Defying Fate To Rule/C13 Brotherinlaw will Treat Your Injuries
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Defying Fate To Rule/C13 Brotherinlaw will Treat Your Injuries
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C13 Brotherinlaw will Treat Your Injuries

In the bathroom...

Su Fei's face lit up with amusement, and though Shen Bingyan's expression was hidden, the blush spreading over her ears said it all.

"Don't you dare laugh! Isn't the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning to go to the bathroom?"

Shen Bingyan let loose, her head raised as she berated Su Fei. Despite her furious expression, as if she wanted to tear Su Fei limb from limb, her cherry-red cheeks were undeniably captivating.

Her agitated state somehow only served to enhance her unintentional cuteness.

Su Fei scratched his head, feeling awkward. "Right, right, you're absolutely correct. I was just wondering how you'd like me to assist you."

"I... I don't know!"

In a fit of defiance, Shen Bingyan buried her face in the blanket and swung her fists at Su Fei. "It's all your fault, every bit of it!"

"How about I carry you or help you over?" Su Fei glanced at the nearby bathroom. "I can take you there, and after you're done, you just call me. I'll bring you back. How does that sound?"

"Absolutely not! I..."

Shen Bingyan hesitated, then quickly dismissed Su Fei's offer.

At first, Su Fei was puzzled, but then he realized something crucial.

"She must be in too much pain to sit still..."

Su Fei dared not voice his thoughts aloud, not wanting to upset the already fragile girl.

Her physical discomfort had turned Shen Bingyan irritable, shattering the delicate friendship Su Fei had just managed to forge over a meal, leaving an insurmountable rift between them.

"Sanitary pad, I despise you!"

"When I'm feeling better, I'll beat you until you're bruised and battered. I'll make sure Mom doesn't feed you for a month!"

"You big bully, I'll never forgive you for this!"


Shen Bingyan, fuming with anger, flailed her fists around. She was on the verge of hysteria, and if she had the strength, she would have gladly given Su Fei a good thrashing right then and there!

Or maybe... she should just try...

Seeing Shen Bingyan completely overtaken by rage, Su Fei was out of options. Desperate times called for desperate measures – it was time to try the Cosmic Evolution Spell.

Su Fei wasn't concerned about whether to treat Shen Bingyan or not, but rather how to go about it. He couldn't very well tell her that he planned to use his Qi to manipulate her acupoints and would need to keep touching her behind. Shen Bingyan would never stand for such a thing!

Furthermore, Su Fei had this nagging sense that he must keep his own secrets well-guarded.

Then, a stroke of genius struck him, and an idea popped into his head.

"Hold on, I just remembered, I have the perfect remedy. Just give me a second!"

Rushing back to his room, Su Fei rifled through his drawer and retrieved a box of small pills, pressing one out.

"Here, take this," he said to Shen Bingyan, his face the picture of benevolence, resembling a cunning wolf in grandmother's clothing trying to coax a little rabbit.

Shen Bingyan eyed the hot water and the small white pill with suspicion. "Sanitary pad, are you sure this will work? You're not trying to poison me and then cover it up, are you?" she challenged.

"You've been watching too many of those chaotic movies," Su Fei replied, having already concocted a plausible story. He feigned an air of enigma and continued, "You know how harshly my mom, Chen Xiyun, can be. Why do you think I'm still bouncing around? It's because of this. An old traditional medicine practitioner gave it to me. I don't know what it's called, but it definitely works."

Shen Bingyan was half-convinced. After all, she had witnessed Su Fei's dire beatings on numerous occasions. Seeing him still so lively, she allowed herself to be somewhat persuaded.

"If this doesn't work, you're in big trouble! I won't let you off easy!" she warned before swallowing the pill, taking only a tiny sip of water, cautious not to overburden her body.

Minutes later, a wave of drowsiness washed over Shen Bingyan, and with her eyes closing, she slumped onto the bed, fast asleep.

Su Fei breathed a sigh of relief. The pill he had given Shen Bingyan was not some magical cure-all, but a simple sleeping pill.

Yet, there was a grain of truth in his words to Shen Bingyan. Sometimes, after a particularly severe beating from Chen Xiyun, he really would take one of those pills, or else he'd be too sore to sleep.

"Let's begin."

Su Fei rolled up his sleeves and carefully lifted the blanket from Shen Bingyan's body before moving the ice bag aside.

Her little buttocks were still significantly swollen, and her long, straight, pale legs remained strikingly eye-catching.

"Cough, cough, cough. This is for healing. Stay calm, no wild thoughts."

Su Fei reassured himself internally as he silently recited the Cosmic Evolution Spell, deliberately focusing his consciousness down to his dantian. A warm sensation began to rise from his dantian, spreading warmth throughout his body.

The Cosmic Evolution Spell didn't contain any specific techniques for transferring power to heal injuries. Su Fei was improvising, drawing on the martial arts and fantasy novels he had read.

