Defying Fate To Rule/C10 Let You Have a Taste of Brotherinlaw's Power
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Defying Fate To Rule/C10 Let You Have a Taste of Brotherinlaw's Power
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C10 Let You Have a Taste of Brotherinlaw's Power

After all, what he had seen the day before was the stock market of Iotriecia. If the Eyes of the Oracle proved ineffective on the Huaxia stock market, then his excitement would have been for naught! Su Fei couldn't just hop across the border to trade stocks!

Yet, on this tiny screen, the stocks, flashing red and green, continued to emit mists, confirming that the Eyes of the Oracle remained effective for the Huaxia market.

"Yes! My time has come!" Su Fei couldn't contain himself; he leapt from the foot of his bed and gave his nightstand a solid thump, creating quite the commotion.

"Will you quit it with that sanitary pad noise? Keep it down and don't wake me up," Shen Bingyan chided from the end of the hallway. Judging by her tone, Su Fei's ruckus must have roused her, each word heavy with the grumpiness of being woken up too early.

Su Fei didn't have time to deal with Shen Bingyan's complaints. His entire focus was on the fluctuating stock prices on his phone's screen. After all, the Eyes of the Oracle had a limited window of opportunity!

"Stay cautious," he reminded himself.

Su Fei was shaking, torn between exhilaration and anxiety. He took a deep breath and refocused on the stock market interface on his phone.

It was ten in the morning; the stock market had opened at nine-thirty. Many stocks had already hit their upper limit, rising 10% from the previous day's close, painting the board a vibrant red. Conversely, many stocks had plummeted, turning the display into a daunting sea of green.

Su Fei paid no mind to these fluctuations, his gaze fixed on the stock market interface.

The leaderboard on the current interface was a whirlwind of activity, with countless stocks jockeying for position as their prices shifted. Su Fei was momentarily unsure of where to begin.

After some deliberation, he zeroed in on a stock called Golden Harvest Mercantile. Priced at just twenty-seven yuan, it was within his budget, and despite the fact that it had been falling since the market opened, down nearly 3.5%, Su Fei observed it steadily absorbing the mist.

Su Fei was aware of the big players in China's stock market. They often engaged in tactics like this, deliberately driving down stock prices to incite panic among individual investors, prompting them to sell off their shares. Then, these capitalists would swoop in to buy up stocks at bargain prices, without driving up the market value.

Once they sensed they had accumulated enough shares, they would swiftly jack up the stock price. Even though this maneuver cost them, the substantial profits from the shares they had scooped up at rock-bottom prices more than made up for it.

Such scenarios were all too familiar in the Huaxia stock market.

After an agonizing wait of just over ten minutes, Su Fei was sweating profusely. The stock of Golden Harvest Mercantile had plummeted to -8.7%, a mere 1.3% shy of hitting the floor.

Just then, a slight uptick appeared on his phone's screen, reminiscent of a fish hook on a dropping line, signaling the first sign of a price increase!

But the respite was brief as the hook was quickly flattened out, and the descent continued!


Should he take the plunge and buy?

His sole confidence lay in the Eyes of the Oracle, but was it infallible?

This fleeting thought crossed Su Fei's mind, but he had no time to ponder as the hook reemerged. This was the final twist before a complete nosedive. If the stock hit rock bottom, it would severely shake market confidence. A sell-off at the floor price would mean no chance for a rebound today.

Unless a major player was willing to absorb all the sell orders at the floor price, but who would be that foolish?

Su Fei had done his homework the night before. The appearance of this turning point indicated a surge of buyers entering the fray, propping up the stock price in its dying moments—this was bottom fishing!

Staring at the hook, Su Fei froze for a mere three seconds before a rush of adrenaline spurred him to bite the bullet and slam the buy button on his phone!

All in!

Just one lot, that's all he could afford!

Post-trade, Su Fei was drenched in sweat, feeling almost faint. The ordeal was more draining than the brawl the previous night to defend Shen Bingyan and his hefty friend.

Yet, the saga was far from over. With the purchase, his 2,700 yuan was now tied up, leaving him no option to sell today. His fate was now tethered to tomorrow's market.

Su Fei's labored breathing permeated the room, his gasps as heavy as those of a water buffalo laboring in the fields. Yet, all he could do was wait, leaving his fate to the merciless hands of time.

Su Fei had initially thought it was simple: the stock had nearly hit rock bottom, and it seemed impossible for the day to bring any worse news. He inhaled deeply, only to realize his mouth was parched. Rising from the bed, he walked over to the teapot, poured a cup of water, and was about to drink when a sudden jolt ran through his body!

