Defying Fate To Rule/C16 My Husband Came to Save You!
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Defying Fate To Rule/C16 My Husband Came to Save You!
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C16 My Husband Came to Save You!

Confronted with Qin Ying's hysterical laughter, Shen Bingyan could do nothing but remain silent.

The soundproofing in Skywater Manor was exceptionally effective; not a sound from inside the room could be heard from the outside. Even if they were to scream for help now, it would be futile—no one would hear them.

Just moments ago, Qin Ying had snatched Shen Bingyan's phone the instant she pulled it out, and now Shen Bingyan's phone was nowhere to be found. Without their phones, calling for help was impossible.

Each room in Skywater Manor was equipped with an emergency button near the entrance, but they were effectively trapped and couldn't reach it.

"Qin Ying, I truly misread you," Shen Bingyan said, her face an icy mask, yet her eyes betrayed a pride that refused to bow. "You've lost your mind!"

"I lost my mind the day you married that worthless man!"

Qin Ying's face twisted with his mania. "But even now, I can still come out on top."

"I want you, tonight. No, both of you are mine!"

Qin Ying's gaze swept past Shen Bingyan to Shen Bingyan behind her, his tongue flicking out in anticipation. "Ah, such lovely sisters. The thought alone is thrilling!"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're both drugged before I start. You're going to experience pleasure like never before, hahahaha!"

The bodyguard blocked any chance of escape for Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan, while Qin Ying closed in on them, his laughter echoing wildly.

Shen Bingyan, cowering behind her sister, turned deathly pale. Catching Qin Ying's eye, she blurted out in desperation, "Stay back! Su Fei will never let you get away with this!"

"Su Fei? That loser? Hahahaha! That's the best joke I've heard in ages!"

Qin Ying was beside himself with glee, mocking Shen Bingyan with a cruel laugh. "Everyone knows he's just a useless mutt you keep around. Do you really think he's going to burst in here like some hero from the movies and save you? Dream on!"

"I'm aware Su Fei is lurking outside the manor, but let me enlighten you both. I've already tipped off Yuan Hen, the head of manor security. He won't be letting Su Fei anywhere near here. Still pinning your hopes on Su Fei, Shen Bingyan? You must be out of your mind!"

"Let me think, if that loser really is here..."

"The only thing he could possibly do is kneel before me and beg for mercy on your behalf. Hahahaha, what else is he capable of?"

Qin Ying paused, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "Or maybe I'll capture him too, and have my way with his wife and sister-in-law right in front of him. Watching his pitiful expression would be far more entertaining. Hahahaha!"

Qin Ying's maniacal laughter echoed through the room, causing Shen Bingyan's expression to grow even icier.

But in the midst of Qin Ying's cackling, a violent crash sounded from behind, like an enraged bull charging at a flimsy iron door!

In an instant, the door that Qin Ying had locked himself was violently kicked open, revealing a man clad in a cheap hoodie standing defiantly in the doorway, glaring fiercely at Qin Ying inside the room.

Qin Ying's laughter choked off abruptly, as if someone had seized his throat.

For a moment, Qin Ying was under the illusion that the figure before him was not a man, but a wounded wolf!

As Su Fei burst through the door, he had already taken in the scene before him. Rage flooded his mind, and an intimidating presence erupted from him, surging into the room like a breached dam, temporarily paralyzing Qin Ying and the bodyguard.

"Qin Ying, you dare lay a hand on my woman?"

"You're looking for trouble."

"Su Fei! Save us!" Shen Bingyan cried out, her voice filled with excitement, leaving Shen Bingyan utterly dumbfounded.

This was a scenario she found completely alien.

Shen Bingyan watched, somewhat dazed, as Su Fei appeared like a savior from the heavens. She felt the concern laced within his anger, and an unexpected warmth bubbled up from deep within her.

The figure at home, always so meek, constantly at Chen Xiyun's beck and call, began to merge with the imposing figure before her. Shen Bingyan could scarcely believe her eyes.

Was this truly Su Fei?

The same Su Fei who at home seemed anything but manly?

"Su Fei, run!" Shen Bingyan was the first to snap out of her shock, yelling at Su Fei, "Go to the Meng family for help, get them to rescue us!"

Su Fei was slightly embarrassed, as it appeared Shen Bingyan hadn't grasped why he was there.

"Run!" Shen Bingyan cried out in desperation. "These aren't just any thugs. You can't handle them."

"You actually showed up, you worthless fool!"

It was only then that Qin Ying snapped out of the shock from Su Fei's imposing presence. The thought of his own momentary desire to flee made his face flush with shame.

Without time to ponder why Yuan Hen hadn't stopped Su Fei outside Skywater Manor, Qin Ying bellowed, "Catch him! Make sure he doesn't get away!"

The dozen bodyguards previously encircling Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan split, with half charging at Su Fei. Each one was professionally trained, and to them, Su Fei seemed like a frail chick, easily crushed by any single one of them.

Yet, as the crowd surged toward him, Su Fei remained unmoved, as steadfast as a rock amidst crashing waves, poised for battle.


The flicker of hope that had just sparked in their hearts was swiftly snuffed out. Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan, overwhelmed by despair, averted their gaze, unable to watch.

