Days with Beautiful Actress/C17 Outlet
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Days with Beautiful Actress/C17 Outlet
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C17 Outlet

At this moment, she seemed to be considering how to let my specialty find a place to display its potential. Of course, this wasn't a place of specialties, as expected, the previous person's experience was not bad, the shortcut to a woman's heart was the hole below. From the time I was with Chen Yan, it could be seen that she wasn't a kind-hearted person.

The strange rules in the city prevented me from finding a suitable path for me, so I could only hope that Chen Yanyan, a person who has lived here all year round, could find a path suitable for me to walk on. After this month of living, I have already overturned my previous thoughts.

While Chen Yanyan was thinking, her two hands unconsciously played with my big hand, and her frown made my heart ache. Although we haven't been together for too long, as long as the two of them have a breakthrough relationship, then it would be hard to describe their feelings. Of course, most people would be like this, and some special people wouldn't. Obviously I can't get rid of heartlessness.

After thinking for about ten minutes, Chen Yanyan gave up on this idea. Shaking her head, as if the discomfort caused by her thoughts was thrown out of her mind, she said, "Why don't you go to school for a year of recuperation and take the exam as proof?"

I don't want to accept this proposal. I have a lot of knowledge in my head about how to cure patients, and it can even be said that most illnesses can be solved, but to learn another method isn't something that can be learned quickly with just a simple method. There aren't any high-tech treatments in the village. It's basically two different subjects, and I can't stand it if it takes too long.

"Forget it, it's not that simple." I was a little disappointed that I didn't get any advice from Chen Yanyan. I didn't show any concern that I made a woman anxious for me.

"If that's the case, then you can only rely on your luck. Maybe you saved a big shot by treating him on the road and repaid him." Chen Yanyan was not satisfied with my reaction, and her tone was full of ridicule.

"Maybe I really did meet him." Even though I was suppressed every time I raised the bar, I was still unable to hold it in.

"Then you should go back and pay your respects to the ancestral tombs. There might be a chance." Regarding the opportunity to strike me, Chen Yanyan will always be able to seize it and strike at my confidence.

While the two of them were arguing, time was like a little thief stealing everyone's time. It was so fair that everyone had the same amount of weight.

"I'm asleep. Have a good evening stroll. Do you want me to go for a look, harpy?" In the end, Chen Yanyan was still a woman. After a night of fighting, she still hadn't completely recovered. She playfully pulled on my collar and issued an invitation to me.

"I'm not in high spirits. I don't have enough sleep, so being able to sleep for a while is for the best. I respond to Chen Yanyan's provocation, as if she would agree to another 300 rounds." "Are you sure?"

"Fuck you, I'm going to play with you five girls." As expected, Chen Yanyan didn't dare continue her attack. One must know that her injuries from last night weren't healed that quickly. At this time, she was still feeling awkward as she walked. Clearly, the tearing of her wounds made her uncomfortable.

"I'm just joking. Let's go." After saying that, I carried Chen Yanyan, walked past the clothes that hadn't been tidied up in time, and put her on the bed. I followed suit and climbed in, hugging her well-developed body.

Chen Yanyan obviously didn't care about my thoughts. My existence made her feel uncomfortable, and after twisting around for a while, she still couldn't find a suitable sleeping position, which made her a little unhappy. She angrily said, "Bring your arm over for my pillow."

How could I not understand Chen Yanyan's intentions? It was because she had one more person that she couldn't sleep well and didn't want me to sleep comfortably either.

Letting her hand leave her soft stomach, I really didn't want to part with her. Chen Yanyan's goal was obviously achieved, I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, and I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in. This clearly made Chen Yanyan satisfied both physically and mentally, falling asleep five minutes later.

Looking at Chen Yanyan who was sleeping soundly, the current her didn't have the posture of a queen, but was just like a child, mumbling and occasionally hitting her lips, which was very lovable. She didn't know why, but every time she woke up, her hair would stand on end.

