Daddy's Double Life/C4 She Had to Earn Money
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Daddy's Double Life/C4 She Had to Earn Money
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C4 She Had to Earn Money

The next morning, Yu Haoran awoke, feeling the spiritual energy gathered in his elixir field, which caused his brow to furrow in frustration. Despite a night spent cultivating, the converted spiritual energy was disappointingly scant. The efficiency was a far cry from his time in the Divine World.

"Let's see if I can activate the All-Seeing Eye!"

Concentrating his spiritual will on the Divine Court, the freshly cultivated energy rushed forth.


A burst of golden light illuminated the room. Under the gaze of the All-Seeing Eye, the bedroom walls appeared transparent.

Ning Yulu was already up and bustling about the kitchen. Lee Rong, his sister-in-law, was still in bed, draped in a silk robe, her beauty and poise striking.

Yu Haoran frowned, his attention diverted to his daughter Tuantuan's room. She was awake, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands, looking ready to climb out of bed. He was curious to see what she would do next.

But suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his forehead, and the vision before him vanished. He felt a profound emptiness as the spiritual energy he had cultivated all night drained away in a mere five seconds.

"This won't do. Even though the Heaven Devouring Devil Art doesn't require a godhead for cultivation, at this rate, how long will it take to regain my strength and find Lee Wen?"

"I need to figure out a way to make some money, to buy items infused with spiritual energy to aid my cultivation."

Confronted with a reality that differed starkly from his expectations, Yu Haoran was beset by a headache. Three years earlier, right after graduating from college, he had married Lee Wen. With little work experience and a child to care for, he had fully embraced his role as the family's primary caregiver. In the Divine World, there had been no use for money, but back on Earth, this posed a significant challenge.

As he grappled with his financial dilemma, the door creaked open. There stood Tuantuan, clutching her teddy bear, gazing at her father seated on the bed with a timid sparkle in her eyes.

"Tuantuan, come give Daddy a hug."

Yu Haoran's voice softened to an extreme as he saw his daughter, a wave of indescribable emotion welling up in his heart. The bond of blood made his heart instantly tender. The once formidable God-King, who had reigned supreme in the Divine World, turned as docile as a lamb in front of his little girl.

Tuantuan stepped back cautiously. Yu Haoran remained still, not wanting to frighten her. Eventually, the little girl gathered her courage and whispered, "Daddy..."

She had etched the image of her parents in her mind. At first sight, Yu Haoran's disheveled appearance had startled her. But after he had cleaned up and changed clothes, she recognized him. She even spoke up to defend him when Lee Rong was about to scold him. Deep down, she had come to terms with her father's return.

Opening the door to the master bedroom was really a way to ensure that her newly returned father wouldn't vanish once more.

"My precious girl!" Yu Haoran exclaimed with joy.

He leapt out of bed and rushed to the door, embracing the little sprite he had missed so dearly. He had longed for this feeling for three hundred years.

"Sweetheart, from now on, Daddy will never let you suffer the slightest hardship," Yu Haoran vowed silently.

The connection between father and daughter grew so quickly it was astonishing.

By the time Lee Rong got up, Tuantuan was confidently sitting atop Yu Haoran's head.

Lee Rong shook her head in private. Her brother-in-law, useless as ever, hadn't changed a bit after three years of absence, still resorting to such simple antics to delight his child.

After breakfast, Yu Haoran and Lee Rong took Tuantuan to kindergarten. Watching the little girl look back repeatedly, Yu Haoran lingered, reluctant to part.

"What are your plans now?" Lee Rong asked, her tone softening. She had come to terms with a lot overnight. If her sister had chosen Yu Haoran, then that was her destiny, and no amount of anger could bring back what was lost.

"I need to earn money," Yu Haoran declared, his gaze sharp. "Ning Yulu mentioned you started a company. Are you still looking for people?"

"Do you want to join my company?"

Lee Rong looked at him with surprise. "I work in the health industry. Are you familiar with medicine?"

"Except for a salesperson or a janitor, nothing else would really suit you."

"I could be a salesperson. Tuantuan is starting school, and I'm idle anyway. As long as I can pick her up by four in the afternoon, I'm good," Yu Haoran pondered.

A salesperson's income is commission-based.

Having been away for three years, he felt increasingly disconnected from society. He couldn't even entertain the thought of other jobs. If he wanted to make money quickly, sales was his only option.

"To be honest, I really don't want to hire you."

Lee Rong sighed, feeling defeated. "But for Tuantuan's sake, I'll give you a chance. I was planning to handle a partnership myself this Sunday, but since you're interested, you can give it a shot."

"Let me be clear, if you close the deal, you'll get a five percent commission."

"If it falls through, you'll need to look elsewhere."

Lee Rong wanted to tell Yu Haoran that her company was on the brink of collapse, unable to sell products or secure funding.

The only thing keeping her afloat was the little savings she had stashed away since childhood.

But considering Yu Haoran had just returned, she didn't have the heart to dampen his enthusiasm.

She had a particularly tough client on her hands.

Success seemed nearly impossible, so using this as a way for Yu Haoran to back out on his own seemed kinder than outright rejection.

"No problem," Yu Haoran confidently responded.

His three hundred years of cultivation in the Divine World, facing countless life-and-death situations, had taught him one thing: persistence pays off.

No partnership is impossible to secure; it's all about perseverance.

"Let's go. I'll buy you a phone, then send you the product and client details. You can go straight to them," Lee Rong agreed.

She took Yu Haoran to a phone store, purchased a phone, and set up a service plan.

"The cost of the phone will come out of your wages," Lee Rong said with the air of a boss before leaving on her own.

Yu Haoran couldn't help but smile bitterly. His sister-in-law's deep-seated prejudice against him wasn't something that could be easily dispelled.

Only by finding Lee Wen could there be a chance to mend their relationship.

Soon after, Yu Haoran received a message from Lee Rong.

He read it carefully and committed it to memory.

Lee Rong's products were traditional medicine and health supplements designed to boost immunity and combat suboptimal health.

The client was a renowned chain pharmacy in Zrikta, owned by Cheng Guo'an, a fifty-six-year-old man with an odd temper and a bias against younger people, making him notoriously difficult to handle.

"Difficult to handle?" Yu Haoran chuckled to himself and set out on foot to the address.

Earlier that morning, he had dropped Tuantuan off at school without a penny in his pocket, having forgotten to ask Lee Rong for some cash. His only available mode of transport was his own two feet, referred to humorously as 'route 11'.

Luckily, Yu Haoran's Divine Body was no ordinary physique. Even while trying not to draw attention during the day, his speed could easily rival that of an electric scooter.

An hour later, Yu Haoran reached the San Huai An Pharmacy office building.

"The general manager hasn't arrived yet. Please wait a moment," the receptionist said warmly.

Checking the time, Yu Haoran noted it was only 9:30 AM, well before Tuantuan would be let out of school. Waiting wasn't an issue for him.

But as the wait stretched to five hours, the receptionist's tune remained unchanged.

He was beginning to grasp just how challenging Cheng Guo'an could be.

"With only an hour and a half until Tuantuan gets out of school," Yu Haoran thought, his irritation growing. He stepped out of the company's entrance and gazed up at the eight-story building, his eyes turning icy.

In the Divine World, no one would dare make him wait this long.

Having faced such a snub upon his return to Earth, this being his first job, Yu Haoran was determined not to let it fail.

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