Defying Fate To Rule/C12 What Are You Trying to Do?!
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Defying Fate To Rule/C12 What Are You Trying to Do?!
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C12 What Are You Trying to Do?!

Hearing the sobs from inside the room, Su Fei's conscience weighed heavily on him.

"He's just a kid, after all. I may have been too harsh this time."

Su Fei glanced at the ice pack in his hand, considering how uncomfortable the child must be feeling. Accustomed to a life of luxury, he was certainly not used to such indignities.

With a determined bite of his lip, Su Fei pushed the door open and entered the room.

The moment the door swung open, the crying hit Su Fei like a tidal wave, nearly driving him back out.

"Sanitary pad, scram! I don't want to see you," Shen Bingyan wailed.

The sound of the door opening made Shen Bingyan cry even more bitterly, though she was completely immobilized.

Once inside, Su Fei saw Shen Bingyan lying face down on the bed in an awkward position, his gaze immediately drawn to her swollen buttocks.

Indeed, it was much more swollen than normal!

Yet, Su Fei couldn't help but find the swelling somewhat endearing.

"Don't come any closer!" Despite being unable to move her lower body, Shen Bingyan flailed her arms, vehemently protesting Su Fei's advance.

Then, an idea struck Shen Bingyan. She lifted her face and let out a piercing scream, "Yang Hehua, Yang Hehua, where are you? Help me!"

Shen Bingyan hadn't heard the door close after Su Fei came in, so she surmised that he hadn't shut it. Normally, Yang Hehua would be cleaning around the villa at this time. A shout like that was sure to reach her ears!

Shen Bingyan was already plotting to get her phone from Yang Hehua and call her mother, who would undoubtedly come charging back to give Su Fei the thrashing he deserved!

But a beating alone wouldn't suffice. She wanted him locked up! Confined to the attic, with no food for days!

Shen Bingyan seethed inwardly.

"Quit your yelling; it'll only make your butt hurt more."

Su Fei, noticing Shen Bingyan's sullen expression, knew exactly what she was plotting. He chuckled, unperturbed by her cries for help, and even waited intentionally for her to scream a couple more times.

Shen Bingyan was puzzled as to why she hadn't heard Yang Hehua's voice of agreement when suddenly Su Fei, who was next to her, chuckled and said, "Yang Hehua just got a call. Her son has been injured and is in the hospital. She told me about it and then left, also requesting two days off."

"Plus, Yang Hehua mentioned that her mother had called, saying she's going to join Lee Yun and others for a two-day trip to a newly established rural retreat." Su Fei spread his hands with a smug look, "So, it looks like I'm the one who'll be taking care of you for the next couple of days."

"You're lying! I don't believe you!" Shen Bingyan was so startled that she stopped crying, her tear-filled eyes meeting Su Fei's gaze.

Shen Bingyan turned her face away in anger, "Hmph, I will never forgive you! You're in big trouble!"

"Okay, okay. You'll just have your mom come back and give me a beating, I get it."

With the Cosmic Evolution Spell at his disposal, Su Fei was fearless, even somewhat eager to use Chen Xiyun's beatings to enhance his own cultivation.

"Hold still, I'm going to apply an ice pack to make you feel better," Su Fei said as he approached Shen Bingyan with the ice pack in hand.

"Get away! I don't want anything from you!"

"Don't touch me! I hate it!"

"Stay back, you nasty sanitary pad! Just looking at you makes me sick! Go away!"

Su Fei didn't care whether Shen Bingyan was willing or not. He fetched a clean towel from the bathroom, placed it under her, and gently set the ice pack down.

Initially, Shen Bingyan tried to fight back fiercely, nearly knocking the ice pack off several times, but as the cold numbed the pain, she quickly became more comfortable and stopped resisting while lying on the bed.

Su Fei's care was genuinely beneficial, and despite her stubbornness, she couldn't deny it.

Still, her puffed-up, angry face continuously showed her resentment towards Su Fei.

"What would you like to eat today? I'll cook it for you," Su Fei offered in a voice so caring and soft that even the hard-to-please Shen Bingyan couldn't find a single thing to complain about.

"Don't think you can bribe me."

"Yeah, yeah, I know you'll still tattle to Mom when she gets back. But I can't just let you go hungry, can I? So, what do you want to eat?"

"I'd rather starve than eat a single bite of your cooking!"

Gulp gulp gulp...

Right after her declaration, Shen Bingyan's stomach betrayed her with a loud growl.

She hadn't eaten the night before, and upon waking, her stomach was painfully empty.

Shen Bingyan held out for ten minutes, but the gnawing hunger eventually overpowered her lingering anger.

"I want braised pork, sweet and sour pork loin, and tangy spare ribs!"

"But don't think for a second that eating your food means I've forgiven you!"

"Understood. I'm the worst of the worst, a real villain. I'll go cook." Su Fei rose to leave the room, but halfway there, he paused and gently placed a thin blanket over Shen Bingyan's back from the bedside. "Stay put. I'll be back to change your ice pack."

Su Fei was a pro at using ice packs to reduce swelling, a skill honed through frequent necessity after rough encounters.

Normally, Yang Hehua was the cook, but in her absence, Su Fei took over the kitchen. His culinary prowess was such that he could easily land a chef's position at any restaurant.

He retrieved the meat and ribs from the fridge, thoroughly washed the other ingredients, and swiftly cleaned the chopping board and knife.

It was then that Su Fei had a sudden realization—he'd overlooked something crucial!

