Dark Day/C5 Chapter 5
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Dark Day/C5 Chapter 5
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C5 Chapter 5

Shen Hong slowly took out a cigarette box. It was made of platinum. It was very pretty. She opened it gently and slowly took out a foreign cigarette, lighting it slowly. Then, with an elegant gesture, she took a light puff and let out a light blue smoke ring from her beautiful nostrils. Wei Tianmin looked at her quiet and graceful behavior and couldn't help feeling a surge of emotion. Any man who saw her like this would lose himself in her elegant, aloof temperament.

Shen Hong slowly shifted her hazy eyes, which were covered by the faint cigarette smoke, to his face. After a moment, she slowly said, "Wei Tianmin. He graduated from Jindu Police University in 1996 and is a top student in the field of forensic science. After graduation, he was assigned to the Legal Department of the Ningchuan City Public Security Bureau. After working in the legal department for more than two years, tired of the boring paperwork, he was transferred to the Police Department's Criminal Investigation Division, where he served as deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Division. You seem to be doing well: you have published a series of insightful and important papers on how to improve the psychological quality of police personnel in the Police Forum, the most authoritative theoretical journal of the Chinese public security system. " Speaking up to here, she deliberately stopped to look at Wei Tianmin. Seeing that he was seriously listening, she could not help but smile: "You are a genius in theory, this is something almost the entire Ningchuan City Public Security System knows. You should probably be proud of yourself: you have a lot of police papers listed as required extramarital reading in many police academies — because they are informative, insightful, and fascinating. Of course, the right thinking guides the right action. When you combine your theoretical talent with your live practice, you are even more extraordinary: Ningchuan City '11.5' serial poisons and killings, 'Fujiang Hotel' and other major cases that have left many experts in the police field helpless are the things that you've found creative. "

Hearing this, Wei Tianmin was more and more shocked. He hadn't expected this woman to know so much about him. Shen Hong continued slowly, "Unfortunately, heaven is unfair to all talented people: you have achieved so much and yet you have not made any substantial progress in your career." She turned her head and looked deeply at Wei Tianmin, then said: "Don't pretend to be so self-satisfied. You are simply a very enterprising person, how could you be willing to be indifferent? — Unfortunately, you are too clear-headed and too serious. Do you know that there is a saying in society that the reason why you are so depressed about not being able to get promoted is because you are so proud, so conceited, and so stubborn to go against your superiors? "Then, if this argument is true, don't blame our government for being blind and not knowing what's good for you. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for not knowing what's good for you."

Anger erupted in Wei Tianmin's heart. His expression changed and he said coldly: "Please don't say anymore." Shen Hong was shocked and immediately stopped talking. She didn't expect Wei Tianmin to have such a strong reaction. This made her feel a little uneasy. Wei Tianmin lay on the sofa opposite her, his face facing the ceiling, his chest heaving with rage.

After a long while, Wei Tianmin finally calmed down. He slowly got up from the sofa, and his eyes became cold and sharp as he stared at Shen Hong. "How do you know all this? "Why are you investigating me?"

Shen Hong smiled faintly. She didn't seem to be in a hurry. She said in a very calm and elegant tone, "Officer Wei, there are mediocre people everywhere in this era, but talented people like you, who are unique and independent, are very rare. According to our circle, this should also be considered a type of 'cool'! This' cool 'method of yours is unpopular in some places, but may be likeable in others. I only got interested in you after I learned something about you from someone else. I'm just curious about you, that's all. But I think we'll be friends. "

After listening to Shen Hong's words, Wei Tianmin sat there. After a long time, he said lightly, "Thank you, Miss Shen. Actually, the key to become friends depends on fate itself. "

"Of course!" Shen Hong nodded slightly and suddenly looked at the self-portrait of Cheng Shi hanging on the opposite wall of the living room. As if intentionally but not intentionally, she said, "Since Officer Wei is so handsome, your girlfriend must be very pretty too, right?"

