Defying Fate To Rule/C8 The Villain First Complained(2)
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Defying Fate To Rule/C8 The Villain First Complained(2)
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C8 The Villain First Complained(2)

Shen Bingyan clapped back with a sharp retort and then fell silent.

Su Fei had been sitting with his eyes closed, but as the sound of a door slamming shut reached his ears, the click-clack of high heels on pavement followed, clearly heading toward the villa.

"That little rascal didn't even call for me!"

Opening his eyes, Su Fei saw Shen Bingyan already at the villa's entrance, striding in without a backward glance.

Looking around, he noticed that Shen Bingyan had tidied everything up neatly behind her. It wasn't her first rodeo, apparently. Since Shen Bingyan had taken the keys, whether the car was locked was her concern, not his.

As Su Fei stepped out of the car, a hysterical bellow erupted from inside the house!

"You no-good scoundrel, get back here this instant!"

Su Fei instinctively ducked his head.

But he quickly realized that the outburst had somehow infused him with a surge of energy!

Entering the house, Su Fei was met by the sight of Chen Xiyun, her face livid with rage, brandishing a metal rod that Su Fei knew all too well from past encounters.

Though prepared, Su Fei was taken aback by Chen Xiyun's immediate and ferocious onslaught.

"You worthless cur, I told you to do chores at home, and here you are gallivanting about!"

"Reeking of booze, the evidence is undeniable! I'd like to see you talk your way out of this one!"

"Who gave you the audacity? Who gave you the right?"

"Spill it! What did you pilfer from our house? How else did you get the money? Out with it!"


Chen Xiyun was relentless, raining down blows upon Su Fei with her iron rod, deliberately targeting the most painful spots. It was as if she was giving him a full-body makeover with her fury.

Her tirade grew more vigorous and vile with each passing moment, the words too harsh to bear.

Su Fei raised his hands to shield his head, standing in stoic silence as the iron rod continued its assault.

The scene unfolded just as Su Fei had envisioned.

But then, things took a sour turn.

"That damned mongrel deserves to be torn to shreds. If Bingyan hadn't dragged you back from the bar, you would've turned everything upside down!"

"You're like a dog no one's raised or taught a thing. I bet your parents regret bringing such a curse into this world."

"I should just finish you off here and now, save Bingyan the trouble, and let her find a decent family to take her in!"


Su Fei's realization hit him like a ton of bricks, and he instinctively looked over at Shen Bingyan, only to be blindsided by Chen Xiyun's iron rod striking his brow. Blood gushed out instantly.

Even with the Cosmic Evolution Spell at his disposal, Su Fei was still flesh and blood, no match for the iron rod in Chen Xiyun's grasp.

As Su Fei shielded his forehead, he peered through the blood to see Shen Bingyan standing by, a look of indifference on her face and a glimmer of schadenfreude in her eyes.

"Take advantage of me, will you? Force me to call you 'brother-in-law'? Hmph!"

"And you think I didn't notice you sneaking a peek at me earlier? Don't fool yourself!"

Shen Bingyan murmured to herself, smugly casting a final glance at the bloodied Su Fei before turning on her heel and striding away. Her car keys twirled on her slender finger, and as she ascended the stairs, her long, pale legs exuded a triumphant air.

Her voice, feigning fatigue, floated down from upstairs.

"Mom, I'm heading to my room. I'm exhausted. It took all my strength to haul this one back home. Make sure he gets what he deserves, or who knows what he'll get up to next."

Su Fei, seething with anger, listened to Shen Bingyan's words. She had not only played the victim first but also twisted the truth. Su Fei had naively believed that he and Shen Bingyan had reached some sort of "peace agreement" in the car.

It all made sense now—why she had removed the car keys first, why she didn't let him enter the house ahead of her. It was all a setup to frame him!

Shen Bingyan, don't forget this!

Su Fei was seething with rage. It was one thing to be scolded by Chen Xiyun, but being framed was an entirely different ordeal!

He instinctively wanted to reveal Shen Bingyan's deeds.

But then he reconsidered. The girl was too confident, probably having anticipated this move. Moreover, Chen Xiyun would never take his word for it.

Yet, Su Fei had no opportunity to confront Shen Bingyan. After she had spoken, Chen Xiyun's blows grew even more ferocious, bordering on cruelty. Su Fei was now huddled on the ground, blood trickling from a cut on his forehead, forming a small puddle beneath him.

"Mom, I'm home."

A melodious voice came from outside, sending shivers down Su Fei's spine.

Shen Bingyan had returned.

With the turn of the key and the door opening, a graceful figure stood in the doorway. Su Fei looked up, peering through his fingers at the silhouette that haunted his dreams.

The afternoon's humiliating events flashed through Su Fei's mind.

"Mom, what's got you so upset with this guy?"

Seeing Su Fei on the floor didn't surprise Shen Bingyan in the least; she was all too familiar with such scenes. However, the sight of fresh blood on the ground was unsettling to her.

Shen Bingyan's brow furrowed as she stepped over Su Fei and went to Chen Xiyun's side to steady her, saying, "Mom, you're not young anymore. You need to take care of yourself. He's always been like this. No matter how hard you hit him, it won't make a difference. Has it ever made him change?"

Chen Xiyun's mood visibly lifted with Shen Bingyan's arrival. Shen Bingyan was not only her pride and joy but also the future of the Shen family. In her eyes, Shen Bingyan would surely make her mark, even if she was a bit playful at the moment.

"You have no idea, Bingyan. This guy is just..."

Chen Xiyun dropped the iron rod and began to fill Shen Bingyan in, who listened with a concerned frown.

Unlike Chen Xiyun, who was quick to lay all the blame at Su Fei's feet, Shen Bingyan harbored some doubts. She understood her sister far better than her mother did—her sister was certainly no pushover.

Casting a glance at Su Fei, Shen Bingyan observed him as he had managed to get back on his feet. His right hand was pressed against the injury on his face, yet he remained silent, not uttering a single word.

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