Days with Beautiful Actress/C13 Play Notes
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Days with Beautiful Actress/C13 Play Notes
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C13 Play Notes

Leaving the car area, Liu Liu seemed to be having a good time, playing all kinds of games with Chen Yanyan. It had to be known that Cheng Ying and Chen Yanyan didn't choose a merry-go-round.

Pirates' spaceships, chain roller coasters, haunted houses, everything was a challenge to the heartbeat.

Looking at the girls' blushing faces, he felt a sense of anger.

Finally, when the playground was about to close at eleven o'clock, the girls reluctantly left. It was as if they could play until dawn if the playground was not closed.

Walking on the wide tarmac, Cheng Ying was like a caged bird. Putting down her arrogant and lovable nature, she chatted with Chen Yanyan about the items she had just played in.

Liu Lan seemed to have returned to her former self as she listened to their discussion with a serious smile. Occasionally, she would even cover her mouth and chuckle when the topic was funny.

"Do you know? I saw someone sneak up on you when I was playing with the car! " [I knew it was going to happen the moment Cheng Ying said that. How did this girl see it?]

I immediately looked towards Cheng Ying, who was begging for mercy. Cheng Ying raised her head up like a victorious general. If I could give a laugh to her voice, then she would be the perfect villain.

Liu Liu saw Cheng Ying's expression and rolled his eyes. He turned his head and thought, "I've seen it before."

Fuck, you know that? I can't say anything.

After staring at me for a few seconds, Liu Yu turned his head away. This performance caused people to feel scared in their hearts. I wonder if a person who doesn't know how to speak is a cruel person?

It seems that Liu Liu's best wife's score has to be deducted for a very smart reason.

Cheng Ying looked at me smugly. When I looked over, she even made a face at me.

What can I do? I'm also in despair!

Although I played all afternoon, these women didn't feel tired at all. They didn't shout "I'm tired" so I could only hold on. I was the one who squeezed in during the play …

Buy a ticket for snacks.

At the bar on a sunny day, colorful lights flashed past quickly, shining on the beautiful men and women below. Everyone who saw it let go of their masks and let out a wild posture, listening to the deafening music as their bodies instinctively danced.

Cheng Ying pulled us to a booth as if we were familiar with the route, and ordered a table full of food. Afterwards, he shouted out that he wanted to go to the dance floor to play, so he just ran off. Seeing her excited appearance, Chen Yanyan didn't stop him. Let her indulge herself for a while!

Although Chen Yanyan didn't say anything, she still told me to watch them nod. I nodded my head, needless to say, I knew that this place was chaotic, especially for those who drank, it wasn't strange for them to do anything under the influence of alcohol.

Under the stimulation of the alcohol, Chen Yanyan and Liu Liu Liu also went to the dance floor together, while I could only bitterly look at my bag. In fact, this was my first time coming here, and I really couldn't let it go, even though I was a bit thirsty, but I still couldn't let go.

After half an hour, the three girls returned one after the other without any unpleasantness. After all, most of the people here were white-collar workers who liked to avoid getting drunk due to the laws. Most of the trouble would come from some random people who had nothing to do in the society.

The three women lingered for hours between the booths and the dance floor, and some of them even encouraged me to dance. Under the bombardment of several beautiful women, I offered my first gift.

He didn't need anyone to teach him how to get down to the dance floor. Alcohol and explosive music were the most suitable dancers. Under these circumstances, he could squander the passion in his body freely.

In the explosive music, I instinctively danced my body. Under the primitive dancing posture, all my worries and all the pressure left me. In this world, there was only the explosive one …

The dance of music and instinct.

Just as I was using up all of my physical strength, a familiar fragrance permeates through my nose. I instinctively move towards the direction of the fragrance and the source of the fragrance is heading towards me.

When her slightly squinting eyes saw Chen Yanyan's familiar face in the passing light, they remembered that this was the smell that frequently came from Chen Yanyan's body. The two of them had no intention of conversing amidst the deafening music.

The occasional friction from her body dancing didn't push Chen Yanyan away; on the contrary, she could feel her fiery body getting closer and closer, and just like that, the two of them were getting closer and closer to each other on the crowded dance floor.

From time to time, my body would rub past Chen Yanyan's bulge, but her dancing body was still pressing towards me.

After a while, Chen Yanyan let go of my hands that were on my neck, and with a slight twist of her body, she broke free from my embrace. Her nimble body twisted left and right in the crowd, and in a blink of an eye, she disappeared from my sight.

Returning to the booth, Chen Yanyan was already sitting there, gently shaking a cup of green cocktail with her milky white hands.

