Daddy's Double Life/C6 I Am Only Here to Sign the Contract
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Daddy's Double Life/C6 I Am Only Here to Sign the Contract
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C6 I Am Only Here to Sign the Contract

"You're the chairman's daughter of this pharmaceutical company, aren't you? Where's your dad?"

After everything he had done, Yu Haoran seemed to lack any hint of the heroic aura one reads about in novels or sees on TV. Where was the refined demeanor now? The person he had just rescued was not only a stunning beauty but also a quintessential rich heiress!

This man was top-notch!

That was Cheng Qiuyu's immediate reaction.

"Could you... could you untie me first?"

Cheng Qiuyu's brow furrowed. The initial admiration and awe inspired by Yu Haoran's graceful intervention had vanished. As he spoke, Cheng Qiuyu's favorable opinion of him plummeted by decades.

It wasn't that she wasn't appreciative of Yu Haoran; it was just... could he possibly be clueless?


Yu Haoran approached Cheng Qiuyu with a nonchalant air, swiftly untied the ropes, and then continued to gaze at her.

But he wasn't just looking at Cheng Qiuyu; he was waiting for her response.

Cheng Qiuyu stood up, stretching her numb limbs and massaging her sore wrists and arms. Now, she took a good, hard look at Yu Haoran.

Well, he was quite attractive, with a well-proportioned physique. He might not be overly muscular, but the definition of his muscles was evident, complemented by his sharply defined facial features. He was the epitome of walking pheromones.

He appeared to be around her age.

Historically, beauties have fallen for heroes, and Cheng Qiuyu was no exception. Her impression of Yu Haoran soared back to the moment he had single-handedly taken down two knife-wielding robbers.

As she observed him, her heartbeat quickened, and a blush tinted her cheeks.

"Isn't your father around?"

Yu Haoran's mood soured slightly. He had just saved her, and she hadn't even uttered a word of thanks. Was she not going to acknowledge her rescuer?

Or was this woman merely a pretty face without substance?

"You save me, and that's all you want to know? That's your only question?"

Cheng Qiuyu was not someone to be spoken to in such a manner. No boy her age had ever dared to address her like this. What was with his attitude? A beauty was speaking to him, and he couldn't even muster a warm response.

Was the only thing she said really unrelated to her? She was seeking her father.

Not even a single word of concern? She didn't come here for you.

Cheng Qiuyu was inexplicably enraged. Her pride, which she usually held in high regard, had no advantage in front of this man today.

"Right, I have business to discuss with your father."

Yu Haoran's genuine gaze somewhat soothed Cheng Qiuyu's temper, and she gave him a dismissive look. He truly was clueless.

"Then give me a brief overview."

She regained her commanding presence and spoke with ease.

Yu Haoran felt a surge of irritation when she rolled her eyes at him. Who in the Divine World would dare do that to him? He could annihilate them with just a look, but then he remembered Tuantuan's formula expenses and let it go.

"Well, this product is a traditional medicine and health supplement. It's designed to boost immunity and alleviate suboptimal health..."

Yu Haoran was earnestly explaining, as this was his first job since returning, but Cheng Qiuyu cut him off midway.

"Stop, did you bring the contract? Let's sign it."

Cheng Qiuyu gestured dismissively, treating the matter as if it were trivial, despite it being a contract worth millions.

Yu Haoran was taken aback, his mouth still agape from the word 'health'. He looked at Cheng Qiuyu, puzzled.


Cheng Qiuyu couldn't suppress her laughter at Yu Haoran's earnestness. Her laugh wasn't world-shattering, but it was still exceptionally charming.

Even the God-King, accustomed to the many beauties of the Divine World, found no fault in her.

"You're new to sales, aren't you? Hmm... You could easily coast on your looks, yet you insist on using your words, huh."

Cheng Qiuyu had now realized that Yu Haoran wasn't a simpleton; he was the epitome of a 'straightforward man'. She appraised him once more, her mind ticking over.

A mysterious smile crept onto her face.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the contract. You're clearly not a con artist. Plus, there's a real demand for health supplements in the market. It's a win-win situation. Got it?"

Cheng Qiuyu explained with a smile.

The contract was signed with ease. Cheng Qiuyu glanced at the phone number on the contract.

"I can just contact you at this number in the future, right?"

"Yes, that's correct. Let me double-check it; I just bought this number today. Hmm... Yes, everything looks good. I'll have the goods delivered to you in the next couple of days."

With that, Yu Haoran left without any further ado. His brevity amused Cheng Qiuyu; it had been quite some time since she'd encountered such an endearingly 'cute' man.

She then turned her attention to the two robbers on the ground—one unconscious, the other groaning in pain. Her expression turned icy as she promptly dialed the police.

Yu Haoran exited the office building, pondering over his recent encounter.

"Was this the challenging person Lee Rong mentioned? Seemed straightforward to me..."

Task accomplished, he called the number Lee Rong had given him to confirm the company's address before hailing a taxi.

Upon arrival at Lee Rong's company, he was greeted by a scene of a handsome man and a beautiful woman in a heated exchange at the entrance.

The man, roughly Yu Haoran's age, sported a tailor-made Armani suit and gleaming leather shoes that screamed expensive.

Yu Haoran, who had remained composed during the earlier robbery, now found his patience wearing thin. Clenching his jaw and squinting his eyes, he approached the pair and spoke in a deep, resonant tone,

"Young... Shaohua!"

His voice boomed like that of a wild beast, a reaction so intense that even Yu Haoran hadn't anticipated such a loss of composure from himself, a God-King.

Wu Shaohua, hearing the voice, turned with a puzzled look to see Yu Haoran, clutching a document bag and clad in simple, outdated casual wear, and burst into laughter.

"Oh? And who might this be? Isn't this the Wang family's son-in-law, famously known for living off his wife? But I heard you were dead three years ago? Hahaha... Oh, that's right, you're the one who caused your wife's death, aren't you?"

Despite her lingering irritation, Lee Rong, witnessing Yu Haoran's state, realized it was all because of her sister, Lee Wen. She couldn't help but feel a wave of compassion and heartache for him.

"Brother-in-law, let's head home and not give him any more attention."

Lee Rong was genuinely concerned that Yu Haoran might act impulsively and end up unable to deal with this man. She knew all too well that Wu Shaohua was the epitome of a scoundrel.

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