Defying Fate To Rule/C20 Master Su Save Me
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Defying Fate To Rule/C20 Master Su Save Me
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C20 Master Su Save Me

"Who do you think you're looking down on!" Su Fei bellowed from the counter, causing a stir among the bystanders.

Lobby manager Zhao Lu approached, gesturing to her staff at the counter to disregard the commotion. She offered Su Fei a gentle smile and inquired, "May I assist you with something, sir?"

Su Fei, still fuming, looked up upon hearing her voice and found himself face-to-face with a strikingly beautiful woman, her smile beaming.

Her attire, a classic black business suit jacket paired with a white shirt and pencil skirt, accentuated Zhao Lu's elegant figure. Clearly, she knew how to dress to enhance her allure, with just the right touches to elevate her charm, leaving an immediate, dazzling impression.

It's no surprise she's the lobby manager; her success rate in business must be quite high, Su Fei mused.

But at the moment, his frustration took precedence. He slapped the credit card statement down in front of Zhao Lu and demanded, "Explain this to me, why is it so low?"

Zhao Lu took a brief look and inwardly scorned Su Fei.

Credit limits are meticulously determined by the headquarters based on personal data, and errors are unheard of. Typically, anyone with a legitimate job could obtain a credit card from GD Bank. Even recent college graduates starting their careers usually receive a limit between 8,000 to 10,000.

If it's below that range, it simply suggests that the individual doesn't measure up in the headquarters' records.

Zhao Lu's gaze swept over Su Fei, taking in his attire from head to toe. His clothes, pants, and shoes screamed "cheap". Then she noticed the name on the credit card and the applicant.

"You're Su Fei?" Her smile vanished, replaced by a look of disdain so intense she didn't even bother with formalities.

The name Su Fei was well-known among GD Bank staff in Klido for all the wrong reasons.

"I want to know why my credit limit is only 4,000! It should be at least 10,000!" Su Fei challenged.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding," Zhao Lu said, her face fixed with a courteous smile as she raised a finger.

"Firstly, do you have steady employment?"

Su Fei was taken aback, a sinking feeling beginning to form in his mind.

"Secondly, do you own a car?"

"Third, do you have any property?"

"You don't even have any significant expenditures to your name."


Zhao Lu's remarks grew increasingly cutting, leaving Su Fei at a loss for words.

The other patrons waiting for their numbers to be called also turned their attention to the scene. They were eager for a bit of entertainment to pass the time.

"Did I just hear someone call out Su Fei?"

"Yeah, I heard it too. It couldn't be that Su Fei, could it?"

"Hehe, I bet it is. I wonder what this deadbeat son-in-law is doing at GD Bank. Does he even have money to conduct any transactions?"


These murmurs floated to Su Fei's ears, making his face flush with embarrassment.

Zhao Lu's smile remained, but her tone turned icy, and her words were less than polite: "Since you have nothing to your name, what credit limit are we even discussing? This limit is only being considered because of the Shen family. If you hadn't applied under the Shen family's name, I'm sorry, but this card wouldn't even be approved!"

"But since we're on the subject, I must add," Zhao Lu's face now bore a mocking sneer, "I think even a 4,000 yuan limit is too generous for someone like you, because you'll never be able to pay it back."

"I'll note in our records to have headquarters re-evaluate Mr. Su's creditworthiness to avoid any errors. After all, if it turns into a bad debt, GD Bank will bear the loss."

Su Fei's face alternated between green and white. Was she saying he wasn't even worthy of a 4,000 yuan limit?

"To think you'd apply for a credit card, you're really dragging down my performance," Zhao Lu said, not bothering to spare Su Fei any dignity. She huffed coldly and immediately instructed her subordinate at the counter, "Leave a message for headquarters in Su Fei's account right away. Say that this client has poor credit and recommend canceling his credit limit and adding him to the blacklist. You know how to write it, don't you?"

"Understood." The subordinate promptly set to work.

Having been slapped right in the face, Su Fei was seething with anger, yet he remained silent and simply turned to leave. What mattered most now was to activate his card and withdraw the funds. If he didn't, there was a real risk the Shen family would reclaim it, setting back his savings plan considerably.

"They look down on me! Just wait until I'm wealthy—then they'll all be begging me to do business with them!"

Internally fuming, Su Fei bolted toward the exit. He had already reached out to a friend in the area to use their POS machine to swipe all the money off his card!

But shortly after Su Fei's departure, an Audi screeched to a halt outside, and a frantic figure burst into the GD Bank lobby.

"Master, Master!"

Liu Qi dashed about the bank lobby in a frenzy, nearly slipping several times, his hair a wild mess, a far cry from the polished professional he usually was.

"Has anyone seen the Master?" Liu Qi implored, grabbing the arm of Zhao Lu, the lobby manager, his eyes brimming with desperate hope.

Despite his disheveled state, he looked nothing like the utterly defeated man Zhao Lu had encountered that morning.

Liu Qi was one of Zhao Lu's major clients, having previously opened a thirty million yuan account at GD Bank, which Zhao Lu had personally managed. The head office had praised her for this, rewarding her with a substantial commission.

Though Liu Qi was down on his luck, he was a man of skill, capability, and connections—capable of a comeback at any moment.

