Defying Fate To Rule/C6 Kneel down and Admit Your Mistakes!
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Defying Fate To Rule/C6 Kneel down and Admit Your Mistakes!
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C6 Kneel down and Admit Your Mistakes!

"Really, Kun? After all the trust I placed in you, you dare to make a move on me!" Shen Bingyan's fiery temper erupted as she menacingly prepared to lunge at Kun, looking every bit the fierce young woman she was.

Su Fei struggled to maintain his grip on Shen Bingyan's wrist, whispering urgently in her ear, "My dear, can't you see the danger we're in? Charging at them is suicide!"

Shen Bingyan, suddenly coming to her senses, let out a shrill scream and quickly took refuge behind Su Fei. "Please, you have to protect me! I swear I won't beat you up over this afternoon's incident when we get home."

Su Fei felt a pang of frustration. This girl still harbored some ill intentions!

"Everyone, stay calm. We've got more than ten people here," Fatty declared, as he and Kun realized they were cornered. With a knowing look, two henchmen by the door promptly locked it, and the group advanced toward Su Fei and Shen Bingyan.

Fatty pulled out the rest of the powder and brazenly mixed it into the wine in full view of Su Fei and Shen Bingyan. Kun, brandishing a bottle of wine, sneered as he closed in on Su Fei, "He's nothing but a nobody. Sure, he's got a reputation, but when it comes to a fight, any one of us could make him beg for mercy!"

"After she drinks this, she won't remember a thing from tonight. No worries, brothers. And..." Fatty chuckled darkly, cranking up the music to its loudest.

"Who knows, maybe Miss Shen will end up begging us to get her more of this stuff in the future, hahaha!"

The dozen men laughed menacingly, each grabbing whatever they could find and slowly cornering Su Fei and Shen Bingyan.

Shen Bingyan, terrified and ashen-faced, clung desperately to Su Fei, as if he were her last lifeline.

Su Fei suddenly smiled, "You're Kun, right? Well, you might want to start thinking about how you're going to plead for mercy when you're the one lying on the ground later."

"If you had a nicer name, maybe I wouldn't have to cripple your hands and feet," Su Fei muttered, his anger simmering just below the surface. These thugs had come at the perfect time to be the outlet for his frustration.

"Damn, still talking tough when you're about to bite the dust!"

"Damn it, let's finish him off!"

The fat man and Kun, along with their henchmen, had completely turned against each other. In a fit of rage, they grabbed whatever weapons they could find and started attacking Su Fei. Those without weapons simply charged at him.

"Stay back and watch."

With a quick shove, Su Fei pushed Shen Bingyan behind him. She stumbled backward and ended up sitting down on the sofa behind Su Fei.

Looking up, Shen Bingyan saw Su Fei's frame—though not particularly broad—standing protectively in front of her.

For the first time, she noticed how imposing Su Fei's silhouette could appear!

Without another word, Su Fei's feet flew into action, sending the two nearest thugs soaring through the air, while those behind them were knocked down like dominoes.

Gaining the upper hand, Su Fei fought with unyielding bravery, like a lone warrior holding off an entire army. His fists swung with the ferocity of shooting stars, each punch knocking his assailants to the ground, rendering them unconscious before they even touched the floor.

The blows that did land on Su Fei were utterly ineffective. He stood like a man of steel, taking on the gang with nothing but his flesh and blood—each punch landing with a meaty thud!

From behind Su Fei, Shen Bingyan watched in disbelief. She knew her own limits; handling two or three people was her maximum. But facing a whole crowd, there was no chance to even strike back!

Suddenly, Shen Bingyan's pupils dilated in alarm.

"Sanitary pad, watch out!"


A beer bottle smashed against Su Fei's forehead, spilling beer down his face.

But Su Fei remained unfazed, responding with a devastating hook to the chest of his attacker, sending yet another thug to the ground.

The fat man's face turned a deep shade of red, whether from fear or excitement, it was hard to tell. His body shook with adrenaline as he let out a bellow, lifting an unopened beer bottle and hurling it at Su Fei. But with an icy glare, Su Fei intercepted the bottle with a powerful punch, shattering it before it could even reach him.

It was a display of precision and ferocity!

The fist, as solid as steel, cut through the air, sending green glass shards and frothy beer flying before it firmly connected with the belly of the hefty man. An enormous indentation instantly formed on his rotund stomach as Su Fei's fist sunk deep into it!

At the moment of impact, the man's eyes rolled back, and he crumpled to his knees, retching violently. A vile mix of red, white, green, and black spewed onto the floor.

Yet, in comparison to the others, this man could be considered formidable, as Su Fei had single-handedly taken down the rest. They lay scattered across the room, more than half unconscious, while the remainder gasped and moaned as if on death's doorstep.

