Dan Martial Sovereign/C11 Intensive building period
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Dan Martial Sovereign/C11 Intensive building period
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C11 Intensive building period

The masked man was like a cat toying with a mouse as he attacked Bai Xiaochuan from both sides. Bai Xiaochuan could only dodge passively. The surrounding ground was covered with huge cracks. Trees that were a hundred meters in radius were all lying on the ground in disarray.

Bai Xiaochuan did not just avoid him. He was waiting, waiting for the masked man to stop for a moment. That moment was the time for Bai Xiaochuan to counterattack. Sure enough, the masked man launched a few more attacks with his blade. Finally, he stopped to take a breath.

Bai Xiaochuan instantly countered: Now! Bai Xiaochuan released the Dragon Turtle Armor and the Dragon Turtle Armor grew to three feet in size. The Dragon Turtle Armor flew up and surrounded Bai Xiaochuan.

Bai Xiaochuan poured in his spirit energy, and the ruyi cloud blade on his arm hardened. It turned into a trident that Bai Xiaochuan was familiar with. Bai Xiaochuan stared coldly at the masked man.

The masked man laughed loudly when he saw Bai Xiaochuan's actions. What a joke! The mayfly shook the tree and overestimated itself! The 5th level of Qi Condensation challenged Foundation Establishment?

The masked man wielded his two fingers and swung his huge blade forward with a wind blade at his waist! If this hack were to land on Bai Xiaochuan's body, he would definitely turn into a lump of meat paste. However, Bai Xiaochuan stepped on the tree trunk, bent his legs and leapt with all his strength, shooting towards the masked man like a bullet.

The masked man did not panic when he saw Bai Xiaochuan rushing over. Instead, he laughed. It was impossible to fly while still in the Qi Condensation stage. This meant that Bai Xiaochuan was now a living target, and he was unable to dodge in the air.

The masked man calculated the distance and pulled his body apart slightly. The recall of the huge blade slanted upwards as it hacked down. He wanted to kill Bai Xiaochuan in midair.

Seeing that Bai Xiaochuan's strength had been depleted, he was about to fall to the ground. However, the huge blade had already reached his body. The masked man sneered. It seemed like Bai Xiaochuan would be beheaded in the air in the next second, turning into a lump of meat paste and falling down.

The corners of Bai Xiaochuan's lips curled up. He controlled the Dragon Turtle Armor to fly to the feet of Bai Xiaochuan. He stepped heavily on the tortoise shell shield and borrowed the momentum to once again soar into the air!

The turtle shell shield seemed to have a spirit of its own as it once again appeared under Bai Xiaochuan's feet. Bai Xiaochuan borrowed the momentum and flew out. Bai Xiaochuan raised his trident and appeared in front of the masked man!

The masked man never thought that Bai Xiaochuan would have such a move! This was the difference between Bai Xiaochuan and the cultivators of this world. His way of thinking was different!

Cultivators generally only used tortoise shell shields as defensive weapons. However, a top mercenary was different. Their minds were wandering and they could use everything they had to their full potential.

Bai Xiaochuan could use a protective magical equipment and use it as a stepping stone to help him leap into the blue sky and fight to reach Foundation Establishment!

Bai Xiaochuan fiercely stabbed the trident towards the masked man. The masked man panicked, wanting to activate his protective layer of light.

The masked man did not put Bai Xiaochuan in his eyes at all. Without even activating the basic protective light barrier, he did not do anything to protect himself.

But it was too late. The trident pierced heavily into his stomach! The masked man's abdomen was in great pain as he struggled to fly backwards in an attempt to avoid Bai Xiaochuan.

But who was Bai Xiaochuan? This attack was not that simple. After he stabbed into the masked man's stomach, the trident immediately turned into a mace and forcefully stirred its belly. The masked man's stomach was truly cut like a knife!

Even though the masked man was lucky enough to survive, he was still sent flying backwards. The mace ran out of his intestines.

The masked men were all scared silly. Even though he was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he still couldn't do anything. Who could remain calm after seeing his intestines being pulled out with their own eyes? He screamed out in extreme terror.

The masked man's mind was in chaos. With one hand, he grabbed his intestines, and with the other, he pulled out a variety of medicinal pills from his storage pouch, stuffing them into his mouth in a crazed manner.

Bai Xiaochuan took advantage of the victory to pursue and attack the masked men from all directions with the aid of his tortoise shell shield. The masked man couldn't even raise his head because of the combination of the mace and the Dragon Bolt.

The masked man was currently in a state of disarray. What was in his storage bag? He threw all kinds of talismans and magic treasures at Bai Xiaochuan.

Icicle, Flame Serpent, Sharp Sword... All sorts of messy attacks were launched at Bai Xiaochuan. Bai Xiaochuan suddenly stopped his attack and withdrew his tortoise shell shield. Having lost the ability to borrow energy points, he fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment of his fall, Bai Xiaochuan used the Dragon Locking Whip to firmly bind the masked man. With the help of the masked man's pulling, Bai Xiaochuan fell from the sky, barely managing to avoid a fatal injury. It was also thanks to the fact that the cultivator's body was much stronger than an ordinary person's, only some of his skin injuries weren't able to injure his internal organs.

Bai Xiaochuan ignored the pain in his body and jumped up with his spiritual energy to retrieve the Dragon Bolt. The masked man was pulled down by the Dragon Bolt at high speed.

The masked man also reacted at this moment, roaring, "Die!" The giant blade once again slashed at Bai Xiaochuan. This was the masked man's strongest attack under extreme anger! The light of the blade was sharp as it cut through the air, dragging more than a dozen silvery wind blades as it cut down with an irrepressible rage.

The veins on Bai Xiaochuan's neck stood out, "Come on! "Let's see who dies!"

Bai Xiaochuan was like a mad man fighting with his life on the line! The dragon turtle shield expanded with the wind, firmly blocking the front to protect Bai Xiaochuan. The huge blade and the dragon turtle shield collided ferociously. They continued to collide and burst, creating dozens of fiery fireworks in the air. The dragon turtle shield began to vibrate with a screeching sound. However, the dragon turtle shield was still holding on!

Bai Xiaochuan's battle intent soared to the heavens. In the instant that the masked man fell, Ru Yi Yun's iron saber transformed into an iron gourd sledgehammer. Bai Xiaochuan circulated his spirit energy to the limit, and with a force as heavy as a thousand kilograms, he smashed towards the masked man. The metal melon sledgehammer broke through the masked man's protective layer of light and smashed heavily on his forehead. The masked man's head was smashed into a bloody mess, his face was red and white. He was sent flying, fainting as he landed on the ground.

Bai Xiaochuan, who was at the fifth level of Qi Condensation, battled a Foundation Establishment stage masked man.


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