Wei Tianmin's face reddened and he coughed lightly. He said with some embarrassment, "Miss Shen, you are flattering me: I am not handsome, and my girlfriend is not very pretty either …"

"Heh heh heh …" Officer Wei's words were a bit fake! If your girlfriend isn't beautiful, how can Cheng Shi give her such an elegant and exquisite "Palace Lady"? I've seen that painting before. The person in that painting is based on the image of your girlfriend... Yet you say she's' not very pretty 'when she's such a great beauty? " Shen Hong laughed deeply, but her tone was light and indifferent. "However, with Officer Wei's handsome appearance and intelligence, she could also be considered a 'match of a pearl' … "If I were Officer Wei's girlfriend, I would be so very, very happy that I wouldn't even be bothered to look at any other man …

Hearing that, Wei Tianmin's eyes suddenly lit up and he stared at her flawless face for a long time. He suddenly felt that he could not stay here any longer, so he stood up and said goodbye to her calmly, "Thank you for supporting us today, Miss Shen. I'll take my leave. "

After sending Wei Tianmin out of the mansion with a smile, Shen Hong slowly walked back to the living room. She reached forward and took off the self-portrait of Cheng Shi that hung on the wall. The expression on her face froze. She whispered to him, "Look... "I definitely won't lose to you …"

After returning to the dorm, Wei Tianmin went straight into the study room. He sat alone in the study, not even turning on the light, letting the thick darkness soak every inch of the room. And he, in this study room, was as silent as the night.

Shen Hong's words gave him a deep sense of excitement. Yes! So what if you're talented? "You can only blame yourself for not knowing your place …" Unknowingly, a sudden feeling of depression swelled up, filling his chest. The rain was falling heavily outside, and his mood was extremely gloomy.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang like music, causing him to fall back into reality. He frowned and reached for his phone with displeasure. Su Wen's voice was heard by him urgently. "Where are you?"

He replied heavily, "I'm in the dormitory." Su Wen's cell phone was turned off. He didn't want to call back, so he put the phone on the desk and ignored it. A moment later, there was a slight click of a key, and the door opened. Someone had entered. He knew who it was and did not ask. The footsteps drew closer and closer. The door of the study opened and someone pressed on the incandescent lamp on the wall. Su Wen stood by the door and looked at him with a bit of surprise. "Why are you alone in the study room? Why isn't the light on? "

Wei Tianmin couldn't even open his eyes due to the sudden lighting of the incandescent lamp. He narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "I'm thinking of a case!"

"Don't think about your case for now! I have a good news to tell you! " Su Wen's voice sounded slightly shaky. It was obvious that she had been trying hard to hide the excitement that came from the bottom of her heart, but there was still a tinge of happiness between her eyebrows.

She walked in front of his desk, put down her bag, let out a light breath, and said, "You and I finally don't need to live in the 'building' assigned to us anymore …"

Wei Tianmin was stunned and immediately opened his eyes wide as he looked at her face in surprise.

Su Wen smiled and said, "Today, I went to the 'Nanhu Lidan' and signed a letter of purchase for a 146-square-metre house. The house was located in the best part of the district, close to the lake. The surrounding facilities were very complete and the scenery was pretty good … "As long as we pay the down payment, we can simply decorate it and move in …"

"Nanhu Laiyuan" was the most luxurious residential development in Ningchuan City. The cheapest residential area there was worth more than ten thousand yuan per square meter. What right did Su Wen have to go there and buy a house? Wei Tianmin didn't show the surprise on his face that Su Wen expected. Instead, he slightly frowned.

"Don't worry... I had a friend call the developers there to book this house... " Su Wen seemed to have seen through Wei Tianmin's thoughts as she smiled brightly and said: "Guess, how much price did he give us? — Heh! Can't guess it? Four thousand yuan per square meter! That's good enough, isn't it? "

"Really?" Wei Tianmin was surprised and happy at the same time: It seems that Su Wen's social skills are getting better and better. She can even get such a good discount! However, he was not happy for a few minutes, and when he calmed down, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, "Even at this price of four thousand yuan per square meter, we still can't afford it! Our wages are only about four to five thousand yuan a month … "No matter how much the down payment is, we should at least pay three to four hundred thousand yuan, right …

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