Defying Fate To Rule/C5 Shen Bingyan Are You Courting Death?!
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Defying Fate To Rule/C5 Shen Bingyan Are You Courting Death?!
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C5 Shen Bingyan Are You Courting Death?!

Su Fei sprinted through the streets, drawing curious glances from the passersby.

Meanwhile, Shen Bingyan was having the time of her life at King's Haven. In the private room, she lounged in the lap of a dashing young man, her tipsy demeanor oozing seduction.

Her leather jacket had been carelessly tossed onto a corner of the sofa, revealing the plunging neckline of her dress. A silver fox necklace dangled and danced across her chest with her movements, leaving the other patrons parched with desire.

The room wasn't just occupied by Shen Bingyan and Kun; it was Kun's birthday, and a group of his close friends had gathered to celebrate.

"Kun, why have you stopped drinking?" Shen Bingyan was completely captivated by the charming Kun, whom she had only recently met at the bar. Their rapport was sizzling, but despite her boldness, Shen Bingyan wouldn't dare cross certain lines—her embraces were as far as she would go, maintaining a sense of propriety.

Resting her bare elbow on Kun's shoulder, Shen Bingyan cooed with a flirtatious grin, "I made quite the effort to sneak out for your birthday, and this is how you treat me?"

"Shen, the beauty, Kun's a bit tipsy. Here, I'll keep you company," chimed in a burly man with a swagger. A thick gold chain hung around his neck, and a menacing spider tattoo adorned his wrist.

The man and Shen Bingyan clinked glasses and without missing a beat, they began to chug their drinks, emptying their bottles in no time. As the man drank, his gaze kept sneaking peeks at Shen Bingyan's chest. Beer trickled down from her lips, caressing her slender, pale neck before vanishing into the neckline of her dress. The sight made the man involuntarily gulp.

Suddenly, Kun's phone rang. The burly man shot a glance his way, and their eyes met in silent communication.

Kun rose to his feet, grinning at Shen Bingyan, "Honey, I'll be right back from the restroom."

"Oh, sure, hurry back!" Shen Bingyan replied, slamming the empty beer bottle onto the coffee table with a loud thud, which was met with an enthusiastic round of applause from the crowd.

Kun had already stepped out, navigating the dimly lit, flickering corridors on the third floor of King's Haven. After several twists and turns, he reached a secluded corner where a skinny figure awaited, his cap pulled down to conceal his face.

"Did you bring the stuff?" Kun asked, his voice carrying a chill that contrasted sharply with the tenderness he had shown Shen Bingyan in the private room. It was as if he were a completely different person.

The skinny man nodded and opened his hand to Kun.

Three crisp dollar bills were slapped into the skinny man's palm. A slight smile seemed to emerge from beneath his cap as he handed over a small, transparent bag containing a pinch of white powder.

"Don't worry, this batch is even better than the last one; it's the latest thing," the skinny man assured, pocketing the money. "Even if you spend the whole night with that girl, she won't remember a thing come morning."

"You're still reliable in my book," Kun said with a slight smile, patting the skinny man's shoulder before turning to head back.

The skinny man fondled the dollars in his pocket, evidently pleased with the transaction. He was about to head downstairs when a figure rushed up from the corner below. In the dim light, they collided in the hallway.

Despite not looking particularly sturdy, the skinny man was sent sprawling to the floor, his cap flying off.

"Are you looking for trouble? Are your eyes on your backside?" he shouted, his street upbringing evident in his quick temper. But the other man paid him no heed and continued upstairs.

A flash of neon light revealed the man's face. It was Su Fei, the Shen family's son-in-law. The skinny man recognized him instantly.

Su Fei's reputation for timidity was well-known throughout Klido. The skinny man had initially wanted to confront him and extort some money, but he quickly lost interest, realizing Su Fei likely had nothing to offer.

Then it dawned on the skinny man what Kun and his crew were up to.

"Heh, this kid's probably digging his own grave," he mused, his spirits lifted as he turned to descend the stairs.


"Where has this girl gone? She can't have left, can she?" Su Fei muttered to himself as he continued forward, scanning the area.

Su Fei had already combed through the entire lower floor without spotting anyone. Thankfully, each private room upstairs had a small window on the door, sparing him the trouble of barging into each one in search of her.

"Hmm?" Su Fei's attention was caught by a dashing young man entering a room, and he quickly strode toward it.

The last time Su Fei had run into Shen Bingyan while shipping a package, she was accompanied by this very guy, decked out in an edgy, non-mainstream fashion.

"Kun, what took you so long?" Shen Bingyan eagerly approached him, her face alight with adoration.

"I had a bit too much to drink and threw up," Kun said affectionately, planting a kiss on Shen Bingyan's face. As he brushed past the heavyset man, the packet of white powder from his pocket discreetly transferred to the other's hand.

