Destined Love in Another World/C2 Cowardly Yaan
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Destined Love in Another World/C2 Cowardly Yaan
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C2 Cowardly Yaan

The six of them tidied up a bit before heading up to the depths of the marsh. The scenery of the Divine Martial World was truly enchanting. The six of them walked like this, admiring the scenery.

At this time, Daphne asked, "Ling Tian! Seeing how you were so familiar with the werewolf chieftain just now, have you ever been to the Sindreban Grassland before? "

Ling Tian's eyes fell back onto Daphne's body from afar and he took a careful look at this loli like girl. She was quite pretty with her brown hair and crown like hair, she should be a magic type item with deep blue eyes, a dark blue top, a white skirt, and white skin. In her hand was a silver magic wand.

Ling Tian almost forgot to reply when he saw this and replied embarrassedly, "Eh, hehe, I've been to Xin Delay's class with grandpa and met the Werewolf Chieftain on the way. At that time grandpa told me about some of the weakness of the Beast Race."

Daphne looked at Ling Tian seriously and said, "Wow! Your grandfather must be very powerful! "

Ling Tian scratched his head, "Hehe, I'm fine …" He thought to himself, "I'm my grandpa. I don't know which BOOS weakness of the game system I have." Just as he finished silently reciting, he heard Walu yell, "There's a monster ahead!" The five of them were shocked as they looked towards the front.

A black spider that was about the height of a person moved its limbs and opened the attributes bar: Forest Spider, Beast Race, LV10, HP 2200, MP 1800, Stamina 600, Attack 30, Magic 220, Poison Silk will poison the target.

Ling Tian turned around and said to them, "Don't be afraid, it's just a normal jungle spider. We can easily kill it."

Everyone looked at each other hesitantly, not knowing if Ling Tian was telling the truth or not. Alituo, however, looked at Ling Tian with a determined look. Just based on that battle with the werewolf chieftain, she definitely believed Ling Tian.

The spider seemed to have discovered Ling Tian's group of six. It turned around to look at them and made an attacking motion as well. It bent its body towards the ground and then jumped onto the top of Alexandra's head.

She waved her magic wand, and a blue barrier appeared around her body. She waved the magic wand again, and a bolt of lightning struck the spider, and it fell from the sky onto the grass. It then nimbly crawled back up, moving left and right nimbly.

At this moment, Ya An, Zatafi and Wei Lu immediately took out their weapons and surrounded the spider. Ling Tian shouted, "Be careful of its poisonous tendrils, attack its legs!"

With that, the three of them charged forward, their swords slashing at the spider's legs. Unexpectedly, the spider bounced on top of their heads again, and the three of them hastily retreated.

At this moment, Daphne brandished the magic wand and shot one Icy Soul after another at the spider. Bang! Following a crisp sound, the spider fell to the ground once again. The spider's movements clearly slowed down after being hit by the Icy Soul Thorn.

Then she said, "Take the chance to attack him now!" The three of them recovered from their shock and rushed towards the spider once again. The spider that was hit by the Ice Soul Thrust was unable to jump back up, but as expected, the spider was killed by the three of them.

Congratulations on levelling up! After the system announcement, Ling Tian opened his own stats bar. He only saw that his HP had increased from 350 to 480, and his mana had increased from 20 to 25, to 120. His attacks had increased by 5, and his mana by 3.

At this time, Walue said in surprise, "Look, what did I pick up!" Everyone looked over in unison and saw a black ring. It was clearly an ordinary item. If it was before, Ling Tian would not even look at this item, but now, he saw that they wanted to pick it up, and he sighed in his heart.

"Alright, let's get the appraisers to study these things when we get back. Let's move on!" Viv said as he put the ring away to avoid losing it.

The six of them continued their journey through a canyon and arrived at a basin filled with aquatic plants. This should be the deep valley swamp, Zatafi said, looking around.

After walking on for a while, Ya An asked curiously, "Why are there no dragon serpents?" Ling Tian then said, "Draconic Serpents tend to be hidden. Their main goal is to ambush!"

When everyone heard this, they felt a chill run down their backs. Seeing their expressions, Ling Tian could not help but laugh, "When the six of us are together, they won't dare to launch a sneak attack."

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank once again, "But …" "But what?" Ling Tian couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He never thought that Ya An would be so timid. He continued, "Only the Swamp Fire Drake Snake would disregard everything to attack and invade the enemy."

"What!?" Fire Drake Snake? "I've never heard of such a snake!" Arne exclaimed. Apparently he was already afraid. He continued, "The Fire Drake Snake is equivalent to the werewolf chieftain, and is the controller here. Because it absorbs the marsh gas all year round, coupled with its magic, it can spit out flames, so it's called the Fire Drake Snake."

"Ah!" Everyone took out their weapons in panic as they looked in the direction of Ya An's finger, only to see a dark green snake looking at the six of them. Ling Tian opened up his stats bar: Swamp Dragon Snake, Beast Level 10, HP 1,800, Magic Value 2100, Attack 40, Magic 110, seeing that it was an ordinary dragon serpent, Ling Tian said, "It's just an ordinary dragon serpent, so there's no need to panic."

Everyone looked at Ya An in disdain. Ya An scratched his head and embarrassedly said, "I thought it was the Fire Drake Snake." Mind you, "Daphne glared at him and said," Is that what you call a reminder? "It's more like I woke up from my stupor …"

She shook her head, took out her magic wand, and swung it towards the flood dragon. The snake that had taken the hit immediately rushed towards her, followed by an Ice Soul Thrust. It was killed by Zha Te Fei before it could even touch her.

Seeing that Yaan was still talking to Daphne, Zaphit took out his dagger and was about to remove the serpents' teeth when a flame spurted from the grass.

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