Defying Fate To Rule/C4 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(2)
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Defying Fate To Rule/C4 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(2)
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C4 Cosmic Evolution Spell and the Eyes of the Oracle(2)

Su Fei bolted, but he was no match for the speed of the waves and was struck squarely!

In the instant he was hit, the sea wolf, composed of inscriptions, merged into Su Fei's body. A buzzing filled his head, and he lost consciousness.


"Young Master, it's time for dinner," Yang Hehua called out.

"Young Master, please wake up."

"Young Master, are you alright?!"

Groggy, Su Fei heard Yang Hehua's voice followed by a series of knocks at the door. Coming to his senses, he glanced at the wall clock and realized it was already past six o'clock. He had been out for over two hours.

Suddenly, strange text materialized in Su Fei's mind, and the opening lines left him bewildered.

"It can discern the most primal shifts in spiritual energy within people and objects."

Isn't this the same as the Qi Gazing Technique described in fantasy novels for assessing others' cultivation levels?

"But why is it called the Eyes of the Oracle? How does it differ from the Qi Gazing Technique?"

Su Fei mumbled to himself, growing more convinced that the elder must be a cultivator; otherwise, he wouldn't recall something like the Qi Gazing Technique.

That meant the Cosmic Evolution Spell was truly a method of cultivation!

Su Fei attempted to silently recite the incantation for the Eyes of the Oracle, and the view before him began to alter! Yet, after only a minor shift, overwhelming fatigue took hold of him, his energy seemingly sapped in an instant, nearly causing him to collapse back onto the bed!

Startled, Su Fei ceased the incantation immediately.

"It appears my proficiency in the Cosmic Evolution Spell is too low, and the genuine energy within me is insufficient to sustain the use of the Eyes of the Oracle."

Su Fei felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly rallied.

Even though he hadn't grasped the full concept, he had inadvertently gained the Eyes of the Oracle, which was certainly better than nothing. Most importantly, Su Fei sensed that the gap between his current level of cultivation and the minimum required to use the Eyes of the Oracle wasn't vast, and that was truly thrilling!

Rushing to make money wasn't the priority. The urgent task at hand was to enhance the Cosmic Evolution Spell and discover the exceptional capabilities of the Eyes of the Oracle!

As Su Fei contemplated this, he began to silently recite the complex incantations of the Cosmic Evolution Spell. Surprisingly, once he initiated the chanting, the flow of genuine energy within him visibly increased, and the rate at which he absorbed the mysterious aura quickened.

Yang Hehua's voice came from outside the door once more. Su Fei opened the door, feigning grogginess as he smiled and said, "Yang Hehua, I apologize for not hearing you earlier; I was sound asleep."

Clearly concerned that Su Fei might have suffered some lingering effects from his earlier accident, Yang Hehua breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him open the door. Su Fei noticed the shift in her gaze and felt a touch of warmth in his heart.

"It's a relief you're alright. Young Master, please go have your meal," Yang Hehua said before heading downstairs. She continued, "The Madam has gone out to play cards, and both the eldest and second daughters won't be returning today. You're the only one at home."

On a typical day, Chen Xiyun found it distasteful to have Su Fei dine with her and her daughters, relegating him to eat only after they had finished, often leaving him with nothing but scraps. If the meal was insufficient, Su Fei would go hungry.

Su Fei remembered the last time he had been so famished that he searched the kitchen for food in the dead of night, only to be thrown out into the cold by Chen Xiyun.

Now it made sense why Yang Hehua had made a point of telling him he was alone—it seemed she had prepared an entire meal just for him.

With heartfelt gratitude, Su Fei was just about to express his thanks to Yang Hehua when he heard a familiar tune.

"Come to the left and draw a dragon with me, and on your right, a rainbow..."

"Isn't that Shen Bingyan's ringtone?"

Following the sound, Su Fei made his way to Shen Bingyan's room. Pushing the slightly ajar door open, he indeed found her phone buried under a jacket on the bed.

It appeared that Shen Bingyan had decided against the jacket at the last minute before leaving and, after changing, had forgotten to retrieve her phone.

This wasn't the first time it had happened.

Su Fei, with his phone in hand, entered the ground floor dining hall.

During the meal, Yang Hehua noticed Shen Bingyan's phone and became visibly anxious. "The second young mistress left without her phone again. If the madam returns and can't find her, she'll be beside herself with worry."

Seeing Yang Hehua so worked up she could barely eat, Su Fei was about to speak up but then thought better of it and held his tongue.

He had a good idea where Shen Bingyan might be, but why should he stir the pot? Besides, if Chen Xiyun came back and he wasn't home, he'd be in for a scolding!

Su Fei's hand, mid-way to picking up more food, froze.

This was precisely the opportunity he needed, a chance to enhance his mastery of the Cosmic Evolution Spell!

"Don't worry, Yang Hehua," Su Fei hurriedly shoveled a couple more mouthfuls of rice, speaking with a slight mumble, "I know where Bingyan is. I'll go find her later and try to bring her back. It's not safe for her to be out alone so late."

"That would be wonderful," Yang Hehua sighed in relief. However, seeing Su Fei's ravenous eating, she couldn't help but chide him, "Young master, please slow down and mind your manners. How many times has the madam reprimanded you for this? When will you learn?"

Her tone carried a hint of tough love, but Su Fei took it in stride, grinning unabashedly. "Yang Hehua, it's just us here. I'll be more mindful in front of them."

Su Fei ate three times his usual amount, but still only felt seventy percent full. He restrained himself from eating more, not wanting to alarm Yang Hehua.

After finishing his meal, Su Fei headed out.

The neighborhood where Chen Xiyun's family resided was the most prestigious villa complex in all of Klido, known as Serene Summit Estate. Only the city's elite and influential families could afford to live here, with the estate boasting the finest facilities and services. Without significant clout in Klido, one wouldn't even be considered for villa ownership in Serene Summit Estate.

The enigmatic figure pulling the strings was not a native of Klido. It appeared that even at the height of their power, the Shen family had never been on par with this individual. Of the five great families in Klido, only the venerable Du family had a slight acquaintance with him.

The Shen family's current status had diminished, no longer counted among the top five elite households. However, the remnants of their former glory still afforded the mother and her two daughters the privilege of residing in their ancestral home.

Chen Xiyun hadn't even provided Su Fei with an electric scooter, let alone a car, so he had to walk to the market for groceries. But now, with his newfound spiritual energy, Su Fei was bursting with vitality, making the run there a trivial matter.

Su Fei wasn't averse to hailing a cab; the problem was he didn't have a penny to his name.

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