Kun was about to wrap his arm around Shen Bingyan and sit back down when suddenly, the door to the room burst open.

"Shen Bingyan, you seem to be having a blast. Haven't you noticed you're missing something?" the intruder called out.

Shen Bingyan was taken aback by the familiar voice, but she instinctively dismissed the notion that the contemptible sanitary pad would show up here.

Before she could gather her thoughts, her wrist was seized. Turning around, she was met with Su Fei's loathsome face.

"Sanitary pad, it really is you!" she exclaimed, a mix of surprise and recollection of that afternoon's incident at home igniting her fury.

Shen Bingyan wrenched her arm from Su Fei's grip and, pointing at him furiously, demanded, "Kun, he's bullying me. Beat him up for me!"

"What the hell are you doing?!" Su Fei exclaimed, as the onlookers began to close in.

With a slight frown, Su Fei pulled out Shen Bingyan's phone from his pocket and said, "Shen Bingyan, I came all this way to return your phone. Show some appreciation."

"My phone?" Shen Bingyan realized it was indeed hers and quickly grabbed it.

The would-be aggressors hesitated, exchanging uncertain glances. To fight or not to fight?

"Let's just drop it, everyone. We're practically family here, no need for conflict," the chubby man intervened, playing the mediator. He offered a beer to Shen Bingyan with a grin and gestured to Su Fei, "Big Brother Su Fei, you head on back. We'll hang out with Miss Shen a bit longer. Don't worry, we'll have Kun escort Miss Shen home when it's time."

A few henchmen nodded to the burly guy, who then stepped forward, noisily shoving Su Fei, trying to push him out of the private room.

Shen Bingyan seemed to take pleasure in watching Su Fei being manhandled. Her soft red lips curled into a smug arc, reminiscent of a triumphant little fox from a fairy tale. Without thinking, she raised the bottle to her lips.

Out of the corner of his eye, Su Fei caught sight of a faint white powder suspended inside the bottle.

Su Fei was instantly furious!

"Are you looking for trouble?!"

His roar echoed through the room, overpowering the blaring music. The once-shoved Su Fei suddenly broke free from the men on either side of him, took a large stride forward, and snatched the beer bottle just before it touched Shen Bingyan's lips.

The commanding presence that Su Fei unleashed was like a tidal wave, overwhelming everyone in the room. Not only was Shen Bingyan taken aback, but Fatty and Kun were also left speechless.

Seizing the moment, Su Fei forcefully pulled Shen Bingyan to his side and coldly jeered at Kun, Fatty, and the others, "You've got some nerve, trying to drug Miss Shen right in front of me!"

"Damn it, she's nothing but trash, and yet she dares to talk back to me!" Fatty's face flushed with anger. He cut Su Fei off mid-sentence with a loud denial, his voice so loud that Shen Bingyan couldn't make out the rest of what Su Fei was saying.

Su Fei's grip on his wrist was firm, causing Shen Bingyan to grow increasingly frustrated. Despite her efforts, she couldn't break free, which only fueled her anger.

"Sanitary pad, let me go!" Shen Bingyan struggled fiercely. When she couldn't escape, she lashed out, throwing punches at Su Fei, "What are you babbling about? It's all nonsense. You're such a buzzkill!"

"You're a worthless freeloader, always mooching off my family, not knowing how to do a thing or earn a dime. And now you think you can boss me around? You really see yourself as my brother-in-law?"

"You're just looking for an excuse to drag me back home, aren't you? Well, I refuse! Release this trash at once!"

Shen Bingyan was relentless in her attack on Su Fei, punching and kicking with all her might. If Su Fei hadn't been protected by the Cosmic Evolution Spell, he surely would have been seriously hurt by now.

Her commotion made it impossible for Fatty and Kun to approach Su Fei for some time.

Su Fei was determined not to let go. He ignored Shen Bingyan's antics and coldly stated, "Shen Bingyan, I'll prove it to you!"

With that, Su Fei, unwilling to endure Shen Bingyan's harassment any longer, passed the beer bottle to Fatty and demanded, "Fatty, you claim there's no drug in this? Explain the white powder on the inside of the bottle then! If you're so sure, drink this bottle in front of Shen Bingyan!"

At that moment, Shen Bingyan finally understood what Su Fei was saying. Her mind froze, and as she ceased her chaotic behavior, her eyes darted to the bottle in Su Fei's hand.

Just as Su Fei had pointed out, there was indeed a small patch of white powder in an inconspicuous spot inside the bottle, which Shen Bingyan had previously overlooked.

Even in her wildest antics, Shen Bingyan knew all too well what the presence of white powder in her drink implied!

Her gaze quickly turned to Kun, but the man who had once showered her with affection now had nothing but a chilling coldness in his eyes.

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