Kun, the dashing young man, was still clutching a beer bottle, though his once striking face was now drained of all color. The bottle slipped from his grasp with a clatter, shattering on the floor.

With a flash in his eyes, Kun made a beeline for the room's door.

Suddenly, a beer bottle hurtled through the air and smashed against the door, showering Kun with glass and beer. Caught off guard, he collapsed onto the floor.

From a distance, Su Fei steadily approached, his sneakers crunching over the scattered glass, the sound sending Kun into a panic as he scrambled backward on his hands.


A discordant sound pierced the air as the floor beneath Kun's thigh and rear became soaked, emitting an offensive odor.

Su Fei was now close at hand. Kun, in a state of desperation, dropped to his knees with a thud and frantically began to beg for mercy.

"Big brother, I was wrong! I swear I'll never do it again!"

"Please, have mercy on me. I'm nothing but a speck of dust! No, I'm less than that!"

"To strike me would only soil your hands, big brother. Please, let me go."


Su Fei had lost interest in the groveling man.

He was once again aware of the transformation within his body. After the skirmish, the Cosmic Evolution Spell within him had spontaneously accelerated, hungrily absorbing the mysterious energies that permeated the air into Su Fei's being.

The hefty man and his henchmen went from initial anger to eventual fear, constantly exuding energy that Su Fei could absorb. Su Fei had an epiphany; the Cosmic Evolution Spell could absorb not just the negative emotional energy from his mother-in-law but also from others experiencing intense emotional shifts.

However, the cultivation growth Su Fei experienced from these individuals' emotional energy was considerably less than what he gained from his mother-in-law.

Su Fei couldn't help but wonder just how much Chen Xiyun despised him to have harbored so much rage.

Once Su Fei had handled the situation, Shen Bingyan's pent-up frustration exploded. She went around kicking the thugs sprawled on the floor, her kicks so forceful that Su Fei distinctly heard the sound of bones breaking.

"You dare to conspire against me? I'll make you pay!"

Shen Bingyan, in her high heels, approached Kun and was about to deliver a kick when a pungent odor hit her. She scrunched her nose and stepped back, covering her face.

"That's revolting!"

Shen Bingyan tugged at Su Fei's sleeve and after a long pause, managed to say, "Are you... alright?"

"What do you think?" Su Fei replied, feeling the swollen spot on his forehead where the bottle had struck him, relieved it wasn't bleeding.

"Let's head home."

Su Fei tossed the jacket from the sofa to Shen Bingyan, opened the door, and led her out. Shen Bingyan hesitated for a moment but instinctively followed.

As the door swung open, the clamor from outside flooded in.

Su Fei grinned, thinking that with the chaos outside, it would be quite some time before anyone discovered the scene in the room. By then, he and Shen Bingyan would be long gone.

"Hey! Sanitary pad," called Shen Bingyan from behind, her tone now noticeably softer and lacking its previous chill. "Are we really going to let that mongrel off the hook? Maybe we should go back and give him another thrashing!"

"Calm down, Miss," Su Fei chided with a smirk. "You've already pummeled everyone else; we need to leave someone conscious to foot the bill. After all, who's going to pay for this trashed room? You or me?"

"Of course they're the ones who'll pay!" Shen Bingyan declared with her head held high. But then, a thought struck her, and she quickly grabbed Su Fei, her voice laced with urgency, "Su Fei, if we leave now, they might just take off right after us!"

"That's exactly why—" A sly grin spread across Su Fei's face as he abruptly pulled Shen Bingyan into his arms.

Confused at first, Shen Bingyan soon realized that Su Fei was escorting her across the dance floor, heading straight for the bar. Amidst the dimly lit dance floor, Su Fei's disheveled appearance was hardly noticeable. Reaching the bar, he slammed his hand down on the counter and bellowed, "Room 307 on the third floor, send up two more boxes of beer, immediately!"

Before the server could respond, Su Fei, with Shen Bingyan in his arms, vanished into the throng of dancers.

Yet, from a discreet corner in the distance, a ravishing beauty in a sapphire blue evening gown sat elegantly in a secluded spot on the first level of King's Haven. Her wine-red hair, styled in voluptuous curls, cascaded over her shoulders, and she gently swirled a tall wine glass in her hand. The red wine swayed seductively in the glass, captivating under the bar's kaleidoscope of lights, but it paled in comparison to the allure of the woman herself.

She was mesmerizing, radiant, and exuded an intoxicating charm, like a siren in blue.

Her eyes trailed Su Fei and Shen Bingyan as they slowly made their way out of King's Haven. "Isn't that Shen Bingyan, the young miss? But who's the man with her? He seems quite handsome," she mused, her delicate pink tongue teasing the corner of her mouth with an air of bewitching allure.

She was a temptress, a siren who had slipped unnoticed among mortals.

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