Defying Fate To Rule/C15 Shen Bingyan You Are Mine!
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Defying Fate To Rule/C15 Shen Bingyan You Are Mine!
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C15 Shen Bingyan You Are Mine!

The Meng family, one of Klido's five major business dynasties, specialized in the nation's high-end private clubs and was also involved in upscale tourism projects. At present, Skywater Manor stood as one of the Meng family's most renowned assets in Klido.

Inside a private room on the fourth level of Skywater Manor, opulence was the order of the day. Four grand European-style crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the drapes of the automated floor-to-ceiling windows were drawn back. Through the pristine tempered glass, one could take in the breathtaking view of the entire estate.

Gazing down at the neon lights below, Shen Bingyan was struck by a sense of nostalgia. There was a time when the Shen family was in its prime, and she could come and go from this place as she wished. Now, without Qin Ying's intervention, she likely wouldn't have the privilege of setting foot here.

Qin Ying approached, followed by a dedicated waiter from the private room, carrying a tray with two glasses of red wine. The stemware sparkled enchantingly under the soft lighting, enhancing the deep hue of the wine.

"Bingyan, why aren't you sitting?" Qin Ying asked as he graciously offered her a glass of wine. "If you enjoy it here, feel free to come back anytime using my name."

Shen Bingyan's fingers trembled slightly as she accepted the wine glass. Following her father Shen Yun's death, she had to liquidate most of the Shen family's holdings to keep their legacy afloat. Now, all that remained was Azure Orchid Cosmetics. The Shen family no longer had the standing to visit Skywater Manor, and their membership card, once a symbol of status, had been reclaimed by the Meng family.

Shen Bingyan's smile broadened. "Thank you, Mr. Qin. Let's discuss this another time."

Qin Ying was taken aback by her calm demeanor, his gaze darkening slightly. Since Azure Orchid Cosmetics had begun negotiations with the Kailu Group, he had been pursuing Shen Bingyan for over a month. Any other woman might have succumbed to his advances by now, becoming compliant to his desires. But Shen Bingyan was different; she never faltered or flattered, no matter what Qin Ying attempted.

"He's nothing but a pauper now. Does he still think he's the esteemed young Miss of the Shen family?" Qin Ying muttered to himself with disdain.

Just yesterday, he claimed he would take Shen Bingyan to a wine estate on the outskirts for a business discussion. In reality, Qin Ying was plotting to take advantage of Shen Bingyan that very night! However, Shen Bingyan was too vigilant. Before they even arrived at the suburban wine estate, she claimed there was an urgent company matter that needed her attention and promptly left in a taxi. Otherwise, how could Shen Bingyan have possibly returned home yesterday?

"But today, I've got everything planned out. This beauty won't escape my grasp! Just wait until she's screaming in my ear!"

Qin Ying gazed at the stunning woman before him. Her innate aloofness was so intoxicating, it sent shivers of excitement down his spine.

Tonight, she will be mine!


At the entrance of Skywater Manor, Su Fei and Shen Bingyan were stopped in their tracks.

"What? We're not allowed in?"

Su Fei was fuming, his temper flaring. "We've come to pick someone up. My wife is in there! Since when do you regulate that?"

The security guard bowed with impeccable politeness, his every move reflecting the courtly manners of medieval times, clearly the result of professional training. His demeanor exuded a sense of nobility and elegance that was almost infectious, putting one at ease without even realizing it.

All the upscale clubs run by the Meng family boasted this level of sophistication, steeped in the noble and elegant atmosphere of European aristocracy, a trait inherent to the Meng family as well.

"I apologize, but without an appointment or an invitation, and with no record of you in our database, I'm afraid I can't let you in. If you're here to see someone, please provide their name or room number, and we can assist you in locating them," the security guard said courteously, though his gaze inadvertently lingered on Shen Bingyan.

A beauty always draws attention, after all.

Shen Bingyan pursed her lips, a bitter taste of unpleasant memories surfacing at the thought of this place.

