Destined Love in Another World/C10 Mysterious Woman
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Destined Love in Another World/C10 Mysterious Woman
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C10 Mysterious Woman

Before leaving the village, there was a small mountain road that stretched off into the distance. Ling Tian did not know where it led, so without thinking too much, he quickly walked towards the road and found some tracks left behind by the people from Jing Xiu Villa. He thought to himself that if he were to meet them, it would be too troublesome, after all, he did not know if there were any experts inside, so he avoided the tracks and walked towards a small road.

When he reached a dead end, he saw a forest in front of him. Ling Tian was hungry again, and thought if he could go into the forest and find some hare like animals to fill his stomach, then walk into the forest with his two swords.

After walking to an open area in the forest, Ling Tian accidentally discovered some ashes from burning branches on the ground. Using his hands to feel the heat, he carefully sized up his surroundings with the two swords in his hands. Suddenly, with a 'whoosh', a poison dart shot out from the lush grass.

After a long time without replying, Ling Tian slowly walked towards the underbrush. About two steps away from the underbrush, he used his short sword to brush away the underbrush, and saw a lady in a purple sandcoat and short skirt lying in the underbrush. The wound on her chest was currently bleeding, and she had already fainted.

He checked her wound and realized that it wasn't the poison that had stopped the bleeding. He wanted to open her status and see who she was, but something strange happened. Ling Tian was startled. What background does this girl have? But looking at her wounds, he thought that he had to find some herbs to save her first. Ask her yourself when she wakes up.

With the help of the system, Ling Tian managed to find some hemostasis herbs nearby. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard someone converse with him, "That stinking girl was hit by my sword, she shouldn't be able to run too far. If I catch her, I'll rather die!"

Following behind him were several people. Ling Tian then opened his attributes bar, "Wang Ba, Human, Level 32, Warrior, HP: 76000, Magic 38000, Vitality: 50000 Attack 1400 Magic 210"

Ling Tian looked at the wooden plate on his waist and knew that he was a person from Jing Xiu Villa. A man holding a spear behind him said to him, "Manager! The higher-ups told us that we have to live. If she died and we didn't find the keepsake, how would we be able to report it!? "

Wang Ba harrumphed, "Can't we kill him, or can't we play?" After saying so, he burst into laughter. The people behind him also burst into laughter.

Ling Tian looked at the herb in his hand and thought, "That woman just now …" It couldn't be the person they were looking for, right? Who was she? How could I be chased down by Xiao Jingpeng's people? With many questions on his mind, Ling Tian slowly retreated backwards.

When he returned to the bush, he saw that the woman was still unconscious, so he picked up the herb and walked to her side. Just as he was about to untie her clothes, he suddenly hesitated and said, "If I take off her clothes so quickly, I'll think of her that way when she wakes up."

Under a tree, the girl slowly opened her eyes and saw a man roasting meat over the fire. She wanted to stand up, but immediately broke his wound and cried out in pain, "Ah!" Ling Tian, who was roasting meat, saw the girl wake up and walked towards her. When she saw Ling Tian approaching her, she touched the sword on the ground and shouted, "What are you doing!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Don't misunderstand! I just wanted to give you food when I see that you've woken up, miss! "

The woman touched her wound and found that it was already covered with herbs. She looked at the barbecue in the man's hand and said, "You were the one who applied the medicine for me!"

Ling Tian calmly replied, "Mmm, back then..."

Before Ling Tian could finish, the woman said angrily, "Bastard! Who asked you to change it! What did you see!? "

Seeing her expression, Ling Tian did not explain any further and simply said, "Since the lady's bleeding wound has stopped, if you do not like me then I will leave now." Finishing his sentence, he put down the roast meat and turned around to disappear into the lush forest.

The lady saw that Ling Tian had turned his head to leave and wanted to stand up, but she could not. She sat on the ground and threw a rock at Ling Tian as she scolded, "Bastard!"

After walking for a while, he thought about how bad it would be if that girl was injured and met Wang Ba. However, he thought about it and continued, "Since other people are unwilling to accept my help, then why are you looking for trouble? It's more important to return to Lin Royal City."

Looking at the skill bar, he was only two levels away from learning the Swift Walk skill. With Swift Walk, he would be able to go to the imperial city at a much faster rate, and in order to find a magical beast to level up, he opened up the map and discovered that he had to cross the forest to get to the Summit City. The Wind Slasher City was the next city in Karnok City, and he had to kill a few magical beasts to reach level 11.

After about two hours of walking, an ancient and short wall appeared in their line of sight, but it was still quite crowded. The narrow city gate was packed with people and adventurers, lining up to enter the city. He put away his weapon and walked into the group.

Ling Tian, who was standing at the back of the line, looked around. At the entrance, two Long Spear Guards were carefully inspecting everyone, and a row of archers stood on the city wall. He thought to himself, "Could it be that the security in this city is so tight because of the chaos?" At this moment, Ling Tian's eyes swept the area and saw that Wang Ba's group was also walking towards him, but behind him was actually that purple clothed lady. The two of them were supporting her, or to be more accurate, they were escorting her, and seeing that she was much better than before, she seemed to have noticed Ling Tian and stopped her steps to look at him.

Wang Ba showed something to the guards and entered easily. Seeing this, Ling Tian thought to himself, Could it be that the City Lord of Zhanfeng has already been bribed by Xiao Jingpeng? "Then this young lady will be in deep trouble."

After some inspection, Ling Tian entered the city to follow Wang Ba and the rest. He saw that they were headed towards the Mayor's mansion, and stopped on the road, thinking, "As expected, the Mayor has already been bribed by Xiao Jingpeng!" He looked at the sky and decided to sneak in at night to see what they were up to.

After eating some food in the inn, he walked to his room and closed his eyes to rest for a while. He waited for the night to darken a bit before lying on his bed and thinking, "Who exactly is that girl during the day?" Why does Xiao Jingpeng care so much about her, even chasing after her for so long, and have to capture her? " He could only wait and see if he could figure it out later.

Deep in the night, Ling Tian was lying on his bed when he suddenly stood up and opened the window, seeing that the sky was dark, it was the perfect time to enter the City Lord's Mansion. After he finished speaking, he saw a black shadow jump out of the window, and with the help of the map, he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

He stealthily avoided the patrolling soldiers and arrived at the bottom of the attic. He jumped onto the second floor with the light still on and stuck to the wall to listen in to the conversation inside. "Steward Wang!" I still don't understand what you are talking about, but why did Young Master have to painstakingly make this woman do it? "

Wang Ba laughed out loud: "City lord might not know, this woman is called Leng Xingmeng, she is the daughter of Leng Tiexin. It is said that Leng Tiexin had gone berserk during his research on pills, and disappeared without a trace. It was said that this treasure map contained a huge amount of power hidden within, that was able to restore the young master's strength! So the Young Master is willing to pay any price to have me capture this woman alive. "

"Oh!" So that's how it is, did the supervisor get the treasure map? "

Wang Ba harrumphed, "That bitch has a fierce mouth. It seems like I have to put in some effort to make her tell me where the treasure map is."

Ling Tian roughly understood the situation. Right now, the most important thing was to find that girl and rescue her. Opening up the map, he walked towards the direction of the dungeon …

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