Defying Fate To Rule/C2 Little Aunt
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Defying Fate To Rule/C2 Little Aunt
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C2 Little Aunt

Before Su Fei could regain his composure, a resounding slap struck his face, sending him stumbling and crashing into the nearby shoe cabinet.

Chen Xiyun, hands on her hips, berated Su Fei, "Didn't you notice our guest has arrived?! Why aren't you offering to pour some tea? Have both your brain and eyes stopped functioning?"

"Auntie, it's not necessary. Bingyan and I are just about to leave," came a voice unfamiliar to Su Fei.

It was then that Su Fei noticed a man in a suit standing at the staircase, chatting amiably with Shen Bingyan.

Shen Bingyan disregarded Qin Ying's attempt to greet her, her gaze settling coolly on Su Fei.

Their silent exchange was brief before Shen Bingyan averted her eyes.

Su Fei had been nothing but accommodating to Shen Bingyan for the past three years. Surely she must have felt his devotion. But what she truly needed now was not the mundane comforts of home but rather a man who could provide her with real protection.

Shen Bingyan had once pinned all her hopes on Su Fei, but he had only brought her disappointment after disappointment.

Thus, she resorted to a facade of coldness to shield herself, striving to persevere amidst the cutthroat tactics of the business world—all for the Shen family.

Chen Xiyun greeted Qin Ying with a warmth as if basking in the spring sun, asking, "Mr. Qin, where are you two headed?"

"Well, I'm preparing for the grand opening of my wine estate just outside the city tomorrow. Today, I thought I'd show Bingyan around and also discuss some specifics regarding our families' collaboration."

After responding to Chen Xiyun with a smile, Qin Ying's attention returned to Su Fei.

"So, you're Su Fei. It's a pleasure to meet you," Qin Ying said, stepping forward with a natural ease. "I'm Qin Ying."

A whirlwind of emotions churned within Su Fei!

He had overheard Yang Hehua, the villa's housekeeper, mentioning that Shen Bingyan was in talks with the Kailu Group for a potential partnership. Qin Ying, the heir to the Kailu Group, appeared to be quite persistent in his pursuit of Shen Bingyan.

And now, here he was, right in Su Fei's own home!

A wave of humiliation and anger washed over Su Fei. He glanced at Shen Bingyan, only to find her expression one of cool detachment. Without so much as a glance in his direction, she slipped on her coat and brushed past him, exiting through the front door.

Su Fei's hands were balled into tight fists, his nails digging into his palms as bitterness swelled into fury within him. In a sudden whirl of emotion, he spun around and grabbed Shen Bingyan by the wrist as she stood at the doorway.

"Bingyan, you—"


Before Su Fei could utter another word, a stinging slap struck his cheek. Chen Xiyun, seething with rage, forcefully pried Shen Bingyan's wrist from Su Fei's grasp.

"Scum! You are not worthy of touching Bingyan's hand! Back off!" Chen Xiyun shouted, yanking Su Fei to the ground. She then quickly turned to Shen Bingyan with a warm smile, "Bingyan, make sure you come home early tonight, okay?"

"Mmm, don't worry, Mom."

As Shen Bingyan stepped out, she cast a final, complex glance back at Su Fei, who lay on the ground. Her gaze, both haughty and enigmatic, quickly iced over.

Without a word to Su Fei, Shen Bingyan climbed into the Porsche waiting outside.

Qin Ying remained silent throughout the altercation, but a flicker of coldness passed through his eyes as Su Fei reached for Shen Bingyan. He then casually got into the car and drove off, leaving Su Fei behind.

Su Fei sat on the ground, staring vacantly at the fading taillights. Overwhelmed by an unprecedented sense of helplessness, he had wanted to rise and call out to Shen Bingyan, but her final, icy, and complicated look had cut him to the core.

For the first time, Su Fei loathed his own helplessness.


Before he could wallow in his sorrow, Chen Xiyun snatched a feather duster from the shoe rack and lashed Su Fei's bare arm, leaving a vivid, crimson mark. Yang Hehua, the housekeeper tidying the living room nearby, winced at the sound and cast a sympathetic glance toward Su Fei.