She stepped forward and introduced herself, "My name is Shen Bingyan. I'm here to find my sister, Shen Bingyan. If I'm not mistaken, she should be with Mr. Qin Ying from the Kailu Group. Could you please check for me?"


The security guard at the entrance responded, but then his gaze subtly began to drift towards Su Fei. The Shen family's good-for-nothing son-in-law had been barred from entering the manor, while his wife was inside with the Qin family's young master. The implications were unsavory, to say the least.

A flicker of mockery glinted in the eyes of the security guards. Their professional training helped them maintain composure, but Su Fei caught the derisive looks nonetheless.

"What are you staring at? Get on with the check!" Su Fei snapped, his frustration mounting as a sense of urgency overtook him. He couldn't shake the feeling that disaster loomed if he delayed any longer.

Shen Bingyan was not pleased either. She was well aware that her usual heiress demeanor wouldn't fly here.

"We've located it. Number three in the East District, Emerald Garden," a security guard reported.

"Let's go."

Su Fei had barely taken a step when he was halted once more by the guards.

"You cannot enter!" Yuan Hen blocked Su Fei, a sneer in his eyes. "Your attire doesn't meet the standards of Skywater Manor. It could tarnish the other guests' perception of this place, so only this beautiful lady may proceed."

"You..." Su Fei began to protest, but the guards quickly closed in around him. Only the guard in front of Shen Bingyan respectfully stepped aside, saying, "Miss, please follow me."

Shen Bingyan pursed her lips. While she took some pleasure in seeing Su Fei put in his place, the disdain from the security guards towards the Shen family rankled her.

In an uncharacteristic move, Shen Bingyan addressed Su Fei, "Sanitary pad, you wait here. I'll go fetch my sister."

With that, she entered the manor.

No sooner had Shen Bingyan departed than Su Fei sensed a shift in the atmosphere. The thinly veiled mockery in the guards' eyes became overt, and some began to point and laugh at him openly.

Yuan Hen chuckled, "So you're the Shen family's deadbeat son-in-law? Quite impressive that you managed to track me down."

"I've always been rather curious."

Yuan Hen paused briefly before bursting into raucous laughter. "How does it feel to be cuckolded in front of everyone? Hahahaha!"

The security guards around him joined in, laughing so hard that tears streamed down the faces of a couple of them.

One guard clapped Su Fei on the shoulder, remarking, "Brother, you've got some nerve. Coming here to catch your cheating spouse? Too bad you can't even get through the door."

"I'm here to find my wife, please, let me in," Su Fei pleaded. Mimicking him, another guard couldn't contain his laughter halfway through the imitation. "This is killing me! You're a joke, what right do you have to show your face here!"

"Exactly. They're in there, happy as can be, and what business is it of yours?"

The guards grew increasingly rude, some even starting to shove Su Fei around. His slight frame was no match for them, and they clearly didn't take him seriously.

Su Fei's marriage into the Shen family had been the talk of the town, a source of endless gossip and ridicule.

But when it came down to it, it was all just envy.

Yuan Hen stood by, watching the scene unfold with a cold smirk and his arms crossed.

He had intentionally blocked Su Fei, having been clued in by Qin Ying earlier. As men, they both understood what Qin Ying intended to do that night.

So what if Su Fei was Shen Bingyan's husband? Qin Ying had made it worth his while. Besides, Su Fei's attire, obviously cheap and likely purchased from a bargain site, clearly didn't meet the standard. Even if there was an inquiry later, he had ample excuses. And what of any punishment? Fostering a good relationship with Mr. Qin was worth it.

As for letting Shen Bingyan in, it was hardly an issue. The thought of both sisters succumbing was thrilling. Mr. Qin might even thank him for it!

Yuan Hen's thoughts took a sinister turn as his smile grew wider, pleased with his subordinates' performance. They had worked together long enough to understand each other with just a glance.