Muffled groans reached their ears, and though they didn't witness the scene, their minds painted a gruesome picture: Su Fei lying in a pool of blood, pummeled relentlessly, his body turning into a mangled mess.

Shen Bingyan's heart raced with urgency. She suddenly opened her eyes and screamed, "Stop! Please, don't hurt him anymore!"

But when Shen Bingyan looked up, the reality before her bore no resemblance to her fears.

The formidable bodyguards were scattered across the ground, wailing and moaning. Blood smeared their faces, and one had taken a direct hit to the face, his nose broken and askew.

Su Fei, whom she had imagined lying in a bloodbath, stood unscathed, his presence more domineering than ever. To Shen Bingyan, he no longer seemed human but rather a fierce wolf ready to rip his adversaries to shreds.

Su Fei tossed the last bloodied, unconscious bodyguard at Qin Ying's feet and viciously stomped on the man's abdomen.

The bodyguard instinctively curled up, his body convulsing in agony before he finally passed out from the pain.

Su Fei closed in on Qin Ying, his gaze sharp as a blade, intensified by the smear of blood on his face.

Qin Ying recoiled in terror, and only then did the remaining six bodyguards spring into action. They abandoned any attempt to stop Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingya, charging straight at Su Fei.

Shen Bingyan witnessed Su Fei's fierce demeanor for the first time.

There was no finesse to his fighting, just a desperate, life-or-death struggle reminiscent of a street brawl. Yet, when the bodyguards' punches landed on Su Fei, he didn't even flinch. In contrast, a single punch from Su Fei could almost instantly knock a man down, as if his fists were not made of flesh but were hundred-pound iron hammers!

When Su Fei's fist connected with a bodyguard, Shen Bingyan could hear the chilling sound of bones breaking.

Su Fei grabbed the last bodyguard by the waist, hoisted him overhead, and slammed him to the ground with such force that the man lost consciousness before Su Fei could even land another blow.

Qin Ying was now the last adversary standing before Su Fei.

"You... You..."

Qin Ying was in disbelief. How could Su Fei, who never dared to fight back against Chen Xiyun's scolding at home, have taken down more than a dozen of his bodyguards?

As Su Fei's piercing gaze met his, Qin Ying shuddered, a profound terror welling up inside him.

With determined strides, Su Fei protectively pulled Shen Bingyan behind him. This time, however, she did not resist. Instead, her gaze remained fixed on Su Fei's face, her eyes reflecting an incredulity she couldn't fathom.

Shen Bingya had already positioned herself behind Su Fei, recalling how he had shielded her in the same way at King's Haven. Though it wasn't her first time experiencing his protection, it still sent a ripple of inexplicable emotion through her.

"Su Fei, is it really you?" In that moment, Shen Bingyan's wrist was still firmly gripped in Su Fei's hand, and feeling the warmth, she still struggled to believe it was true.

"Who else could come to your rescue if not your husband?" Su Fei gripped Shen Bingyan's wrist tightly, a surge of emotion welling up within him. He had experienced a similar situation at home, only to be met with a slap from Chen Xiyun. But now, there was no one to stop him.

In the heat of the moment, Su Fei inadvertently referred to himself as Shen Bingyan's "husband."

Shen Bingyan seemed not to notice and didn't immediately object, which was incredibly satisfying for Su Fei.

As he held onto her wrist, Su Fei found himself struggling to let go.

"Su Fei, you can hit others, but you must not lay a hand on Qin Ying," Shen Bingyan interjected, breaking the silence with a sense of urgency. "He's the heir to the Kailu Group. If you harm him, our Shen family... we'll be in deep trouble."

"Su Fei, you dare to lay a hand on me?" Qin Ying, energized by the confrontation, straightened his collar and scoffed. "Shen Bingyan, as you yourself acknowledged, the Shen family can't afford to provoke the Kailu Group right now!"

"Does your Azure Orchid Cosmetics want our investment? Fine," Qin Ying said, pointing at Su Fei. "Just agree to divorce Su Fei now, and I'll transfer three million to your account immediately. How about that? Don't pretend you're not in need of money."

As Qin Ying spoke, Shen Bingyan felt a pulse of anger through the wrist Su Fei was holding. His grip was rigid with fury.

"Su Fei, don't do anything rash," Shen Bingyan urged, pulling him back before turning to Qin Ying with an icy tone. "Mr. Qin, our business dealings are finished. The Shen family's Azure Orchid Cosmetics will never partner with Kailu Group again."

Feeling Su Fei's hand still tense, Shen Bingyan whispered in his ear, "Please, Su Fei, try to stay calm."

The breeze that brushed past Su Fei's ear seemed to soothe his agitated state.


Su Fei would comply unconditionally with Shen Bingyan's wishes. Taking a deep breath, he managed to quell the roar of anger within him.

"Someone's coming." Shen Bingyan was the first to pick up on the noise behind her, turning around with a delighted expression.

"How dare you, Su Fei, to commit such a violent act within Skywater Manor? You're openly challenging the Meng family!"

An angry bellow echoed from the hallway outside, freezing both Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan in their tracks. Moments later, Yuan Hen appeared at the doorway, flanked by over twenty security personnel from the Meng family.

A chill ran down the spines of Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan.

This was not good at all!

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