"You're worthless, almost ruining Bingyan's prospects!" Chen Xiyun berated as she continued to furiously whip Su Fei with the duster.

This time, however, Su Fei did not plead for mercy. He simply sat there, his gaze empty, as if turned to stone.

With a sharp snap, the feather duster broke in two. Chen Xiyun, still seething with anger, flung the remnants to the floor and began searching for something else to continue her lesson on the worthless individual before her.

"Madam, Madam," Yang Hehua interjected, seizing the moment to set aside the fruit plate and cautiously inspect Su Fei's pitiful state. She mustered a smile and approached to gently remind her, "Mrs. Lee and the others are still waiting for you to play cards. Have you forgotten? You promised yesterday."

"Right, right, right. It's time to leave!"

Jolted by Yang Hehua's reminder, Chen Xiyun abruptly abandoned her intent to punish Su Fei further. She changed her clothes and left the house.

"Hold on." Chen Xiyun suddenly recalled something, turned back, and pointed at Su Fei on the ground, scolding, "Make sure you wash those clothes! If you dare slack off, I'll break your legs when I return!"

"Madam, please don't worry yourself," Yang Hehua said, her smile forced as she ushered Chen Xiyun out the door. Once alone, her expression of mirth vanished, replaced by a look of sympathy as she regarded Su Fei. "Young Master, don't fret. The young miss is simply discussing business with Mr. Qin. There's nothing more to it."

"It's alright, Yang Hehua," Su Fei replied, suddenly rising to his feet with a newfound resolve. He picked up the clothes from the sofa, ready to head into the other room. "I'll wash the clothes. Really, it's fine."

"No, Young Master," Yang Hehua insisted, taking the clothes from his arms. "Let me handle it today."

With that, she shook her head and sighed, walking toward the inner room.

"When will you start making something of yourself, Young Master?" she muttered, causing Su Fei's face to redden with embarrassment.

Unseen by anyone, Su Fei was far from disheartened. Instead, a glimmer of irrepressible joy flickered in his eyes. In the past, he would have pleaded for mercy to avoid a beating, but this time he had remained still, utterly astounded by the transformation occurring within him.

As Chen Xiyun was laying into him, Su Fei felt an unexpected warmth emanate from his core, coursing rapidly through his meridians to every limb. This nurturing flow seemed to sap the strength from the blows of the feather duster, transforming what should have been searing pain into a mere tickle, easily dismissed.

Though Su Fei appeared to be in a pitiful state, it was all superficial.

The scriptures in Su Fei's mind echoed once more.

The Cosmic Evolution Spell!

He had never encountered it before, but having read about such things in novels, Su Fei suspected that the Cosmic Evolution Spell was a mystical practice, and the warmth within him was the so-called genuine energy.

This internal shift invigorated Su Fei, confirming that the enigmatic old man he had met had indeed imparted something extraordinary into his consciousness.

But there was more! As Chen Xiyun's berating continued, Su Fei sensed an inexplicable energy converging upon him, drawn into his body by the genuine energy through his skin. This absorption seemed to slightly amplify the genuine energy, a sensation Su Fei was certain was no mistake, no matter how subtle.

He was astounded.

Then, the scripture in Su Fei's mind shifted:

"Human desire is the root of delusion; though tainted, when embraced it can forge one's path, and thus be harnessed."

Though confused, Su Fei grasped the essence: the Cosmic Evolution Spell had detected something and had begun to draw in a certain substance from its surroundings to bolster itself.

What had just happened? He had been thrashed by Chen Xiyun, but could it be that the Cosmic Evolution Spell was absorbing the negative energy emanating from her?

Su Fei was nearly certain this was the case, as this negative energy was precisely the "human desire" mentioned in the scripture.

This meant that he could absorb the negative energy around him to enhance his cultivation of the Cosmic Evolution Spell, even after being beaten and scolded!

With this revelation, Su Fei ascended the stairs to the second floor, his mind racing with his theory. The more he pondered, the more plausible it seemed. His top priority now was to retreat to his room and meticulously examine the newfound knowledge in his mind.