Staring at Chen Yanyan's exquisite facial features was a gift from the creator. Not only was every part of her beautiful, but when put together, they matched each other's beauty, causing me to be unable to shift my gaze away.

Staring at Chen Yanyan's delicate cheeks, I unconsciously fell asleep, and when I woke up, my whole arm wouldn't feel it anymore. I didn't know when Chen Yanyan had woken up, but she was staring at me, and right after she woke up, someone was already staring at me like that. Even if it was a beautiful girl, this situation still couldn't get any better.

"Although I know that I am very handsome, but can you not stare at me so directly, I will still be shy." I wouldn't miss a chance to embarrass Chen Yanyan because I've suffered too much at her hands and always feel like she owes me a few million. I don't know if this can be considered petty or not.

When Chen Yanyan rolled her eyes, she always had a coquettish feeling. For example, at this time, she was simply captivating and incomparably beautiful.

"A little kid like you, you haven't even grown all your hair, what's so handsome about it?" Habit was a terrifying problem. Chen Yanyan obviously didn't want to change this habit of hers.

"Don't you know very well whether it's long or not?" Raising my brows, I looked at Chen Yanyan with ridicule. To be able to seize this opportunity, I was very curious about Chen Yanyan's next reaction.

"With your little poke? Can you call it Mao? If you don't accept it, then let's find someone to argue with. " The old driver was indeed an old driver. He could even say such shameless words without batting an eyelid. It wasn't her body that was being photographed, but her man that didn't mind at all?

Towards someone who can be so shameless, I can only admit defeat. Chen Yanyan seems to be very happy to be able to suppress me in terms of words.

It was obvious that Chen Yanyan didn't understand how terrifying a man who got set on fire was. Towards her method of slaughtering others without burying them, I was extremely furious. I jumped up and insisted on capturing this little demoness. What would happen if I got used to it?

It was not difficult for a man who had made up his mind to find a woman in a room that was not too wide.

"I don't... Row... "I admit defeat, I was wrong." Ten minutes later, the panting Chen Yanyan could no longer run. She began to admit defeat and wanted to flip the page. But how could this be? If she wasn't taught a lesson, this woman could flip the sky upside down.

"Where … Such a good thing? How can we solve this?" Pointing at the tent that didn't disappear due to time and the chase, I fiercely spoke.

"I'm still injured!" Chen Yanyan was clearly very clear about her advantage as she showed a pitiful expression and said.

Seeing Chen Yanyan's pitiful appearance, it would have been perfect if she could have hidden the craftiness in her eyes better.

"You have a lot of places to use them. Which one do you want to use?" Staring at the red face of Chen Yanyan in my arms due to the information in my words.

"Get the hell away from me, you dirty bastard. Why didn't I see you clearly before?" Since this confrontation didn't go according to her expectations, Chen Yanyan started to try to pester her way out of the sea of bitterness, but I know what kind of person she is, and these tricks weren't enough for her to escape.

"Do you have any other methods that you can use to broaden my horizons?" It wasn't easy to seize an opportunity. How could I not satisfy this little demoness that I had taken advantage of?

"Good brother, I was wrong! Can you just let her go this time? "En ~" The alluring Chen Yanyan didn't extinguish the fire, but added oil to it. Chen Yanyan clearly knew this result.

"What do you think? This time, it's not my fault. Tell me, where do you plan to settle this? " Looking at the unsightly Chen Yanyan in ridicule, he kept forcing her.

"You're amazing, you've got the chance now. Not only do I have a few holes, I also have two girls with me. Which one do you want to use?" Even with the advantage, Chen Yanyan can use words to make me feel uncomfortable. This little demoness is always so difficult to deal with.

"Don't get up, or else you'll solve it yourself. Don't you usually use the five girls as well?" As expected, Chen Yanyan didn't just watch my little yellow film; she could tell what I was thinking with a single glance, and she hurriedly blocked my next plans.

"If I wasn't enticed, would I have been so inflated? It's really hard to raise a little girl. " Depressed is the emotion I felt the most from Chen Yanyan. She can always see through me easily, making me feel a little weak when facing her.

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