Now was the perfect time to extend a helping hand, an opportunity for Zhao Lu to make a strategic investment in goodwill.

Quick to adapt, Zhao Lu greeted Liu Qi with a warm smile and a courteous bow, deliberately allowing him a view of her neckline—an allusion to his previously hinted interest in her. "Mr. Liu, please calm down. Could you tell me the name of the person you're looking for?"

Regrettably, Liu Qi was in no state to appreciate the gesture.

"The name, right, the name!" Liu Qi exclaimed, struck by realization, only to remember he had never actually asked for it.

"Ah!" Overwhelmed by frustration, Liu Qi felt on the verge of madness, but he quickly devised another plan and began to meticulously describe the "Master's" attire to Zhao Lu.

Every day, GD Bank serves thousands of customers, making it nearly impossible to identify a single individual based solely on a vague description. Zhao Lu had little hope of success, but as Liu Qi provided details, an inexplicable silhouette began to take shape in her mind.

Inexpensive clothing, cheap trousers, and budget shoes...

Could it be Su Fei?

"Are you certain?" Zhao Lu stammered, her expression one of sheer incredulity.

Liu Qi's eyes sparkled as he clasped Zhao Lu's shoulders. "Do you know who the master is?"

"Wonderful, wonderful, please tell me where he is!"


Zhao Lu found herself tongue-tied. How could she tell Liu Qi that this man was the infamous son-in-law of the Shen family, a figure well-known throughout Klido? Revealing this was not just a matter of courtesy; it was akin to a direct insult to Liu Qi's face!

Yet, if she remained silent, Liu Qi would persist.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Zhao Lu finally made up her mind, tiptoed, and whispered into Liu Qi's ear, "If you're not mistaken, Mr. Liu... that person should be Su Fei..."

"Su Fei?" Liu Qi paused, then quickly grasped the implication: "That loser from the Shen family!"

Zhao Lu shuddered but confirmed with a nod, "Yes, he was here at GD Bank earlier to collect his credit card. His attire matched the description you gave..."

Despite her own skepticism, Liu Qi swiftly composed himself. He'd meet the man first and if it wasn't him, he'd simply continue his search.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Qi fixed his intense gaze on Zhao Lu. "Tell me where he is now."

"He's... he's left..." Zhao Lu replied, noticing Liu Qi's look of disappointment. But then, an idea struck her, and she quickly ushered Liu Qi into the VIP room.

"Just a moment, please."

Zhao Lu hurried into the office, her heels clicking rapidly.

Soon after, a perspiring Zhao Lu returned, handing Liu Qi a slip of paper. "This is Su Fei's phone number, but Mr. Liu, you mustn't say I gave it to you. If it got out that I deliberately disclosed customer information, I'd be in serious trouble..."

"Don't worry," Liu Qi reassured her, taking a deep breath and giving Zhao Lu's shoulder an appreciative pat. "I'll remember this kindness."

Zhao Lu's face lit up with a radiant smile, as bright as spring blossoms.


Su Fei was staring at the less than four thousand yuan that had appeared in his bank account, lost in thought. He had just had someone swipe it for him, and remembering the smug look on that person's face made Su Fei want to punch him. Su Fei was well aware that the standard fee for a card swipe was 1.68%—that is, for every ten thousand yuan swiped, sixty-eight yuan was deducted, plus a three yuan transaction fee, totaling seventy-one yuan. For a four thousand yuan swipe, the fee plus the transaction cost would only be about thirty yuan, yet this guy had the nerve to charge him a hundred!

Every single yuan was crucial to Su Fei's startup capital!

"This is outright robbery. Maybe I should just get my own POS machine and swipe my own card," he muttered to himself.

"But that would take at least half a month to set up. Sigh."

Su Fei didn't want to dwell on it. It was one in the afternoon, and the stock market was already in full swing. The Hyperxook Consortium's stock had turned positive, rising 0.2 points above the opening price, making it no longer worthwhile to increase his position.

After scrolling through his phone for quite some time, Su Fei finally found another stock receiving a steady flow of capital and went all in.

Now all that was left was to wait for the market to close and sell it off tomorrow.

Wandering towards Serene Summit Estate with nothing better to do, Su Fei's thoughts turned to the day's events.

"I wonder if Liu Qi heeded my advice. If that fool didn't, he's got no one to blame but himself."

As Su Fei pondered, his phone suddenly rang.

"In dreams within dreams, the dreamer's dreams, where past events scatter like the wind..."

Who could be calling me? Could it be Shen Bingyan, that little girl, is hungry and wants me to come back and cook?

Without looking at the caller ID, Su Fei answered the phone and brought it to his mouth, saying, "Got it, I'm on my way back to cook."

"Master Su, Master Su, please save me!"

The unexpected male voice on the other end of the line gave Su Fei quite a start. He turned his head, pondering for a moment, "That sounds like Liu Qi's voice."

"Liu Qi?"

"Yeah, it's me!" Liu Qi's voice was tinged with emotion, reminiscent of the way Su Fei had addressed him before.

Zhao Lu, standing next to Liu Qi, wore a look of sheer bewilderment.

The Master Su that Liu Qi had been searching for was actually Su Fei!

Wasn't this son-in-law of the Shen family supposed to be worthless?

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