Destined Love in Another World/C5 Mining Distress
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Destined Love in Another World/C5 Mining Distress
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C5 Mining Distress

As the two of them walked out of the noisy Xin De Ban City, Ling Tian carried the script, pretending not to know the way as he asked, "Where should we go?"

Actually, Ling Tian could not find the System's map anywhere, but had to pretend to be the end of it. He had to leave these people as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be able to continue pretending.

"Go in that direction and you will see a cave. That is the mining site."

Ling Tian then said, "Oh, then let's go." He started chatting with Alexandra. "Do you guys go out often to gather ingredients?" Ling Tian said as he walked.

Looking at Ling Tian, she replied, "No, we will only leave if the Guild gives us a quest. Usually, we won't run too far. The reason we are here is to learn advanced magic. I only know 3 types of magic."

Ling Tian looked at her stats and realized that she had already levelled up to level 11 after this training. She should have quite a few skills.

It turned out that they had to accept quests in the guild to learn some magic.

Seeing this, Ling Tian thought to himself, "Thankfully I have the system to master the corresponding skills when I reach a certain level."

He looked at her and sighed. He put away his proud smile and comforted her, "It's already good to have 3. At least to deal with the normal beasts."

Seeing Ling Tian comforting her, a faint smile appeared on her face as she continued, "I think you know a lot about the beast race. You should be cultivating as well."

"Yes, I'm an assassin, but I've only been cultivating for a short period of time. I've been learning it from my grandfather," Ling Tian replied calmly.

"Assassin!" I've only heard about this class from the guild, but I've never seen anyone train this type of class before.

Ling Tian was speechless. There was no need for an assassin to make a fuss, but he was still ashamed as he replied, "I don't know either. I don't even have a weapon, and have never killed a beast before."

Seeing Ling Tian's disappointed look, he consoled him, "Don't worry, when we return to the mining site, Senior Devereux will definitely help you forge a good weapon."

Ling Tian thought to himself, "I was trying to comfort you, but now you're trying to comfort me. Don't worry about her emotions this way."

Ling Tian then replied casually, and the two of them unknowingly came to the entrance of the mining area.

Ling Tian then took a deep breath and dived in, followed closely by Alexandra.

It was like a dead mouse, making Ling Tian a little uncomfortable. Thinking about it, it was probably because he had not been exposed to the sun for a long time, but in order to obtain a weapon, he did not care that much.

Arriving next to a loose mound of earth, he immediately took action.

After digging about two feet, he felt that the script had hit a hard object. Ling Tian was overjoyed. "Today's luck is quite good."

Scooping up a piece of shiny black iron ore, Ling Tian saw the system notification, "The purity of the black iron ore has been determined to be 7." Just as he was satisfied with the result, he decided to throw it into the bamboo basket and continue walking.

After digging for a while, the bamboo basket was filled to the brim. Looking around, she smiled and said, "We should leave now. We should have dug enough."

Just as Ling Tian was about to lift up the bamboo basket and take a step forward, he heard Alexandra cry out, "Ling Tian! "Come here!"

Ling Tian was startled as well. He walked up to the front of Alexandra and saw a piece of paper and a half box of black iron ore covered in blood.

Ling Tian squatted down and took a closer look. The blood had yet to congeal and it shouldn't be long before he stood up to take a look.

Hearing the sounds coming from behind a corner, he whispered to the girl, "Let's go ahead and take a look."

The two of them carefully walked to the corner and stuck their heads out. A disgusting scene appeared in front of them.

One of the zombies was covered in blood. It seemed like it was eating the flesh of a human. cried.

The zombie stopped eating as soon as it heard the cry, and was attracted over. Clearly, it had already discovered Ling Tian and Alexandra.

Ling Tian held onto Arijo's hand and ran back. When they reached another corner, Ling Tian said to her, "Use the Ice Soul Thrust to slow it down!" Then he turned around and leaned against the edge of the wall.

The zombie had already reached the corner. Seeing the zombie recovering instantly, she did as Ling Tian said, using the Ice Soul Thorn to attack it.

The zombie was hit by the Ice Soul Thorn and its speed decreased, but it was still able to keep moving towards the direction of Alejandro.