He had been so preoccupied with mastering the Eyes of the Oracle that he'd neglected the Cosmic Evolution Spell. If he could activate the Eyes of the Oracle at will, perhaps he could do the same with the Cosmic Evolution Spell!

He chided himself for being such a fool. Of course, it was possible. Otherwise, was he supposed to improve his cultivation only through beatings? What a bizarre and passive way to advance!

Instinctively, Su Fei searched his mind for the Cosmic Evolution Spell. The scripture began to resonate clearly, and as he silently recited the verses, a warm flow emanated from three inches below his navel, spreading warmth to every part of his body. Though he wasn't versed in human anatomy, Su Fei's extensive reading of martial arts and fantasy novels had taught him well—this was the dantian, the body's energy center.

Indeed, it worked! Su Fei was ecstatic.

The warm current soon made a complete circuit through Su Fei's body, which he recognized as the process described in the book. After completing the cycle, he felt significantly more at ease, and even the minor wounds inflicted by Chen Xiyun the previous night had vanished.

Unable to resist, Su Fei peeled off the adhesive bandage from his eyebrow in front of the mirror. The cut that Chen Xiyun had inflicted had fully healed, leaving only a faint scar that would likely fade within a few days.

It was miraculous!

Su Fei was quietly thrilled because it occurred to him that if the genuine energy from the Cosmic Evolution Spell could heal his own wounds, perhaps it could also heal others, just like in those martial arts and cultivation novels.

The thought was irresistibly intriguing.

It wasn't about wanting to touch his sister-in-law's behind again; Su Fei was genuinely curious to see if the Cosmic Evolution Spell could indeed heal others.

Yes, Su Fei reassured himself with this rationale, hoping it might alleviate some of the guilt he felt towards Shen Bingyan.

Resolved, Su Fei brandished the kitchen knife and set to work on the pork ribs on the chopping board.

In just over an hour, the three dishes Shen Bingyan had requested—Braised Pork, Sweet and Sour Pork Loin, and Sweet and Sour Ribs—were ready and brought into her room by Su Fei. Shen Bingyan, who had been listlessly flipping through channels on the remote control, perked up instantly.

Shen Bingyan instinctively tried to sit up, but a sharp pain in her behind made her reconsider.

"What are you doing? Stay away!" Shen Bingyan, previously distracted by the aroma of the food, now realized that Su Fei had come up behind her and was tinkering with something on her. Frightened, she nearly screamed.

"Don't move," Su Fei said, raising his hands to show he meant no harm, and then gently approached her. "I'm going to help you into a more comfortable position; you're all twisted up right now."

Luckily, Shen Bingyan had landed on the bed with the blanket beneath her. Su Fei carefully tugged at the blanket, gently pulling Shen Bingyan to the edge of the bed, careful not to aggravate her injuries.

Su Fei placed a chair in front of Shen Bingyan and then set down the dishes and rice before her, gesturing towards the meal, "Eat up."

Despite Shen Bingyan's strong expressions of dissatisfaction towards Su Fei throughout the process, when the aromatic dishes he prepared were presented to her, she lost interest in her grievances.

"Take your time. No one's competing with you for it."

Watching Shen Bingyan devour her meal, Su Fei was torn between amusement and concern. He casually slipped his hands into his pockets and leaned against the vanity, observing her.

Truth be told, Shen Bingyan had a certain serene quality when she wasn't speaking, not to mention her legs were notably long and fair...

Ahem, his gaze had wandered off course.

Su Fei quickly redirected his attention. Glancing down, he saw Shen Bingyan still wrestling with the ribs in her hands, oblivious to his earlier distraction.

"Let me get you a fresh ice pack. Stay put, okay?"

With a light cough, Su Fei felt it best to look away before things got awkward. He excused himself under the pretense of fetching the ice pack.

After preparing a new ice pack and wrapping it in a towel, Su Fei returned to Shen Bingyan's room to find the young lady had polished off her bowl of rice.

"Sanitary pad, your cooking seems to have gotten better. I never realized how tasty it was before," Shen Bingyan remarked without looking up, pointing to the empty bowl on the chair. "I'd like another half bowl, please."



It wasn't until Shen Bingyan had finished eating that Su Fei could have his meal, a routine that had seemingly become a family custom.

"Sorry about that," Su Fei suddenly interjected.

Shen Bingyan looked up, only catching sight of Su Fei diligently focusing on his own bowl of rice.

She huffed coldly, "Hmph, don't expect forgiveness just because you apologize and cook me dinner. It's not that easy!"

"I know, but I still needed to say it," Su Fei replied. Once he finished his meal, he began to clear the table, and their brief exchange came to an end.

After Su Fei finished his tasks and returned to Shen Bingyan's room, he noticed that she was looking at him with an expression that suggested she wanted to speak but was holding back.

"Do you need something? Water, maybe? Is it too warm?" Su Fei asked, his tone direct.

Shen Bingyan parted her lips and vigorously shook her head.

"Is the ice pack too cold? I can add another towel underneath to make it more comfortable," he offered.

As Su Fei was about to fetch a towel from the bathroom, Shen Bingyan grabbed his arm, stopping him.

She remained silent, yet the embarrassment in her eyes intensified. She attempted to shift her position but winced in pain. The discomfort in her body seemed to be escalating; Shen Bingyan's long, pale legs were tense, as taut as a bowstring, and even her delicate toes began to curl involuntarily.

She seemed to be enduring something, her face flushing with the effort.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Su Fei grew more perplexed.

Shen Bingyan buried her face in the blanket, and a soft, kitten-like mewling sound floated to Su Fei's ears.

"I need a sanitary pad... I have to get to the bathroom..."

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