He was running interference for Mr. Qin of the Qin family. Surely, Mr. Qin wouldn't forget to reward him for his efforts?

With that thought, everyone's actions grew increasingly bold and reckless.

Su Fei's expression darkened. He realized these people were here to mock him! But he was in no mood to deal with them now. The sense of foreboding in his heart was intensifying to the point of being unbearable.


Su Fei suddenly bellowed, grabbing the collar of a security guard in front of him and hurling him aside. The move caught everyone off guard, and the remaining three guards froze in shock.

"You dare to strike? Restrain him!"

Yuan Hen had been hoping Su Fei would strike first, justifying his own response. He had no intention of engaging in a drawn-out conflict with Su Fei, quickly pulling out an electric baton with the intent to incapacitate him.

But Su Fei was faster than Yuan Hen had anticipated. Before Yuan Hen could even close the distance with the baton, Su Fei had already floored the three guards with swift punches, his glare now fixed on the advancing Yuan Hen.

The electric baton in Yuan Hen's grip sparked with a pale blue arc, but Su Fei dismissed it with a preemptive hook to Yuan Hen's abdomen.

A swift whip kick followed, sending Yuan Hen sprawling to the ground, his electric baton skittering into a distant ditch.

The skirmish, from start to finish, had taken Su Fei less than thirty seconds. Now, aside from Su Fei, not a single person could stand.

Dazed from the kick, Yuan Hen looked up at the advancing Su Fei, terror flooding his eyes. "You... You're supposed to be a nobody... How could you..."

Su Fei yanked Yuan Hen to his feet. "I don't have time to waste with you. Where's number three at Emerald Garden?"

"I won't tell you."


Su Fei's hand cracked across Yuan Hen's face, sending two of his molars flying from his mouth!

"Are you going to talk or not?"

"I'll talk..." Overwhelmed by fear, Yuan Hen couldn't focus on anything else. He pointed westward and stammered, "The third one from here, on the west side."

Su Fei dropped Yuan Hen to the ground and bolted into the manor, sprinting wildly toward the west.


"Who is this guy?"

"What's with his outfit? Where's security? Where are the guards?"

"Skywater Manor has really dropped the ball! How could they let someone like this in?"

An open-air banquet was in progress, and Su Fei, in his haste to take a shortcut, nearly collided with a guest, drawing disapproving frowns and stares from many.

Among the guests, a stunning blonde woman who resembled a Barbie doll caught sight of Su Fei. Puzzled, she instructed a nearby server, "Follow him and see what's happening."


Inside the third hall of Emerald Garden.

As the bodyguards closed in, Shen Bingyan firmly shielded her sister, Shen Bingyan, behind her, but they were still forced to retreat.

Shen Bingyan had just knocked on the door when it swung open, and she was shoved hard into the room. Her phone was snatched from her hand, and the door slammed shut behind her.

Now under the protective watch of her sister, Shen Bingyan realized something was amiss. They were encircled by a dozen bodyguards, while Qin Ying looked on with a malicious grin, his eyes betraying undisguised lust.

"Qin Ying, what do you think you're doing?"

Shen Bingyan tried to remain composed as she confronted Qin Ying, "This is the Meng family's turf. How dare you be so brazen?"

"What if I am brazen?" Qin Ying replied, locking the door behind him with a triumphant sneer.

Qin Ying's excitement grew as he met Shen Bingyan's icy gaze. He felt a rush of heat surge through him and, unable to resist, he tugged at his tie to loosen it. His breathing eased slightly, and he began to sweat from the intense heat. His gaze fixed on Shen Bingyan, his breathing grew labored with anticipation.

Qin Ying burst into laughter, "I've wanted you for so long, Bingyan, truly for so long! Every time I see your icy gaze, I vow to make you mine, without fail!"

"And yet, you chose to marry a nobody! It's truly heartbreaking!"

"But now, the Shen family is in dire straits. It seems the heavens are on my side, Qin Ying."

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