Daddy's Double Life/C7 Just an Ant
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Daddy's Double Life/C7 Just an Ant
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C7 Just an Ant

The Wu family's influence in Zrikta surpassed even that of her own Lee family.

Lee Wen and her sister, both from the Lee family, had been essentially cast aside due to Lee Wen's marriage. Along with their so-called worthless brother-in-law, they were no longer considered part of the family.

Wu Shaohua stood apart from them. He was the legitimate heir to the Wu family, destined to be the future head and helmsman of the clan!

He was someone they couldn't afford to provoke, nor could they simply avoid him.

Yu Haoran was seething with anger, yet he was aware that he lacked the power to take a life. Once a God-King in the Divine World, his shattered godhead left him devoid of divine powers.

His spiritual energy as a martial artist was woefully inadequate. His priority was to strengthen himself and rescue Lee Wen.

After taking a deep breath and casting one more glance at Wu Shaohua, Yu Haoran allowed Lee Rong to lead him away.

Wu Shaohua's legs shook involuntarily under Yu Haoran's intense gaze. Had it not been a public setting, he might have collapsed right then and there.

He soon shook off the feeling, convincing himself that the man he once dismissed as trash couldn't possibly possess such presence. It must be due to his recent overindulgence with young women.

Yes, that had to be it.

Was he, Wu Shaohua, the esteemed Young Master of the Wu family, really going to let him walk away so easily?

"Hold on! You think you can just walk away like that?"

Wu Shaohua blurted out, his resolve to assert his dominance solidifying as he watched Yu Haoran's retreating figure, which had paused but not turned back. With a scornful laugh, he taunted,

"You're a complete waste! I pursued Lee Wen for so long, and I can't fathom what sweet nothings you whispered to steal her affections. You failed to take care of her, and now you've even caused her death."

To the uninformed, his indignation might have seemed like a sign of integrity.

"Wu Shaohua, what exactly do you want?"

Lee Rong couldn't contain her anger any longer. Wu Shaohua's persistent harassment was bad enough, but his repeated verbal insults towards her sister were intolerable. The sisters shared a profound bond; otherwise, they wouldn't have lashed out at Yu Haoran upon seeing him.

"What do you want? If this loser kneels before me and admits he wronged Lee Wen, I'll let him off the hook. How does that sound? Haha."

Wu Shaohua spoke with a sense of elation, his disdain for Yu Haoran intensifying. To him, Yu Haoran was nothing but trash, too cowardly to even talk back.

He could already picture Yu Haoran kneeling before him, ready to spit on him with a smug grin, like a villain reveling in his triumph.

At that moment, Yu Haoran finally turned around slowly, his previous ferocity swept away, replaced by a mere indifferent glance at Wu Shaohua.

True to the title of God-King, he quickly regained his composure. Now was not the time for retribution.

Lee Rong, feeling increasingly anxious, turned her gaze to Yu Haoran beside her. She didn't want him to appear weak, yet she also didn't want a moment of impulsiveness to cause him undue trouble in the future.

Torn, she found herself at a loss for words.

"Hmm, you dare to yap at me, you insignificant ant?"


Is he out of his mind?

The bystanders couldn't contain their laughter.

"Damn, what did he just say?"

"He must have lost his mind from fear. I've heard Wu Shaohua has connections that reach the heavens."


Wu Shaohua's laughter was boisterous, and even Lee Rong watched Yu Haoran with a look of disbelief. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In such a situation, it was one thing for a man not to fight back, but to have the nerve to crack jokes?

"Haha... Three years ago, you were a nobody. Hah... Hah... Today... You... You've actually turned into a madman..."

"Smack!" "Thud!"

But before Wu Shaohua could finish, his face beaming with arrogance, the crowd, still chuckling at Yu Haoran's remark, heard a sharp sound. A figure was sent flying, crashing heavily to the ground and tumbling several times.

Who else could it be but the boastful Wu Shaohua?

Yet, from start to finish, no one saw who had struck the blow. Yu Haoran hadn't even made a move.

Wu Shaohua lay on the ground, clutching his swollen face, and looked around in terror. Finding nothing, he clumsily climbed into his car. Before driving off, he shot Yu Haoran a venomous look.

He didn't believe for a second that Yu Haoran was the one who had attacked him, but he was determined to pin all the blame on him regardless.

The roar of an engine filled the air as a Maserati sped away, vanishing from view.

"Yu... Yu Haoran, what just happened? Was it you?"

Lee Rong gazed at him, her face etched with confusion, then gestured toward the direction Wu Shaohua had disappeared.

Yu Haoran remained composed, neither confirming nor denying the accusation. He simply lifted the contract in his hand and stated flatly,

"The contract is signed."

The idea that Yu Haoran, without his divine powers, could be defenseless was laughable. His Divine Body was authentic; not even a bullet could scratch it. Handling a man as feeble as Wu Shaohua was almost too easy.

"What do you mean, 'signed'?"

Lee Rong asked offhandedly. But as she finished, her worldview was upended once again. She scrutinized the calm Yu Haoran, then the contract in his hand. Snatching it, she examined the San Huai Nunnery's seal and Cheng Qiuyu's signature, the company's vice president.

She gave Yu Haoran a thorough once-over and, without further ado, dragged him back to the company. Lee Rong was intent on uncovering the secrets of this enigmatic man.

She was well aware of the cutthroat nature of their industry and the near-impossibility of the task at hand. She knew all too well how difficult Cheng Guo'an could be, having been turned away on several occasions.

Yet Yu Haoran seemed utterly disinterested in the affair, preferring silence to explanation, which left Lee Rong with mixed feelings of admiration and frustration.

After all, he had managed to fulfill a contract that was deemed virtually unachievable, thereby rescuing her company from the brink of disaster. Her frustration stemmed from his stoic demeanor; what could he possibly have to hide?

But Lee Rong was not about to let him off the hook today, determined as she was to get to the bottom of things.

Yu Haoran's indifferent expression, however, left her at a loss for words.

"Ring, ring, ring..."

Lee Rong glanced at her phone before answering the call.

"Hello, Wang Yueya. What's going on? Tuantuan got into a fight? Just a little scrape?"

The initial part was fine, but as the last sentence came through, Yu Haoran abruptly grabbed the phone from her.

"You're saying Tuantuan is hurt? I'm his parent. Alright, I'm on my way."

After hanging up, he saved the number to his phone and instructed Lee Rong to head home and start cooking, making sure to prepare Tuantuan's meal. He would personally head to the school.

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