Defying Fate To Rule/C17 Princess Meng Lin(1)
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Defying Fate To Rule/C17 Princess Meng Lin(1)
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C17 Princess Meng Lin(1)

"Guards, encircle this waste of space, Su Fei!"

At Yuan Hen's command, the security guards immediately advanced. Yet, the bodyguards were still sprawled on the floor, creating a horrifying spectacle.

The situation was under control, and without knowing the full story, the guards refrained from hasty action.

Nevertheless, all eyes turned to Su Fei. Despite their disbelief, the evidence was undeniable, and they had to accept the reality before them.

Shen Bingyan racked her brain for a strategy but couldn't come up with anything viable.

"Hahahaha, how fortunes turn! Su Fei, it's over for you! Well done, Yuan Hen!"

Qin Ying's laughter boomed, his face twisting into a malevolent grin. "You think you can compete with me? You're nothing but trash!"

He pointed accusingly at Su Fei, "I was merely discussing business with Miss Su when this man barged in and assaulted my men. Is this the kind of operation Skywater Manor runs?"

"Mr. Qin, my sincerest apologies," Yuan Hen, a seasoned player, immediately feigned a respectful bow and apology. "Rest assured, the situation is under control, and we will provide you with a satisfactory resolution."

Yuan Hen then turned to Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan with feigned ignorance, "Fear not, Misses of the Shen family. With us here, this thug won't dare to make a move."

The two spun the tale, painting Su Fei as the aggressor who stormed the room and attacked Qin Ying's bodyguards. Despite lingering questions, the security team, taking their cue from Yuan Hen, was ready to spring into action.

A veteran guard spoke up, "Brother Yuan, should we review the surveillance footage to—"

"What's there to see? The situation is crystal clear. Are you questioning me or Mr. Qin?" Yuan Hen barked, silencing the guard.

Qin Ying was inwardly reveling in delight.

Su Fei, oh Su Fei, what does it matter if you can fight? You're clueless about the world of the wealthy. With enough money, even the darkest deeds can be whitewashed!

Su Fei's expression was dark with worry. If Qin Ying pinned this incident on him, and the Qin family pulled some strings behind the scenes, he would undoubtedly be unable to avoid a prison sentence. And Shen Bingyan...

"It's not true, Qin Ying was the aggressor!" Shen Bingyan interjected hastily, her voice feeble and lacking conviction, uncertain of how to further argue her case.

Should she accuse Qin Ying of misconduct toward the Shen sisters? Aside from the question of who would believe such a claim, speaking out would only lead to scandal. If word got out, how would she and her sister cope with the fallout? The Shen family would become the laughingstock of many.

Qin Ying was well aware of this leverage, his smirk growing more pronounced by the second.

Su Fei was kicking himself for not taking the chance to knock Qin Ying out cold when he had the chance!

"Don't twist the truth," Qin Ying said smoothly, pointing at Shen Bingyan, his eyes gleaming with smug satisfaction. "The evidence of Su Fei forcing his way into the private room is irrefutable. My witnesses can attest to that. He won't get away with it."

"And as for your claim that I struck first, where's your proof?"

Qin Ying's gaze shifted to Shen Bingyan, and he couldn't resist taunting her further, "If you doubt me, feel free to ask Miss Shen Bingyan who the real culprit is."

As all eyes turned to her, Shen Bingyan's cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she felt a wave of indignation.

If she simply walked away, she could preserve her own reputation and that of the Shen family, but Su Fei would be doomed. Qin Ying would show no mercy.

In that moment, an idea sparked in Shen Bingyan's mind.

She couldn't abandon Su Fei.

"Mr. Qin, since you've asked me, I will tell you," Shen Bingyan resolved, taking a deep breath to steady the turmoil within her. She tightened her grip on Su Fei's hand and set her jaw, "You were the one who attacked first! Su Fei... Su Fei was protecting us!"

"Sister..." Shen Bingyan's eyes shone with relief. In that instant, she felt as if the sister she once knew had finally come back to her.

Despite the Shen family's fall from grace, they still maintained their dignity!

Shen Bingyan raised her voice, her anger palpable, "My sister is right. It was Qin Ying who attacked first! Both of us can vouch for Su Fei!"

Qin Ying's face soured. He had hoped to silence the sisters with their reputation, but to his surprise, they boldly spoke the truth.

The unexpected outburst from Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan cast an eerie pall over the room, leaving the security guards exchanging puzzled glances.

With both parties at an impasse, each sticking to their version of events, the situation was at a standstill.

Yuan Hen, red-faced with frustration, barked, "What are you waiting for? Remember, Su Fei forcibly entered our Skywater Manor and injured four of our people! The evidence is undeniable!"

"Indeed, that alone is grounds for his arrest!"

Yuan Hen's declaration shifted the balance in the room. Su Fei had indeed overpowered Yuan Hen and his group to enter the manor, a fact that was incontrovertible. As a direct witness, Yuan Hen had every right to press charges against Su Fei!

The security guards had reached a consensus. Without needing further instruction from Yuan Hen, they began to close in on Su Fei. They faced no qualms in confronting him, especially with Mr. Qin and their own captain, Yuan Hen, on their side.

They could only offer their apologies to Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan.

Su Fei was seething with frustration, feeling as though he was about to burst, yet powerless to change the situation.

As the security guards closed in, a wave of helplessness washed over Su Fei.

He could overpower everyone in a confrontation, but then what? He didn't even dare to reprimand Qin Ying, resorting only to verbal warnings. Qin Ying could twist the truth right in front of him, and Su Fei was utterly unable to counter it.

Some problems simply couldn't be solved by force alone!

The Cosmic Evolution Spell he possessed was not enough, not by a long shot.

This world operates by its own set of rules, and I remain far too insignificant.

Su Fei turned gently to glance at Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingya, seeing in their eyes a kind of determination he had never encountered before.

Feeling Shen Bingyan's hand tighten around his, Su Fei then heard her softly assure him, "We'll find you a lawyer. If they get a hold of you, don't say a word. I'll have the lawyer handle everything."

"Don't worry," she added confidently. "The worst-case scenario is we pay a fine. I won't let anything happen to you."

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