Defying Fate To Rule/C11 Very Cute
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Defying Fate To Rule/C11 Very Cute
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C11 Very Cute

Shen Bingyan headed to the company early in the morning, while Chen Xiyun visited Mrs. Lee Yun's home in the southern part of the city. It would be a pleasant surprise if she managed to return by evening.

As a result, only three people remained in the villa throughout the day: Su Fei, Shen Bingyan, and Yang Hehua.

Yet, Shen Bingyan's hysterical screams failed to catch Yang Hehua's attention, as she was engrossed in pruning the villa's garden and completely oblivious to the commotion inside Su Fei's room.

"You monster, if you dare touch me, you're a dead man! Dead!" Shen Bingyan's feisty spirit flared as she was hoisted onto Su Fei's shoulder. But once Su Fei slammed the door shut, her mind became a whirlwind of confusion. The over-the-top scenarios from the soap operas she had watched with her mother flooded her thoughts, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Was she about to be assaulted?

Being just eighteen, the thought alone was enough to instill fear in Shen Bingyan. Yet, true to her nature, the more terrified she became, the more fiercely she fought back.

In a panic, Shen Bingyan grabbed Su Fei's arm, which was wrapped around her waist, and bit down hard on his shoulder with her eyes shut tight.

"Ouch! What on earth? Let go!" Su Fei exclaimed.

Perhaps sensing that the bite wouldn't cause significant harm, the Cosmic Evolution Spell didn't activate to defend him. The excruciating pain shot straight to Su Fei's head, causing him to gasp in shock.

Reacting instinctively, Su Fei's grip loosened slightly. Before Shen Bingyan could feel any sense of triumph, she lost her balance and tumbled off his shoulder.

"Ah!" she screamed, landing awkwardly on Su Fei's bed. The distinct masculine scent enveloped her, intensifying the inappropriate images swirling in her mind.

"You little troublemaker, I'm going to give you the lesson you deserve today!" Su Fei, now seething with anger from the bite, acted without thinking. He grabbed Shen Bingyan's pale, soft ankle and roughly dragged her to the edge of the bed.

The wicked hand slapped Shen Bingyan's bottom without a second thought.

"You think you can plot against me! You dare to accuse me first!"

"Had I not gone to pick you up yesterday, you wouldn't be sleeping so soundly in your bed today!"

"You ungrateful girl. Your brother-in-law is going to teach you a lesson about respecting your elders today!"


Blinded by rage, Su Fei's mind was a blank slate. Even though he was smacking Shen Bingyan's bottom, he was not really processing anything.

It wasn't until a soft, bouncy sensation from his palm jolted him that Su Fei snapped back to reality. He then heard a soft whimpering, reminiscent of a mistreated kitten, echoing in his ears.

A sense of impending doom washed over him, and he instinctively looked down.

Somehow, Shen Bingyan had been dragged to the foot of the bed, her long, pale legs exposed and kneeling on the floor, nearly dazzling Su Fei.

Shen Bingyan was clad in just a silk nightgown, which was initially only a third of the way down her thighs. As Su Fei had pulled her across the bed, the nightgown had ridden up, revealing a swath of her snowy waist.

Su Fei jerked his hand away as if he'd been shocked, his face a kaleidoscope of emotions.

The room's atmosphere froze as if someone had hit the pause button, turning eerily still except for Shen Bingyan's ongoing sobs.

Then came a shout loud enough to pierce eardrums!

"You jerk!"

Before Su Fei could gather his wits, the beautiful, long white legs before him lashed out in a blur, aiming for his face. Su Fei, bracing himself, shut his eyes and felt the impact like a hammer to the face, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Shen Bingyan sat up furiously, biting her lower lip and yanking her dress down, though it barely reached her knees. Her eyes, brimming with tears, were about to overflow. She glared at Su Fei with a mix of resentment and fury, as if she wanted to tear him apart.

"How dare you hit me!"

"I'll fight you to the death!"

In the midst of her hysterical screaming, Shen Bingyan's temper finally exploded. She didn't even care that she was wearing only her thin silk pajamas as she hurled everything within reach at Su Fei, who was on the ground.

Pillows, blankets, cell phones, teacups...

Fortunately for Su Fei, his room was sparsely furnished, so there weren't many items Shen Bingyan could use to smash.

Even after the onslaught, she didn't feel satisfied. Shen Bingyan began to physically attack, straddling Su Fei and unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks.

Su Fei, knowing he was at fault, simply covered his head and let Shen Bingyan take out her frustration on him. However, thanks to the Cosmic Evolution Spell circulating genuine energy to protect his body, the attacks that seemed vicious didn't cause him much pain.

After the intense "one-sided thrashing," Shen Bingyan, gasping for breath and hands on her hips, kicked Su Fei a few more times before she snorted coldly, grabbed the silk jacket from the bed, and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Her threatening voice could faintly be heard from outside.

"Sanitary pad, you're dead! I told you, you're dead!"

Only then did Su Fei rise from the floor. Surveying the chaos around him, he couldn't help but smirk.