The zombie seemed to be angered, and it let out an unpleasant sound.

Ling Tian leaned against the wall as he heard the system notification, "Target zombie has entered attack range, passive skill automatically activated. Please be careful!"

After the zombie reached the corner, Ling Tian nimbly moved to the back of the zombie and used all his strength to strike its head! A hole was pierced through the zombie's head, but it did not fall. Instead, it turned around and looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian shouted, "Fuck!" "He's not dead yet!" Lu Li didn't dare to stop and quickly ran over to Alexandra. He opened his stats bar: Mining Area Zombie, Undead, LV10, HP 2200, MP 1400, Attack 140, MP 50.

However, seeing that it only had 700 HP remaining, it calmed down a little and said, "If you attack it a few more times, it should die."

Not long after, the zombie fell to its knees. Ling Tian did not dare to stay here any longer as he said to the zombie, "Let's go, it's not safe here." With that, he picked up the bamboo basket and walked to the door.

Before she could take more than a few steps forward, she saw a withered hand stretching out from the ground, scaring the two of them. Before she could take more than a few steps, a withered hand reached from the ground, scaring the two of them.

She turned around, blushing, but saw a big, dirty, black zombie crawling out of the loose dirt on the ground.

The two were stunned! Ling Tian pulled her hand and ran until they turned a corner. The two of them were dumbfounded as they saw the zombie that had just been beaten to death slowly climb up from the ground.

Ling Tian wanted to curse in his heart, "Isn't it just mining? Is there really a need for this? At worst, I can just return the ore to you."

The two of them did not have any ideas and stood there in a daze for a while.

"I'll go lure them away," she said. "You run to the door."

Ling Tian was furious when he heard that, "What!? If you want to leave, then leave, I'll lure you! " Actually, Ling Tian wanted to leave as well, but it was impossible for this chick to save him.

"It will be too late if we don't leave now!" Ling Tian did not answer and also calmed down.

He opened the Zombie bar at the back: Mining Area Zombie King, Undead, Level 13, HP 6500, MP 3000, Attack 280, Magic 80, Paralyze the target when attacking.

Looking back, Ling Tian saw that the zombie that had just revived only had 200 HP. It didn't seem like it had fully recovered yet. With a quick step, he moved to the back of the zombie, and the zombie fell down again, dragging Alexandra with it as it ran deeper into the mine.

"What if there are more zombies inside?"

Ling Tian did not stop and replied, "Even if there is one inside, it isn't as terrifying as the one outside!"

After running for a while, they heard no sounds coming from behind them. They stopped and let out a sigh. Ling Tian's hand was still holding onto Alexandra, and she was too embarrassed to pull back. However, her cheeks were red.

Ling Tian looked at Alexandra and realized that she was still holding onto his hand.

"I don't think there's any sound coming from behind," she said.

"Then do you dare to go and take a look?" Ling Tian panted as he joked. "We'll go," she said, changing her tone.

Seeing that this little girl was really walking over, Ling Tian quickly pulled her back and said, "Alright, I was wrong. I'll go take a look."

Seeing him pull her hand again, her face turned red again. Ling Tian was petrified. He thought to himself, "Why are you pulling your hand like this?" Remind yourself to be more careful in the future.

Holding the script in his hand, he walked forward gently. As he walked forward, he was even more uncertain about the lack of movement.

After reaching the corner, he stuck out half of his head to take a look. The Zombie King was actually eating that ordinary zombie from before.

While she was hiding behind Ling Tian, it was already too late for Ling Tian to stop her.

Just as she was about to stick her head out, she heard another, "Ah!" Ling Tian immediately covered her mouth with his hand, cursing in his heart, "This girl, she always has to" ah! " "This is suicide! If it wasn't for me covering your face in time, I'd probably be running for quite some distance now."

Worried, she looked behind the wall, and seeing that the Zombie King was still eating, she let out a sigh of relief. Turning around, she saw that her face was completely red, so she immediately let go.

The redness on her face had not receded yet, but Ling Tian was no longer in the mood to care about her. He was thinking about how he could leave this place.

Leaning against the wall, her eyes lit up. She suddenly thought of an idea and whispered into her ear. When she heard this, she agreed.

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