Demon-catching Master/C38 Airplane fight
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Demon-catching Master/C38 Airplane fight
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C38 Airplane fight

Just as I was about to argue with Auntie Lush, Cai Qilong stopped me. Aunt Lin twisted her fat body and walked further and further away.

"Don't think it's a woman, I don't dare to hit her! If I get pissed off, I'll beat him up just like I did her mother! "

Wang Da Gu thought for a moment and said, "Jaeger, I see that Aunt is already that old. Is her mother still alive?"

I turned around and punched Wang Da Gu's stomach. "Mother is dead, so I hit her until her daughter doesn't recognize me!"

However, I just saw Aunt's claypot like fists. If they were to fight, I might not be her match!

Hong Jiugong shouted loudly: "Enough! Stop arguing! Hurry to Mayor Zhong's house and check out the situation. If the demons catch a hundred babies, this town will become hell overnight! "

Then the four of us walked on the way to the Mayor's house, and it took us about ten minutes to reach the Mayor's house. The Mayor's house was more glorious than most houses, and there were two stone lions inside, with the words Zhong Mansion written in golden lacquer in the middle, and two servants guarding the door. The four of us walked up, but before we could say what we wanted to do, we were stopped by two servants holding wooden staffs, one fat and one thin.

One of the fat family servants scolded: "What are you people doing? No one is allowed to enter without the Mayor's invitation! "

I coldly laughed. "Who do you think you are?" Go, call Mayor Zhong out, my master is here to catch the demon! "

The two servants smiled at each other, and the fat one raised his staff to strike at me.

I thought I would be hit, but my body automatically moved to the right and my right foot successfully hooked the fat servant.

When the thin servant saw this, he threw the wooden staff at me again. I clenched my left fist and directly punched a big hole in the wooden staff.

The thin servant looked at me, his hand holding the broken wooden staff. He stood there, completely at a loss as to what to do.

At this time, a loud voice came from the door, "Who is it that dares to make a ruckus in my Zhong Residence?"

The person who walked out was a middle-aged man in a flowery robe. He was handsome, had a heroic air between his thick eyebrows, bright eyes, a tall nose, red lips and white teeth, and a face filled with red light.

The man came out with a frown and glared at me. I still had the wooden staff that I had punched through in my hand, and without a second thought, the fellow raised his leg and charged straight into my stomach. I squatted down to avoid the blow, but the man's right hand formed a claw, and it reached my left shoulder, but it was too late for me to avoid the three bloody scratches on my shoulder.

Cai Qilong suddenly appeared in front of me, his right hand gently patted the man and retreated a few steps. Only then did he stop his actions, using his cheetah like eyes to stare at Cai Qilong, his feet stepping on the ground, he jumped up high like an eagle spreading its wings, and attacked Cai Qilong.

Cai Qilong's left index finger ignited with a small purple flame, placing it in front of him, the man from just now stared wide-eyed, obviously not expecting Cai Qilong to do this, and was just about to collide with Cai Qilong.

An old man suddenly appeared behind the man and used both hands to lock onto his shoulders. He forcefully pulled the man back and even loudly cursed, "Jing Cheng, stop! You've learned a few flowery moves, and you still have the nerve to bring it out and make a fool of yourself! "

Cai Qilong grinned as he hid the purple flames just now and helped me up.

Cai Qilong cupped his hands: "Mayor Zhong, could you gather at your mansion and discuss the matter of the infant leaving the village and disappearing?"

The old man first examined Cai Qilong with his eyes, then looked at Hong Jiugong who was drinking at the side, and said after a moment, "The person who has come is a guest, this child has offended many of you, please forgive me for this, but Sect Leader Zhong Chengyun is not a good person, if you have a way to find out the truth behind the disappearance of the baby, then you will definitely thank me!"

Zhong Chengyun led us into the mansion. When he walked in the door, Zhong Jingcheng glared at me. This guy was obviously unwilling to give up.

I proudly told the Wang Da Gu, "Breaking through the wooden staff with bare hands, after a while, you can do it through the basketball!"

The other things in Wang Da Gu weren't great, and were quite good at flattering.

Wang Da Gu laughed: "Don't even mention basketball, Jaeger. In the future, you will even be able to catch bullets!"

I waved my hand and smiled. "Alright, stop flattering me. We still have important matters to attend to."

The four of us, under Zhong Chengyun's explanation, roughly understood the whole story. The time of our disappearance was late at night, and we would all hear a song about how there was only Xu Xiuxiu's last baby left in the village, so we stayed in the Zhong Residence to wait for the night to arrive at her house to protect the last baby in the village.