Cheng Yingliu and Liu Lili walked back to their booths, arm in arm, and the moment they sat down, they took the glasses from the table and drank them as if they were thirsty drinks.

Afterwards, either Chen Yanyan or Cheng Yanyan went to dance together, or came back together, leaving me with no chance to apologize to her. I felt that Chen Yanyan was deliberately avoiding me, until Cheng Ying got drunk and Liu Yu suggested to Chen Yanyan that we return. There was nothing I could do but to find another time to explain to Chen Yanyan.

Carrying the bags of the three girls as they made their way forward, Chen Yanyan and Liu Yu each continued to protect Cheng Ying who was still clamoring about not getting drunk. Under Cheng Ying's disagreement, it took them quite some time before they managed to throw her in the car.

As they were going to the bar, Chen Yanyan didn't drive over. They found a taxi, took Cheng Yinglian, and drove her home, then went around to the entrance of Chen Yanyan's district. Chen Yan's house wasn't far from the company's.

The originally sober Chen Yanyan was now full of alcohol. I quickly took two steps forward to her side and pulled her arm over my shoulder, allowing her to lean on my body and miserably support Chen Yanyan, who was even beginning to float.

Fortunately, Chen Yanyan wasn't completely drunk yet. When she opened the door to the room, she found out which building her home was in.

The environment of Chen Yanyan's residential complex was pretty good, with elevators and all kinds of infrastructure. Otherwise, if Chen Yanyan relied on my walking style, climbing to the seventh floor of Chen Yanyan's house would really take half of my life. Supporting her would be much more exhausting than carrying her on my back.

Supporting Chen Yanyan with such effort was not without benefits, just like how she was leaning against me at the moment, with her twin peaks tightly pressed against my body. Even though there were two layers of clothing between them, the elastic sensation didn't lessen at all.

After comparing the number of the buildings one by one, they finally found Chen Yanyan's home.

"Sister Yan, Sister Yan, wake up. We're home, hurry and open the door." Lightly shaking Chen Yanyan, he hoped that she would wake up and open the door. Even if she enjoyed the beautiful luck that others admired, she didn't dare to eat. Did the waiter not have the strength to suppress her? It was also fortunate that no one had seen him in the middle of the night, or else he would have been too big.

Chen Yanyan used her free hand to dig in the front pocket of her jeans, only to find out that under the tight jeans, her weak hand couldn't reach in.

After a few tries, Chen Yanyan stopped. Her face flushed from the alcohol stimulation as she complained in my ear, "I forgot to bring it. I'm not wearing it."

I twitched my face. Big sister, you didn't even put that in your pocket, okay? Oh my god!

Helpless, he glanced at Chen Yanyan's heartless expression, as if forgetting the key or whatever else was a problem.

Sighing, she switched to her left hand and pulled Chen Yanyan's arm, extending her right hand to the part where Chen Yanyan had failed to reach into her pants pocket and squeezed under the jeans that were tightly pressed to her thighs.

Holding the keys, there were more than a dozen of them. Seeing that they were about the same, he tried inserting them and finally found them on the third try. He opened the door and helped Chen Yanyan enter.

There were all kinds of furniture in Chen Yanyan's house, not very neat but still very pleasing to the eye. When searching for a room, she even found two large bookshelves filled with books. Most of the books were slightly worn out, which was the reason why people often looked through them.

I didn't expect that this big sister Yan, who often teases me, would have such a quiet habit.

It wasn't hard to tell which of the three rooms was Chen Yanyan's master bedroom. The entire room was mainly purple, which made me a little curious. I had never seen Chen Yanyan in purple before, how could the room be like this?

Without thinking too much, I placed Chen Yanyan, who was lying on top of me, on the purple bed. I took off her silvery-white high heels and pulled up the quilt to cover her chest.

After finishing everything, I heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at my masterpiece, there was nothing wrong with it. I hurriedly retreated. If I continued to stay here, I would make a mistake.

"Water, water ~ ~" When we left the room, Chen Yanyan, who was on the bed, murmured, making me stop in my tracks. Looking at Chen Yanyan who didn't even open her eyes, I helplessly sighed.

After helping Chen Yanyan up, he took the moderately warm water and fed it to Chen Yanyan's mouth. Feeling the warm water around her mouth, Chen Yanyan hurriedly drank it all up, accidentally choking herself and spurting it out.

Looking at Chen Yanyan drawing a map of my pants, I had to pat her back to let her catch her breath. It turns out taking care of someone was so difficult, I could only sigh at her greatness.

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