Defying Fate To Rule/C3 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(1)
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Defying Fate To Rule/C3 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(1)
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C3 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(1)

Chen Xiyun was exceptionally strict with her daughters, Shen Bingyan and Shen Bingyan, particularly about avoiding nightclubs. Despite Shen Bingyan's increased social obligations as she took the helm of the company, she steered clear of such places whenever possible.

Yet, Su Fei was aware that Shen Bingyan often snuck off to nightclubs behind Chen Xiyun's back.

"Sanitary pad, what nonsense are you spouting? Believe me, I'll rip your tongue out!" Shen Bingyan fumed when Su Fei revealed her secret. Her actions grew more aggressive, as if she was ready to kick him into a coma.

Su Fei had an uneasy feeling. He had intended to tease Shen Bingyan, confident in his extraordinary abilities, but he hadn't anticipated her lack of humor.

"Hey, I'm warning you, slow down or there'll be trouble!"

"There won't be any trouble for me, but you're in for it today!" Shen Bingyan's hand blade narrowly missed Su Fei's throat as she executed a swift Serpent's Sweep.

Su Fei retreated, only to find his back against something. He had unwittingly backed himself into a corner at the end of the hallway, with no escape—the door firmly shut.

"Let's see you dodge this!"

Shen Bingyan couldn't help but feel a thrill of victory, yet her alluring and bewitching features made it difficult to feel animosity towards her. She unleashed her Serpent's Sweep with full force, her long, pale leg cutting through the air like a streak of lightning, nearly blinding Su Fei.

But as she launched her Serpent's Sweep, Shen Bingyan suddenly felt her waistband give way. A chill breeze infiltrated her body, which had been snugly enveloped in her bathrobe. Instinctively, she looked down...

The tightly knotted belt had dropped to the floor, and her soft bathrobe had transformed into an open coat, billowing in the breeze due to her high kick.

The bathrobe, after all, was not designed for martial arts. Shen Bingyan had secured the belt when she left the bathroom, but her vigorous movements were too much for the delicate fabric to handle.

Her kick was indeed graceful, but the unexpected reveal of her bathrobe was even more striking.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, Su Fei's mind raced, but he couldn't manage to instruct his body to react in time.



The sounds of Su Fei hitting the ground and Shen Bingyan's scream were almost simultaneous. The Serpent's Sweep struck Su Fei's neck, sending him flying before he crashed heavily to the ground.

Simultaneously, Shen Bingyan, like a startled rabbit, quickly withdrew her long legs. Her hands clenched immediately, and her eyes, brimming with intense anger, bore into Su Fei as if she wished to flay him alive.

"Damn sanitary pad! You filthy pervert! You..."

Shen Bingyan hurled insults while she picked up her belt and fastened it again, clearly intent on giving Su Fei a further lesson.

"Come paint a dragon with me on the left, and a rainbow on the right..."

Just then, the strong rhythm of a cell phone ringtone drifted from Shen Bingyan's room, snapping her out of her rage.

Shen Bingyan shook her fist at Su Fei as a warning, "I'll deal with you later, and don't you dare breathe a word of this!"

With that, she dashed toward her room, her hurried steps betraying an unexplained glee.

Su Fei remained on the ground, his gaze following the pair of long, fair legs as they retreated.

Truth be told, Shen Bingyan's legs were even more impressive than her sister's, thanks to her karate training. The contours of her calves and ankles were so exquisitely proportioned they resembled a work of art.

A pity, though, that such beauty was too much for anyone to handle!

Before Su Fei could pick himself up, laughter echoed from Shen Bingyan's room. Gone was her earlier ferocity; now, the tender calls of "Akun" nearly melted Su Fei's resolve.

"This little vixen," Su Fei grumbled, then turned and scampered back to his own room.

Su Fei's abode was a storage room at the end of the second floor corridor. It contained nothing more than a bed, a nightstand, and a desk, along with an old television he had unearthed from the pile of discarded items in the room.

He wasn't relegated to the attic because Chen Xiyun found it more convenient to summon Su Fei from this location.

The bathroom outside was almost exclusively Su Fei's domain. Little did he expect Shen Bingyan to make a surprise appearance there today.

Su Fei lay back on the bed, hands pillowing his head, as he replayed the day's events in his mind. Yet, the enticing image from the bathrobe kept intruding at the most inopportune moments. It had been three years since Su Fei had any intimate contact with Shen Bingyan, and this sudden provocation sent his blood racing. After all, he was a man too!

Thwack, thwack, thwack!

He smacked his forehead several times in frustration. What was he thinking? His mind was cluttered with a jumble of memories that needed sorting out. He didn't have time for such distractions. The priority was to find a way to make money. A man could only stand tall with financial security!

From outside the door came Shen Bingyan's eager and cheerful call, "Yang Hehua, I've got to go out. I won't be back for dinner tonight!" Her voice was followed by the heavy thud of the door closing and the receding roar of the BMW 3 Series.

Su Fei's focus was now entirely on the Sea of Memories within his mind. It was a dark expanse, with the tumultuous Sea at its center. Enigmatic inscriptions formed into waves that crashed and surged. Su Fei sensed that if his consciousness were to be caught in it, he would be shredded in an instant, leaving him in a vegetative state.

So, he dared not get too close, instead helplessly observing from a distance. After much scrutiny, he noticed that the Sea of Memories wasn't a singular entity like the seas of the real world but was comprised of numerous, intertwining undercurrents, each a separate entity that didn't blend with the others, but rather collided and churned.

Each undercurrent was made up of varying numbers of inscriptions—the more inscriptions, the larger the undercurrent, and vice versa. It was all a treasure trove! Su Fei was beside himself with impatience. It was as if he knew there was a gold mine under his home, yet he couldn't extract and sell its riches. He had an inkling that once he advanced the Cosmic Evolution Spell to a certain level, he'd be able to tame these turbulent currents and restore tranquility to the Sea of Memories. The critical question remained: what should he do in the meantime?

"I can't simply depend on the Cosmic Evolution Spell to make a living by selling my brawn, can I? That's just too..."

Su Fei felt a wave of deflation. However, at that very moment, a tiny undercurrent, entirely composed of inscriptions, was abruptly jostled out of the sea by other currents. By sheer chance, it hurtled down directly towards Su Fei.

"Oh my god, this is life-threatening!"

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