Time flew by quietly. In the blink of an eye, it was already late at night. Zhong Chengyun and the four of us arrived at Xu Xiucai's house. His wife, Xu Yaoping, was nursing a baby in her arms.

There was a good saying that having a celestial wife in one's family was a joyous event in one's life. If one were to say that this Xu Yuping was truly a peerless beauty, Wang Da Gu would definitely stare with widened eyes. If not for my reminder, Wang Da Gu's saliva would probably be all over the floor.

The baby in Xu Yaoping's arms suffered some sort of shock. Originally, it was quietly drinking its milk, but suddenly it started to bawl loudly, and immediately after, a strange melody spread to my ears. There were no lyrics, only an empty melody, and no matter how I waved it, it couldn't disappear, as if it had completely enveloped the entire town.

The baby cried as a wooden cart similar to a handcart descended from the sky and landed in front of everyone. In the cart was a woman who was still half-kneeling, her hair in disarray, her mouth still chanting some unknown nursery rhyme. On her right wrist, there was a purple bell that made a tinkling sound. Then, as if possessed by a lullaby, she carried the child in her arms and walked towards the wooden chariot. Just as the woman was about to succeed, Hong Jiugong's shoulder moved, his sword immediately unsheathed and blocking her path. At the same time, he scraped the mysterious woman's wrist, causing the bell to fall to the ground.

In a split-second, Xu Yaoping seemed to wake up from a dream, hugging her child as she ran to hide behind the few of us.

Hong Jiugong's right hand ignited with white smoke, sucking in more air, causing the sword that was initially on the ground to spin a few times, flying towards the mysterious woman.

Hong Jiugong shouted: "trolley? An unranked lesser demon still dares to act rashly in front of me! "You're courting death!"

I foolishly looked at the swords that were stabbing the Banshee. Sword light shone continuously and in less than a minute, the Banshee's body was riddled with holes. The strange thing is that the Banshee isn't dead yet, but she is full of energy and strength.

The Banshee ignored the fact that she was trying to assassinate her sword. Her hands turned in the direction of the trolley and directly drove towards Hong Jiugong.

Hong Jiugong seemed to understand something as he turned around and shouted, "Quick! "Protect the baby!"

Cai Qilong was the first to turn around and take away the infant in Xu Yuping's embrace, he protected it with one hand and held the judge's pen with the other. Unexpectedly, the Banshee controlled the trolley and flew high above Hong Jiugong with her people. In that moment, the Banshee floated out and floated towards Cai Qilong. Cai Qilong was lucky enough to form a protective shield, but the Banshee actually passed through it effortlessly.

The Banshee even succeeded in snatching the baby from Cai Qilong's hands, and flew straight out the door. The trolley followed closely behind and floated over as well.

Xu Xiusheng cried out, "Sir, you have to think of a way to save my child. The Xu family only has this one son!"

Hong Jiugong supported Xu Xiucai who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Relax, it's not over, the good show is yet to come!"

I heard him say something sarcastic: "Old man Hong, aside from bragging, you are nothing else!"

Hong Jiugong shook his head and laughed at my ignorance, then ordered me to stay with the Wang Da Gu to protect the Xu Xiucai couple. As for himself, he carried Cai Qilong and stood on the broken wine pot, flying out. It was unknown where he was heading to.

Wang Da Gu asked in an especially idiotic manner, "Jaeger, do you know where the Banshee from before came from?"

I laughed and said, "trolley s, a girl riding on a movie cart, singing in the dark, passing by every house, and the child will go missing!"

Wang Da Gu nodded and pulled me to the side. He looked at Xu Xiucai's wife meaningfully, extended his tongue out and licked his dry lips, and Wang Da Gu whispered into my ear, "Jaeger, after all these years of living, you have yet to experience what a wife is like. I truly want to give it a try!"

I rolled my eyes at Wang Da Gu and patted his large face. "You!? "Just think about it. With your revered appearance, it's probably very difficult to get people to touch you. Of course, the female demons are an exception!"

Wang Da Gu did not reply, but used the corner of his eye to peek at Xu Xiucai's wife. I think this guy must be thinking that there is no way to blame Wang Da Gu for this, he has lived for most of his life and still did not know what women are like, it is truly a sad thing, I think that not only are there millions of elite soldiers stored in his body, the number of tadpoles released would probably exceed one billion.

Back in the day, when we were still in college, the bachelor in our dorm held a competition to fight airplanes. Whoever lost would have to eat barbecue for a week. Because at that time, I was the only person in the dorm who had a computer, and in the end four guys surrounded the computer screen to start fighting. The result of the match was really shocking, the Wang Da Gu actually got first place! From then on, the Wang Da Gu had a flower called — Fast Gunner!

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