Perhaps this could be the very thing to transform his life completely!

The thought took root in Su Fei's mind and grew wildly, unstoppable!

Suddenly, Su Fei felt a surge of boldness, his stride becoming much more vigorous than before!

An urgent need to urinate snapped Su Fei out of his reverie. He focused and realized he had reached the end of the hallway. To his left was the bathroom, and directly ahead, not too far off, was his own room.

First, a moment to unwind, then he could properly plan his next steps!

Feeling utterly at ease, Su Fei didn't hesitate to push open the bathroom door and dive in.

The room was shrouded in mist, the air carrying a light, pleasant scent. Somewhere nearby, the sound of running water mingled with a beautiful, spirited song echoing throughout the bathroom. One could instantly tell that the singer was a lively, cheerful young lady.

The singing ceased abruptly as Su Fei opened the door. He instinctively turned his head and caught sight of a slender, enchanting figure barely visible through the dense fog.

And this alluring silhouette was looking right at Su Fei.


"Sanitary pad, you pervert! Freak!"

"Get out!"


The enchanting song that had lingered in the bathroom was immediately drowned out by shrill screams. Before Su Fei could react, a barrage of skirts and jackets flew at him, covering his head and face, plunging him into darkness.

Su Fei leapt up as if he had stepped on shards of glass, dashing out of the bathroom with the clothes still draped over him, the unique scent of a young girl clinging to the fabric.

"It's that girl."

A captivating figure flashed through Su Fei's mind.

Shen Bingyan.

Shen Bingyan of the Shen family, Bai Feifei of the Bai family, and Meng Lin of the Meng family were celebrated as the three jewels of Klido. When Su Fei unexpectedly joined the Shen family through marriage, many were left beating their chests in envy, including heirs of wealthy dynasties.

Shen Bingyan was the younger sister of Shen Bingyan. Though only eighteen, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty, only lacking her sister's air of sophistication.

Su Fei was certain that within two years, Klido would be graced with another devastatingly beautiful femme fatale. Yet Shen Bingyan was notoriously difficult to deal with!

"Sanitary pad, you jerk!"

Lost in thought, Su Fei was jolted back to reality as the bathroom door swung open and a kick, swift and unhesitating, targeted his groin!

A chill ran down Su Fei's spine. The girl was trained in karate, and a direct hit would have dire consequences!

"Shen Bingyan, are you trying to kill me? Besides, you always use your own bathroom. How was I supposed to know where you were?" Su Fei protested after narrowly avoiding the kick.

"Sanitary pad! You have the nerve to talk back!" Shen Bingyan retorted, now clad in a white coral velvet bathrobe, the belt cinched tight around her waist, reminiscent of her karate uniform.

Shen Bingyan advanced and launched a whip kick at Su Fei's head.

In a split second, Su Fei leaned back and evaded the blow. Disbelief flickered in Shen Bingyan's eyes. She knew Su Fei to be the most ineffectual of the ineffectual.

Once, Shen Bingyan had jokingly kicked Su Fei, resulting in a broken arm for him. Since then, she had completely lost interest in Su Fei and had mockingly dubbed him "Sanitary pad."

But today was different.

Both Shen Bingyan and Su Fei were taken aback by the turn of events.

As soon as Su Fei was attacked, the Cosmic Evolution Spell's genuine energy spontaneously surged within him. Empowered by the genuine energy, every one of Shen Bingyan's movements seemed to slow down, allowing Su Fei to dodge with ease.

"You've been deceiving me all these years, Su Fei!" Shen Bingyan fumed, her temper flaring uncontrollably. She was determined to take Su Fei down today, her strikes growing increasingly ruthless. Yet Su Fei moved with an effortless grace, remaining untouched.

With the divine technique at his side, Su Fei's confidence soared, and he couldn't resist taunting Shen Bingyan, "Have you lost your edge, Shen Bingyan? Maybe too many late nights at the club? Tsk tsk, those aren't the cleanest of places. It's probably best for a young lady like you to stay away."

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