Defying Fate To Rule/C7 The Villain First Complained(1)
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Defying Fate To Rule/C7 The Villain First Complained(1)
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C7 The Villain First Complained(1)

After having a few drinks, Shen Bingyan obviously couldn't drive.

Once they were in the car, Su Fei silently steered the red BMW 3 Series, while Shen Bingyan, her pale calves casually draped over the dashboard, giggled uncontrollably.

"Dare to mess with me? As if!"

"Hehe, I'd love to see those guys getting nabbed by the bouncers at King's Haven."

"Sanitary pad, did you know the owner of King's Haven is no ordinary guy? Rumor has it he did time! After getting out, he built his empire from scratch in Klido. He's got some shady moves!"


But the thought of what might have happened if Su Fei hadn't shown up—how she could have ended up drinking that wine—sent a shiver down her spine.

Subconsciously, Shen Bingyan pulled her coat tighter around her and stole a glance at Su Fei's face.

Su Fei remained quiet, yet to Shen Bingyan, this once insufferable sanitary pad didn't seem quite so intolerable anymore.

He didn't seem as off-putting as he used to be.

Suddenly, Su Fei cracked a smile: "Shen Bingyan, I saved you. How do you plan to thank me?"

"Pfft, thank you? The least I can do is not hold this afternoon's incident against you!" Shen Bingyan fumed, unsure if her anger was directed more at Su Fei or at Kun.

"Let's make it simple," Su Fei suggested, turning to flash her a victorious grin. "Just say something nice to me."

"Thank you," Shen Bingyan blurted out, though her gaze drifted out the window, clearly lacking any real gratitude.

"That's not what I meant." Su Fei shook his head, redirecting his attention to the road. "How about calling me 'brother-in-law' to hear how it sounds?"

"In your dreams!"

"Oh, really?"

No sooner had he spoken than Su Fei's eyes wandered back to Shen Bingyan. It was then that she realized, to her horror, that Su Fei was driving without watching the road!

"Sanitary pad, are you trying to get us killed? If you want to die, leave me out of it!" Shen Bingyan panicked, but her anxiety made her hesitant to actually interfere with Su Fei. "You... pay attention to the road!"

"It's fine." No sooner had he spoken than Su Fei deftly swung the steering wheel with one hand, guiding the BMW 3 Series into a graceful arc as it switched lanes. It narrowly missed a black sedan, their side mirrors almost scraping each other, causing Shen Bingyan to shut her eyes and let out a loud cry in fright!

"I'm..." Under such circumstances, how could she not bow her head? Shen Bingyan didn't dare to hesitate, meekly whispering, "Brother-in-law..."

"I can't hear you—louder!"


Su Fei finally turned to her with a satisfied grin, patting Shen Bingyan on the head, "That's more like it."

"Sanitary pad, you jerk!" Shen Bingyan mentally railed against Su Fei. Then, with a stroke of inspiration, she asked, "Sanitary pad, did you enjoy it when you suddenly hugged me on the dance floor?"

"Cough, cough—"

Su Fei coughed twice, the BMW 3 Series swerving slightly beneath him.

Indeed, he had just been in a fight, his blood still pumping with adrenaline. Embracing Shen Bingyan, her scent hit him like a wave, mingling with the omnipresent aroma of alcohol, sending his emotions into a whirlwind. His mind even conjured up a risqué image—a loosened belt and the intoxicating view beneath someone's bathrobe.

"Yikes! Sanitary pad, you're bleeding!"

Shen Bingyan shrieked dramatically, snapping Su Fei out of his reverie. Blood was trickling from his nose, starting as a single stream before doubling!

What on earth was I thinking? How embarrassing!

Su Fei's face flushed a deep shade of red. If he weren't driving, he'd be looking for a crack in the earth to crawl into.

He remained silent, but the twin rivulets of blood said it all.

"Hmph, you made me call you brother-in-law. You'll pay for this!"

Shen Bingyan scoffed and turned away, pulling out a tissue and thrusting it in front of Su Fei, "Here, clean yourself up. Don't mess up my car."

After their silent drive, Su Fei and Shen Bingyan arrived at Serene Summit Estate and noticed an extra car in the villa's garage.

"Oh my god, why is Mom back so early!"

Shen Bingyan's face paled at the sight. If Chen Xiyun discovered her nightclub escapade, she'd likely be grounded indefinitely. With university starting soon, she couldn't afford to be confined to the villa!

Chen Xiyun was known for her strictness and would show no leniency.

"Listen up, 'sanitary pad,' we need to get something straight!" Shen Bingyan turned to Su Fei with a piercing gaze. "You better not breathe a word about the nightclub, or you'll regret it!"

Su Fei was relieved Shen Bingyan brought it up first. "Fine, but you also drop the past issues. We'll consider today's events closed, and you're not to hassle me anymore."

Shen Bingyan pouted, feeling shortchanged by the deal, but she was in no position to argue.

"Fine, but you have to swear on it."

"Swear? You really underestimate me. Do I seem like someone who doesn't keep his promises?"

"...Fine, let's pinky swear."


Having dealt with Su Fei, Shen Bingyan removed the car key, stepped out, but instead of heading home, she slipped back into the backseat. She rummaged for a fresh set of clothes and began to change right there.

Su Fei instinctively glanced in the rearview mirror to see what Shen Bingyan was up to.

"You sick pervert, 'sanitary pad'! Believe me, I'll gouge your eyes out! Keep your head down!"

Before Su Fei could catch a glimpse, his head was forcibly pushed down, and a flash of white appeared as Shen Bingyan leaned forward from the backseat, yanking the rearview mirror upwards.

Su Fei felt a sudden rush of heat throughout his body.

Although it was just a fleeting moment, Su Fei saw everything clearly. Shen Bingyan had already stripped off her top. In a rush to adjust the rearview mirror, she only had time to clutch her clean new shirt to her chest before leaning her upper body into the front seat. Her delicate collarbone, pale shoulders, and silky smooth back were all on full display right under Su Fei's eyelids.

"Damn sanitary pad, close your eyes! Don't you dare open them unless I say so!"

Shen Bingyan delivered another fierce slap to Su Fei's head, causing him to wince in pain. But Su Fei was a man of his word and calmly shut his eyes. Despite this, with the car's doors and windows tightly closed, Shen Bingyan's movements caused the subtle scent of a young woman to begin filling the space.

This sent Su Fei's mind wandering.

"Ahem, are you finished yet?"

"What's the rush? I need to get my disguise right!"

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