It was a good thing Chen Xiyun was "frugal"—even the cup she provided him was the cheapest plastic kind. Despite Shen Bingyan's rampage, there was no real damage.

Standing up, Su Fei scratched his head, the smooth and elastic sensation of his skin once again popping into his mind, leaving him feeling somewhat parched.

"Cough, cough, cough. That's a normal reaction for any man. No big deal, right?"

"She was in the wrong to begin with. I was just claiming some interest for yesterday's incident."

"We're even now, I suppose. Yeah, that settles it."


Su Fei talked to himself, though it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself. He picked up his only valuable possession, his phone, which no longer responded to his fingerprint and had been shut off by Shen Bingyan's throw.

"That's that, then. Today's been a huge loss."

Since there was nothing he could do about it today, Su Fei tossed his phone onto the bed and began tidying up his room.

Shen Bingyan returned to her room, collapsed onto the bed, and clutched her blanket as she burst into tears.

"That damn sanitary pad!"

"He even dared to smack my butt..."

"I'm going to tell Mom and make sure she gives him a good beating! And then, he won't get to eat for a whole month!"

"Wuwuwu, nobody has ever hit me like this before, not even Mom and Dad..."

"Stupid sanitary pad, stinky sanitary pad, just you wait!"


As she wept, a sharp, inexplicable pain began to emerge more distinctly in Shen Bingyan's awareness.

It was... her butt...


Shen Bingyan couldn't resist reaching down to touch it, but the moment she did, her hand snapped back as if it had touched a hot spring.


"That damn sanitary pad, doesn't he have any sense of chivalry? He hit me so hard!"

She hadn't noticed the pain in her fury, but now that she had calmed down, the soreness on her butt became much more pronounced. Applying ice immediately after the hit might have helped, but Shen Bingyan did nothing of the sort. Instead, she went on to deliver a one-sided thrashing to Su Fei.

Such vigorous activity was practically rubbing salt in the wound on her butt.

The injury wasn't severe, really. Su Fei had sustained far worse each time he was beaten. But Shen Bingyan was a pampered little girl, unaccustomed to such discomfort, and in her mind, she had exaggerated the severity of the injury countless times over, which naturally inflated her perception of the pain.

Now, Shen Bingyan felt as if someone had rubbed chili sauce all over her butt; it was intensely burning, and she knew without looking that it must be swollen.

It wasn't just her butt that was on fire, but also her cheeks, which were redder than a cherry.

Despite her face showing her frustration, the searing pain on her butt forced her to begrudgingly accept the harsh reality.

"Curse it!"

Shen Bingyan's stubbornness surged once more. She propped herself up with her hands on the bed, attempting to rise, but as soon as she exerted any effort, a fiery pain coursed through her body, sending her tumbling back onto the bed.

"Why is my life so hard..."

Unable to move, lying there with a dry mouth, Shen Bingyan couldn't help but lament her misery.

Thump, thump, thump.

Footsteps approached from outside, soon followed by a knock at the door.

It had to be Su Fei.

Shen Bingyan flew into a rage. Though unable to rise, she clutched the blanket and launched into a tirade, hurling a pillow towards the door without looking back. "You're dead, sanitary pad! I'll never forgive you! There's no chance for reconciliation between us!"

Her screams, though furious, betrayed a petulant childishness.

Su Fei pinched his nose, offering a smile tinged with regret. "Bingyan, I've got an ice pack for you. Would you like to use it? I can tell you're really not feeling well."

"It's not just 'not well,' I'm extremely uncomfortable!"

In her mind, Shen Bingyan cursed every one of Su Fei's ancestors and was about to call Yang Hehua to come and care for her.

That's when she realized...

Her phone was on the nightstand, far out of reach...

"Hmph, I don't need your help!"

With determination, Shen Bingyan bit her lip and painstakingly dragged herself across the floor, her face contorting with each painful shift.

Each wave of searing pain brought with it a flush of embarrassment she couldn't conceal.

Shen Bingyan resolved to call Yang Hehua for help first, then dial her mother to have her come home quickly and deal with Su Fei, that despicable man!

"How dare you hit me, and on the butt at that... Damn sanitary pad! Your days are numbered!"

Finally reaching the phone on the nightstand, Shen Bingyan managed to power it on.

Buzz, buzz—

The phone vibrated twice, and a cute teddy bear popped up on the screen, only for it to go dark as the device shut down.

Shen Bingyan was stunned.

She hadn't charged it the day before, but what were the odds of this timing?

Her eyes then landed on a lonely charger in a distant corner of the room, a spot that now seemed insurmountably far away.

Shen Bingyan stared at the charger in utter despair, feeling as if it returned her gaze with equal hopelessness.

"Why does it have to be this way!"

In a fit of frustration, Shen Bingyan threw her phone onto the bed. It bounced on the plush mattress and struck the headboard before arcing through the air in a perfect parabola, ultimately clonking her on the back of the head.

"Wuwuwu, everyone's picking on me!"

Shen Bingyan completely lost her composure and burst into tears. Even Su Fei, standing just outside the door, could discern the fullness of her sorrow and despair.

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