If the stock hit the limit today and the market lost faith in Golden Harvest Mercantile, it would likely plummet at the opening bell tomorrow. The real horror was the possibility of another limit drop, rendering him unable to sell even if he wanted to. Many investors had been dragged down to their demise by such traps—a death grip!

He had thought himself clever, but now it seemed he had outsmarted himself. The cup slipped from his grasp, clattering onto the tray and spilling water everywhere. Su Fei lunged for his phone on the bed, an action that felt like it drained all his energy.

With a gut-wrenching howl, Su Fei realized the opportunity had vanished, the intraday chart plummeting without mercy. The stock had hit the floor, its line a grim echo of Su Fei's flatlining hopes.

"Oh my god! I'm such a fool!" he berated himself, smacking his forehead repeatedly. If only he hadn't tried to be sly, if only he had chosen a stock that was already on the rise—how much better off he'd be!

Like many newcomers to the stock market, Su Fei harbored a touch of greed, dreaming of buying at the lowest and selling at the peak for a tidy 20% profit in a single day. But his plan had backfired spectacularly.

Staring at the sell button on his phone's screen, now a mocking shade of grey and unresponsive, Su Fei's frustration boiled over. He collapsed onto the bed, cradling his head in his hands as he sobbed.

"You damn sanitary pad, why are you wailing like a banshee! Can't a person get some sleep?"

A hysterical shout echoed through the corridor outside, followed by the rapid patter of delicate footsteps drawing near. With a resounding crash, Su Fei's door was violently kicked open!

Who else but Shen Bingyan, who hadn't started school and had nothing better to do, would still be in bed at this hour?

She didn't stop at the kick; Shen Bingyan continued to pound on the door, berating him.

"Don't you know I went to bed late last night?"

"What if I end up with wrinkles? What if I get dark circles under my eyes? You'll be paying for that!"

"Sanitary pad, get out here right now!"

Su Fei stared blankly at the dismal green K-line chart, feeling utterly defeated, while Shen Bingyan's screeching continued incessantly in his ears. The small flame of irritation within Su Fei began to flicker and grow.

The memory of being duped by Shen Bingyan the previous night resurfaced in his mind. Recalling the blood on his forehead and seeing Shen Bingyan's smug expression through the haze of blood, the flickering flame in Su Fei's heart erupted into a blazing inferno of rage.

His unbridled fury overcame his reason, erupting into a guttural roar, "Shen Bingyan, I haven't settled the score with you for last night's incident. Today's the perfect day to do just that!"


Su Fei flung the door open in a fury, his eyes blood-red with anger. Towering over Shen Bingyan, he glared down at her, and she was visibly frightened!

In the past, Shen Bingyan wouldn't have given a second thought to an enraged Su Fei, and might have even slapped him to 'bring him to his senses.'

But now, confronted with the fury in Su Fei's eyes and recalling the tall, protective figure that had stood before her the day before, Shen Bingyan's bravado faltered.

Feeling somewhat guilty, she averted her face and involuntarily stepped back, her previous irritation evaporating under Su Fei's intimidating gaze.

"Sanitary pad, what... what are you planning to do?!" Shen Bingyan instinctively clutched her coat around her and blurted out defensively, "If you dare to hit me, this isn't over!"

Shen Bingyan was fearless, and her attire at home tended to be quite "liberal." At that moment, she was clad only in a light purple silk nightgown as she confronted Su Fei, demanding an explanation. Though she draped a silk robe over her shoulders, it did little to conceal her striking figure.

Su Fei, boiling with rage, had no outlet for his fury. He had been internally berating himself for a mistake, but Shen Bingyan's chaotic intrusion made her the target of his wrath.

"I haven't even settled the score with you from yesterday, and yet you have the nerve to rile me up!"

"I'll show you just how formidable your brother-in-law can be!"

In the midst of Shen Bingyan's shock, Su Fei suddenly stepped forward and effortlessly hoisted her onto his shoulder.

Initially taken aback, Shen Bingyan quickly erupted into hysterical screams, flailing and pounding on Su Fei's back like a tempest.

"Who said you're my brother-in-law? Sanitary pad, you jerk, put me down this instant!"

But Su Fei was determined to give Shen Bingyan a stern lesson. He turned on his heel and strode into the house.

With a loud slam, Su Fei shut the door behind them. Shen Bingyan's screams, though loud, were now muffled as if stifled by a pillow, leaving only a whimpering sound to escape.

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