Destined Love in Another World/C8 Ling Tian's Farewell
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Destined Love in Another World/C8 Ling Tian's Farewell
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C8 Ling Tian's Farewell

The seven of them ordered a table full of dishes at the inn. Ghana and Ling Tian felt like they had a thousand cups of wine at a feast, and the tables were full of wine jars.

Yaan, Zatofi, and Veru were also enjoying their drinks. Only Alejandro and Daphne were still conscious.

Looking at Ling Tian's drunk appearance, she was crying so hard that her heart was filled with grief. However, she was also very happy when she saw Ling Tian laughing.

Looking carefully at this handsome man, he thought to himself, "Could it be that I've really fallen in love with him?!"

"Help Ling Tian find a room, and I'll take the three of them back." The three of them weren't as drunk as they were as they were. They supported each other as they staggered out of the inn. Daphne scolded him from behind, "Why didn't you drink me to death!"

The Ghanaian wine was much better than Ling Tian's, only a little dizzy. He paid the silver and said to Alexandra, "Take care of him for me. I have to go back now."

Yating walked up to Ling Tian's side, wanting to carry him upstairs. However, she could not move while carrying him on her back. Helpless, she called for the waiter, and the two of them lifted him up forcefully.

When he reached his room, the waiter went to get him a basin of water to wash his face. After taking off his leather armor and boots, she helped him wash his face before leaving.

The next morning, the sun's rays pierced into Ling Tian's face. He slowly opened his eyes, sat up, and stretched his body.

He opened up the attributes window and found that he was already Level 10. The system notification had popped up, allowing him to learn new skills.

Active Skill, Shadow Stop. Grasping his weapon, he passed through the target three times before pulling out his sword from the target's heart to deal a fatal blow.

Ling Tian was pleasantly surprised, "This is a high damage skill, with this skill, I can probably instantly kill some low level monsters."

Ling Tian opened up his stats window: Ling Tian, Human, Assassin, Male, Level 10, HP: 2,300, MP: 1350, Attack: 260, MP: 95, Vitality: 1,400.

Wearing his clothes, he walked to the window and looked at the mountain range in the distance, his heart full of melancholy. In order to get to the Feng Hua Mountain as soon as possible to find out about that strange matter and work hard to level up, he looked at the twin swords shining faintly in his hands and thought to himself, "It's time to leave."

However, his interactions with them during this period of time had made him somewhat reluctant to part with his companions. He wanted to leave without saying goodbye, but felt that doing so wasn't appropriate.

Just as he was at a loss, a woman's voice called out from outside the door: "Ling Tian! Are you awake? "

Hearing the voice, Ling Tian knew that it was Alec. He replied, "En, you can come in now."

Upon hearing Ling Tian's permission, the door creaked open. When the door opened, it was as if Alexandra had become a completely different person.

Today, she did not wear a combat suit. Instead, she had changed into plain clothes. Her brown hair was parted, clean and shiny, with a crown on it and big eyes.

Ling Tian did not pay much attention to Alexandra before, but today, he was really shocked. If Daphne was a loli, then she was the queen.

Looking at Ling Tian staring at her dumbly, she blushed again. Seeing her blushing face, Ling Tian finally understood how out of control he had been.

Scratching his head with a smile, he said, "You look really beautiful today!" "Do you like it?" After saying that, he lowered his head and looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was confused. Was this considered a confession? He was overjoyed and thought that he had to leave and not hurt her, but he did not know how to reply. He hesitated for a while.

Seeing that Ling Tian did not answer her, she bit her lips, looking a little disappointed.

Ling Tian then said with determination, "I'm sorry, Alexandra! I'm going to leave this place. I'm happy with everything I've been through with you, but I have to leave this place. "

After hearing what Ling Tian had to say, she did not know what to do. She said hesitantly, "You have to leave! Are you going home? "

"NO!" "I have something more important to do," Ling Tian said decisively.

Seeing how determined Ling Tian was, she did not ask any further questions and said, "Then let's bid our farewells to Daphne and the others. I think they will be reluctant to part with you."

Ling Tian walked in front of Alejandro and said, "No, I don't want to see more people sad. Alright, why don't you buy something for me?"

As she walked behind Ling Tian, looking at his back, an indescribable feeling arose in her heart.

Coming to the noisy street, Ling Tian walked in front of a grocery store and asked for two flint stones. Without them, he would not be able to survive.

He put the flint away and turned back to look at her. He sighed to himself and walked over to her, taking her hand.

"Ah!" A soft cry. Looking at the man in front of him, he instantly recalled his time in the mine. His eyes became blurry.

Ling Tian replied with a smile, "Be happier, I like to see you happy." After he finished speaking, he pulled her hand and began strolling in the busy street.

He strolled around the city, stopping after a moment to take a walk. He really did look like a couple. After strolling around the city, he unknowingly walked to the door.

Ling Tian stopped walking and said to Alexandra, "Alright, it's time for me to leave." The happiness on her face turned into sadness, and her watery eyes stared straight at Ling Tian. She was speechless for a while, staring at him dumbly.

Seeing her like this, Ling Tian felt very sad in his heart as he said, "Don't be like this, there is no banquet that doesn't scatter."

"Will we meet again?" she asked, her voice choked with sobs. Ling Tian helped her to straighten her hair as he said, "I will definitely come back to see you after I finish my business."

After wiping away her tears, she took out a fiery-red gem and placed it in front of Ling Tian, "This is the tooth that killed the Fire Drake Snake in the swamp. It's for you." He even took out a bag of silver.

After rummaging through his clothes for a while, he finally took out an exquisite lighter from his underwear pocket. This was the only thing he had left behind to reminisce about the original world. He placed it in her hand and turned to leave.

She didn't know how much courage it would take to make this shy girl do such a thing. She didn't care about the people around her, because she couldn't bear to see the man leave.

Ling Tian turned around and helped him stroke his hair, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes. He lightly kissed his forehead, saying goodbye and walking towards the outskirts of the city without looking back.

After exiting the city, he followed a small map and headed in the direction of the Emperor's City. The Emperor's City was the largest city in the world of the Divine Martial Realm, situated on the east side of the river, relatively close to the Feng Hua Mountain.

Arriving at the ferry and paying the money to board the ship, Ling Tian did not sit in the cabin. Standing at the bow of the ship, he looked at the plains around Xindereban and thought back to the first time he met the rest of them.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. When he turned around, he saw Alejandro riding a fast horse down the river, calling his name.

Seeing this, Ling Tian's heart also felt sour, so he waved his hand to tell her to go back, but she still continued to run as usual, until the shore extended to the end of the small island in the middle of the river. The horse raised its head and stopped, she jumped off the horse and ran a few steps forward, only stopping after the river had covered his knees did she stop, staring straight at Ling Tian who was standing at the bow of the river.

When the boat disappeared from his sight, he heard her whisper, "I will wait for your return."

When the boat reached the shore, Ling Tian got off the boat. He opened his palm, looked at the bright red gemstone, then looked in the direction of Cindry Ban and said: "I'm sorry!" He put the gem away, turned around and entered a forest.

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