Demon-Hunting Diaries/C8 Meeting a Pack of Wolves
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Demon-Hunting Diaries/C8 Meeting a Pack of Wolves
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C8 Meeting a Pack of Wolves

The idea was idyllic, but the reality proved to be harsh.

Even though Ye Feng had found a relatively safe spot, it was no match for the Spirit Beasts that roamed the Wailing Forest, particularly the larger ones. These creatures feared not the dark shroud of the forest night and continued to stride boldly forward.

Ye Feng had only recently drifted off to sleep when their footsteps jolted him awake.

It was the footsteps themselves, not the sound they made.

The ground trembled with their movement so much that at first, Ye Feng mistook it for an earthquake.

But when he lowered his head to peer through the moonlight, he was met with pairs of luminescent green wolf eyes.

A chill ran through him as he gasped at the sight.

What could this large pack of Green Jade Nether Wolves possibly want?

It seemed they had detected his gaze, for the swiftly advancing pack came to an abrupt halt. Led by the Wolf King, they all turned to look directly at his hiding spot.

"Damn, have they spotted me?" he wondered, having thought his hiding place was sufficiently concealed.

But the truth was clear: the Green Jade Nether Wolves had indeed noticed him.

In just a moment, a large group of them had gathered beneath the tree where he was perched.

A series of excited howls pierced the blackness of the night, sending a shiver down his spine.

He could sense it, too.

Each of these Green Jade Nether Wolves was at least at Body Tempering Rank Three.

The Wolf King in particular was formidable, with a cultivation level that had reached Spirit Astral Stage Rank One.

Considering their numbers and their strength, Ye Feng felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

Wolves, especially in packs, were notoriously challenging adversaries. And these were no ordinary wolves but Spirit Beasts. Alone and outnumbered, Ye Feng knew he was at a severe disadvantage against such a pack.

The Wolf King paced in circles around the base of Ye Feng's tree.

Suddenly, the Wolf King halted its pacing, threw back its head, and let out a series of commanding howls.

Upon hearing their leader's call, the wolves began to ascend the tree with deliberate clawed steps, as if following a battle cry.

Ye Feng's brow furrowed with concern. He realized he could no longer remain in the tree.

With a deft push off the ground, Ye Feng soared toward the branch on the opposite tree.

No sooner had he landed than the Wolf King issued another deceptive howl, prompting the wolves below to charge in his direction.

Glancing around, Ye Feng spotted a narrow mountain pass not far off, guarded by a massive boulder.

An idea sparked in his mind.

He danced from branch to branch, his toes propelling him ever forward.

As he neared the mountain pass, the trees thinned out.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Feng leaped and landed behind the huge rock.

The Green Jade Nether Wolves were quick on his trail, reaching the vicinity of the pass in a mere moment.

This was it!

He unleashed the Gold Dividing Stone Splitting Palm, striking the boulder with pinpoint accuracy.

A thunderous "Boom!" echoed as stone chips burst forth, pelting the wolf pack with debris!

Unaccustomed to such an onslaught, the wolves descended into disarray.

The Wolf King let out several howls to the sky, attempting to regain control, but the pack, gripped by panic, was intent on escape, rendering the king's calls futile.

With no time to relish the wolves' confusion, Ye Feng, successful in his maneuver, immediately turned and made his way deeper into the valley.

For safety, he detoured through a waterway.

Emerging as dawn approached, he rubbed his stiff neck, realizing sleep was now out of the question. Resigned, he nibbled on some dry rations and pressed on into the heart of the forest.

"Hey, hey, hey, little junior sister, hand over that medicinal herb now, or don't blame us for getting rough."

I saw several men dressed as disciples encircling a pale young woman in blue.

"I won't give it to you. This herb is for my master's life-saving remedy, and I can't possibly hand it over to you," she defiantly responded, clutching the herb to her chest with a look of fearless resolve.

"Oh really? You dare defy our boss? Believe me, we won't hesitate to take advantage of you right here," taunted a gaunt man.

As he began to speak, a chorus of jeers erupted from the crowd.

"Hey, I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it, but this young lady here has quite the delicate appearance. I wonder how she'd measure up to the famed courtesans?"

"Looks can be deceiving. He may appear delicate, but he's nothing more than a sickly weakling. How could he possibly hold a candle to the courtesans?"

The men erupted into raucous laughter.

The woman, infuriated by the man's comments, her face flushed with anger, drew her dagger and charged at the slender man.

With a snort, the slender man effortlessly pushed her back to the ground with a simple gesture.

"Little Junior Sister, you'd be wise to just hand over the medicinal herbs. Remember Ye Feng's fate? He serves as a cautionary tale for you."

"You dare to lay a hand on me?" The woman glared at the slender man, her almond-shaped eyes wide with shock.

"Little Junior Sister, we are in the Wailing Forest. Given your frailty, if you were to perish here, it would hardly be surprising, would it?"

Tears welled up in the woman's eyes, making her look as vulnerable as a rabbit.

"Try to lay a finger on me, and I swear we'll all go down together," she threatened, her Spiritual Force swirling chaotically around her.

"You lot are despicable, sinking lower and lower, bullying a woman like this. To even call you scum would be too kind."

A male voice interrupted from behind, startling them into turning around. "Who's there?"

"It's me," Ye Feng announced as he strolled out of the forest, casually waving in greeting.

"Ye Feng?!" The men's faces twisted into odd expressions.

"What are you doing here, you worthless fool?" A man dressed in ornate robes asked incredulously.

He was Chen Yu, the grandson of Elder Chen from the Outer Sect, the very man responsible for Ye Feng's kitchen punishment.

"If I say I was just passing through, would you believe me?" Ye Feng gave him a nonchalant glance. He was on par with Chen Yu, both at Body Tempering Rank Seven.

The rest were merely at Body Tempering Rank Two and Three, hardly worth his attention.

"Heh, you have some nerve, claiming you're just passing through. Is this really a place for someone like you?" The crowd sneered at his words, their disdain palpable.

"Hey, trash, you're not thinking of playing the hero again, are you?" With a flick of Chen Yu's wrist, the men encircling the woman backed off and closed in on him instead.

Life's journey is long and often solitary; stumbling upon such easy prey was a rare treat. They were eager to toy with him to their heart's content.

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