who in Zrikta would dare interfere with the affairs of the Lee family, especially those of Lee Yinghai?

"Humph, you're nothing..."

He began to turn, his sneer swiftly changing to shock, then bursting into laughter.

"Haha, I thought some blind fool was meddling in Lee Yinghai's business, but it's you! Let me warn you, Yu Haoran, don't think for a second that saving my dad gives you any clout with me!"

"You... you can't talk about my dad like that. Hmph, you're the bad guy!"

Tuantuan had never been back to her grandfather's house since she was born. She had no memories of it from her childhood, and now she didn't even recognize her own uncle.

But to Yu Haoran, this was for the best. Such relatives were better off avoided; with him by her side, Tuantuan needed no one else's care.

He alone was enough.

"You're just the brat my sister and this loser produced..."

Lee Jingtian glanced at the visibly upset Tuantuan and inwardly admired her beauty.

But his sneer quickly returned.


Before he could finish, a sharp slap rang out.

A bright red handprint appeared on Lee Jingtian's face as Yu Haoran, still holding Tuantuan with one hand, drew her back into his embrace with the other.

Insulting him was one thing, but no one was allowed to insult Tuantuan.

The slap wasn't particularly forceful; after all, the man was her own brother.

It was meant as a lesson.

Yet, that slap pushed Lee Jingtian over the edge.


Lee Jingtian rolled his eyes and viciously spat out a mouthful of blood-tinged saliva. His face twisted into a snarl.

He had hoped to use this moment to assert his dominance, banking on the age-old adage that heroes attract the fairer sex.

He had considered forgiving the other party before, but his offer was met with defiance.

Now was the perfect time to settle both old and new scores.

But the outcome...

He achieved neither revenge nor the chance to showcase his strength.

Instead, he found himself on the receiving end of a humiliating slap in front of a crowd.

He couldn't bring himself to meet the gaze of the teacher he had been pursuing for days, his pride wounded. When had he ever been subjected to such indignity?

"Haha... You've got some nerve, Tuantuan, right? Let me tell you, your dad is a loser. Ever wonder why your mom disappeared? It's all because of him—a man who can't even protect his own woman is worthless! Pah!"

Lee Jingtian adjusted his shoulders and neck, readying himself as if to strike, convinced he had been caught off guard.

"Wuwu... That's not true. My dad isn't like that. My dad is the strongest..."

Tuantuan's heart sank as the man before her spoke so cruelly about her protector, and tears began to stream down her face.

"Hehe, Tuantuan, don't cry. Remember the words your dad taught you?"

Upon hearing Yu Haoran's words, Tuantuan fought back her tears, her large eyes searching for the memory. Then it came to her.

"You, you dare to yap at me like a mere insect? Is that right, Dad?"

She looked up expectantly, seeking approval, her tear-streaked face resembling a small, smiling tabby cat.

"You're amazing, Tuantuan!"

Yu Haoran then turned to face Lee Jingtian, his gaze icy and devoid of any previous nonchalance.

"Your gravest mistake today was making Tuantuan cry. I would have let it slide, considering you're her brother."

"Pah! Pah!"

By now, a crowd had gathered, drawn in by the commotion of the recent scuffle.

Suddenly, a figure went flying backwards.

The sound of two sharp slaps echoed.

The crowd of onlookers was dumbfounded.

Some recognized the young man who had been struck.

"That's Lee Jingtian from the Lee family. He's currently the Young Lord of the Lee family!"

"Can you believe this guy actually hit him? What's his background? My goodness!"

"We should get out of here fast. This is a clash of titans, and we don't want to get caught in the crossfire!"


While many people dispersed, others stayed to watch the drama unfold, as such spectacular scenes were not an everyday occurrence.

"You're Tuantuan's dad, aren't you? Thank you for stepping in, but... this... this situation has brought you trouble, dealing with this person..."

The female teacher, previously too astonished to speak, finally regained her composure and hurried over to Yu Haoran, expressing her apologies.

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