He started to guide the genuine energy towards the palms of his hands.

Channeling internal force through the palms was a common trope in all the novels.

This was Su Fei's second active use of the Cosmic Evolution Spell, but the first time he attempted to direct the genuine energy to a specific part of the body. Surprisingly, the genuine energy was very cooperative, flowing smoothly into his palms without a hitch.

However, as Su Fei gazed at the swollen area, the delicate and bouncy sensation he had previously forgotten came flooding back with abandon, nearly dispersing the genuine energy he had painstakingly concentrated in his palms!

"Whoa, stop right there." Su Fei shook his head forcefully and closed his eyes, muttering to himself, "Bingyan, don't blame your brother-in-law. I'm not trying to take advantage of you."

"This is to heal your injuries. Alright, sleep tight, don't move, and please don't wake up."


Su Fei cautiously placed his warm palm onto Shen Bingyan's buttocks. Even through the silk nightgown, the contact made his entire body shudder.

"Focus, what on earth are you thinking about?"

Su Fei bit down on his tongue to snap himself out of it, his mind clearing considerably. He dared not open his eyes, fearing the sight of anything that might completely undo his efforts.

With Su Fei's guidance, the warm internal force from the Cosmic Evolution Spell in his palm began to emanate, gradually penetrating the swollen area on Shen Bingyan. Though his eyes remained shut, he could sense the changes in Shen Bingyan's injury through the flow of genuine energy. His consciousness followed the energy into Shen Bingyan's body, allowing him to feel the healing process without needing to look.

As the Cosmic Evolution Spell's energy gradually suffused Shen Bingyan's swollen area, signs of the swelling subsiding began to emerge, invigorating Su Fei even more.

Su Fei was fervently hoping in his heart that Shen Bingyan wouldn't wake up just yet. Although the sleeping pills should have ensured that she would sleep for several hours, there was no telling if she might suddenly have a physical reaction.

While channeling, Su Fei lost all sense of time. By the time he finished, nearly an hour had slipped by. The sight of Shen Bingyan's now-normal area filled him with an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

Firstly, because he had managed to complete the task without Shen Bingyan's knowledge.

Secondly, because when Shen Bingyan woke up, they would no longer have to endure the awkwardness of staring at each other.

However, Su Fei's happiness was short-lived as he realized another problem. With Shen Bingyan recovered, she could get out of bed and complain to her mother-in-law, which meant his tough days were just around the corner.

The thought made Su Fei's lips twitch involuntarily. He wasn't afraid and could even use the situation to increase his cultivation, but this was no minor issue! He couldn't begin to imagine how Chen Xiyun would handle him!

After replacing the ice pack and tucking the blanket in, Su Fei slipped out of the room quietly. With things as they were, he decided to just take it one step at a time.

Su Fei now needed to return to his room to sort through his thoughts and plan his next moves.

The room was back to how Su Fei had left it. He lay back on the bed, sprawling out and staring blankly at the crystal chandelier above.

"I thought the Eyes of the Oracle would be some kind of miraculous money-making bug, but it turns out I was mistaken," he mused. "Well, I'll sell off all my stocks tomorrow and chalk it up to experience."

"The real question is what to do next. I can't seriously consider manual labor as a viable option; it would be a gross misuse of my abilities."

Feeling disheartened after the ordeal, Su Fei rolled over and closed his eyes, intending to rest for a bit, but his hand unexpectedly encountered something hard.

It was the women's phone he had carelessly left on the bed earlier.

"Damn! I hope the little girl didn't smash it. I need it to sell stocks and withdraw money tomorrow!"

Su Fei sprang up from the bed and held down the power button, only breathing a sigh of relief when the startup glow illuminated the screen.

"I was afraid it was completely trashed. That was terrifying."

Despite being an older model that Shen Bingyan had replaced, it was still a high-end device worth a pretty penny, with impeccable performance. Su Fei quickly launched the stock trading app and began to mentally tally the potential losses.

"Just as long as it doesn't hit the floor at market open."

Closing his eyes, Su Fei pressed his palms together above his head. "Oh, divine powers, please ensure my safe exit tomorrow."

He invoked every deity he could think of before finally opening his eyes to check the phone screen.

"Huh? Am I seeing things? Why is it red?"

Without a second thought, Su Fei slapped his forehead twice, closed his eyes, and gave his head a vigorous shake. "Am I losing my mind?"

But when Su Fei refocused on the screen, it was still awash in red.

Moreover, after switching to the intraday trend chart, he saw that Golden Harvest Mercantile's stock, which had plummeted at the opening bell, had rebounded sharply at one in the afternoon. It soared like a rocket, weathering several peaks and valleys before closing at 29.08 yuan—a staggering 7.7% increase!

Su Fei was dumbstruck, staring at the screen for several minutes, speechless.

"Holy shit!"

He was so thrilled he nearly dropped the phone, his eyes glued to the soaring red line.

"It's up, it's up..."

"It really went up!"

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