Daddy's Double Life/C9 There Were Always People Looking for Death
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Daddy's Double Life/C9 There Were Always People Looking for Death
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C9 There Were Always People Looking for Death

"You... You dare to bark at me, you insignificant ant?"

Tuantuan, though still young and able to discern right from wrong, was eager not to let her father down. With a timid stutter, she spoke up.

"Well done, truly worthy of being Yu Haoran's daughter."

Yu Haoran beamed with pride as he held Tuantuan in his arms.

What is this man up to?

Wang Yueya straightened her slightly askew glasses, holding back her words, sensing that this man was about to do something out of the ordinary.

"Haha, son, take note. In this world, you need money to show off, just like your dad. Don't imitate those who are poor yet pretend to be something they're not. Stay away from such low-quality individuals."

Liu Tianyi spoke with a sneer, his eyes fixed on Yu Haoran and his son with contempt.

He had hoped to amuse himself today, but instead, he encountered a pushover. With no opportunity to lose his temper, he could only indulge in verbal satisfaction.

"Dad, they're both pushovers! They have no class."

Liu Lu pointed excitedly at Yu Haoran and Tuantuan, completely oblivious to her own error.

"Alas, the failings of a child reflect on the parent. Tuantuan, come down. Today, your father will teach you how to deal with barking ants."

No sooner had Yu Haoran finished speaking.




A shadow was sent flying with a crisp sound, crashing into the wall before making a harsh acquaintance with the floor.

Yu Haoran returned to his spot, gently brushing off imaginary dust from his hands, his face softening as he scooped up Tuantuan.

"Let's go home, Tuantuan. Auntie has made your favorite dish. Hehe."

Tuantuan, who should have been frightened by the rough scene, especially as a young girl, was far from it. Instead, her face lit up with a trace of excitement, her tiny fists clenched in sheer joy.

"Dad, you're so cool! I want to be just like you when I grow up. Mwah!"

She planted an enthusiastic kiss on Yu Haoran's cheek, her happiness boundless.

"Wang Yueya, I don't want my child to endure any more hardships at school."

After finishing her statement, she turned to Wang Yueya.

Without waiting for a response, she scooped up Tuantuan and left.

Wang Yueya was petrified. She had never witnessed anything like it, especially not something unfolding right before her eyes. Was this even humanly possible?

Liu Lu was so frightened that she sat on the ground, her face ashen. She had been terrified out of her wits. Liu Tianyi was the hero in her heart. Seeing him now, lying on the ground in such a disheveled state, she was at a loss for what to do.

Liu Tianyi, shaking, pulled out his phone from his pocket. Fighting through the pain wracking his body, he managed to dial a number, but as his hand moved, it aggravated his injuries.

"Hiss... Brother Biao, it's me, Liu Tianyi, at Red Apple Kindergarten, with a father and daughter. Yes, the last name is Liu..."

Tuantuan's school was conveniently close to home, just a ten-minute walk away.

Curiously, Tuantuan's little hands explored Yu Haoran's hair and then his face. Yu Haoran had truly made a significant impact on her today.

"Tuantuan, you mustn't fight with your classmates anymore, okay?"

Yu Haoran's face radiated happiness. He vowed to himself that he would never let his little princess endure any hardship again.

"They... they said... about you..."

Tuantuan hesitated before speaking those few words. She was genuinely afraid of upsetting her father, not wanting to lose the hard-won relationship with her dad.

In the past, she had silently borne the taunts of her classmates. An orphan learns to be mature early on, and she didn't want to trouble Lee Rong.

But now, she had a father. Even knowing she might face bullying, she refused to let anyone demean or ridicule her dad.

That's what led to today's incident.

Yu Haoran held Tuantuan close, resting his chin gently on her little head.

"Daddy isn't asking you not to fight; nobody should bully us, no matter who they are! Fight back if you must. It's just that you're not strong enough to win yet."

Once, the Sovereign of the Divine World could face a sea of blood without a flicker of emotion. But today, holding Tuantuan close with his eyes shut tight, he was terrified that his little princess might see him cry and feel heartbroken.

The father and son stood there silently, basking in each other's warmth.


A harsh screech of brakes filled the air as five burly men in black leapt out of a black jeep. The leader removed his sunglasses and approached Yu Haoran, who was holding his child.

"Yu Haoran?"

"Let's hear what you have to say."

"Heh, got it. Come on, guys, let's start by taking out his right hand!"

With a cold laugh, the leader commanded, and without hesitation, the other four closed in on Yu Haoran.

Unlike the dramatic exchanges on TV, these thugs swung their fists and charged at Yu Haoran without a second thought for the child in his arms.

They were unconcerned with the consequences; after all, they were used to having someone else take the fall for incidents like this.

"Stop! Wait a second!"

Yu Haoran's calm voice surprisingly made an impact, causing the four thugs to look towards their impatient leader, who waved his hand dismissively.

"Speak up, what's the trouble?"

"Tuantuan, do you remember the phrase Daddy taught you? Can you repeat it for me?"

Yu Haoran seemed oblivious to their presence, his gaze fixed lovingly on his cherished daughter, with no sign of awareness that he was about to be attacked.

"You dare to bark at me, you insignificant ant?"

She glanced fearfully at Yu Haoran, as the menacing figures surrounding them were indeed terrifying. Tuantuan felt guilty, thinking she had gotten her father into trouble.

"Daddy, I'm sorry... I won't fight anymore."

"Tuantuan, remember this: in this world, whoever makes you cry will pay the price. So don't be afraid, Daddy's here."

Yu Haoran tenderly wiped away the tears from Tuantuan's eyes.

"Damn, still so uncouth even at death's door."

"Moron, a pig-like person shouldn't be giving advice to a child."

"He's probably scared witless, babbling like a fool."

The thugs exchanged taunts, laughing and enjoying themselves, convinced their task was well worth the effort.

"Tuantuan, get down for a moment. Daddy's going to show you today how to deal with barking ants. In this world, if you don't stand up for yourself, you'll always be the one getting beaten."

No sooner had Yu Haoran's words faded than he vanished from the spot.

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