Devil Killer/C13 Secret scriptures
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Devil Killer/C13 Secret scriptures
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C13 Secret scriptures

Scripture Pavilion, 1st level.

This was the place where attack skills were stored. Liu Xue came in with Ye Feng. After entering, they found that there were hundreds of bookshelves, and there were many different categories and secret manuals. There were also many young disciples who were carefully choosing their books.

After joining the Divine Sect, the chances of every disciple getting guidance from their Master were not too high. The key was to rely on themselves. The divine gate mainly provided resources, and the most important of them were the secret manuals.

As for the disciples' choice of secret manuals, they could get some pointers from their senior and master. However, if a normal disciple wasn't valued highly by their master, they would be too lazy to give them pointers. Thus, in order to not disturb their master, the disciples came in by themselves.

Ye Feng was one of the disciples that the Great Elder was most satisfied with, so he could naturally go over and ask for guidance. However, when he came in with Liu Xue, he felt that there was no need to ask any further. After all, this Senior Sister had been in the sect for a long time.

They walked in.

Ye Feng said, "Do you have any fist arts?"

Liu Xue smiled. He still liked to practice his fist techniques. "Of course there is. The divine gate has everything. I'll bring you there!"

After Liu Xue finished speaking, she carried Ye Feng along as if she was very familiar with the route. She had already come here many times.

On the first floor, there were many disciples who picked out their favorite secret manuals every day. Ordinary disciples, on the other hand, had to carefully choose their disciples. Some people wouldn't even be able to choose a secret manual for half a year. However, after half a year, they had two chances.

This day was naturally no exception.

Inside the Scripture Pavilion, there were over a hundred people.

The crowd noticed that Liu Xue brought along a youth with a smile on her face, and they all felt that it was strange. In the eyes of the crowd, Liu Xue was simply a cold beauty who rarely smiled to others. Many people who pursued her had never seen her smile before. But at this moment, they astonishingly discovered that in front of Ye Feng, Liu Xue was actually this gentle.

Everyone only had one question on their minds. Who was he?

After whispering to each other, they realized that no one knew who he really was. Very few people had seen Ye Feng, and he had never left the small bamboo forest. Naturally, they did not recognize him.

The reason he came out today was to choose a secret manual.

Arriving at the fist technique section.

Ye Feng looked over and realized that there were over ten thousand different types of fist techniques here. He smacked his lips and walked in excitedly. With the iron fist runes, his love for boxing was incomparable.

Looking at the rows of fist techniques, Zhang Xuan realized that there were all kinds of names for them. Some of them were called Iron Fist Seven Styles, some were called Liu Xu Floating Fist, and some were called Invincible Fist …

The variety of it made his eyes go blurry.

Liu Xue whispered, "It's impossible for you to be so picky."

After hearing his reminder, Ye Feng suddenly realized that it was indeed true. There were many fist techniques here, but he had to choose one after another. If he were to look at them one by one, he might not be able to finish them in a day. Even if he did, it might not be good.

He had to have a goal before he could choose. Picking a target that suited him was the best choice. After understanding all of this, he first looked at the name. There were some random things he would not have read much on, such as the invincible fist technique he had seen just now, which one of them could be invincible?

As he was seriously selecting, four secret manuals suddenly appeared in front of him. He subconsciously raised his head and discovered that it was Liu Xue who brought them. He subconsciously took them.

The first manual, the "Nine Yang Divine Fist", did not have many moves, but its moves were all incomparably ferocious. Liu Xue had seen it before and felt that it was not suitable for her. However, Ye Feng's moves were incomparably fierce and might be suitable for this.

The second manual, "Blue Breaking Fist", had twelve moves which were extremely fast. Only speed allowed one to achieve victory, and it was a path that was extremely suitable for Ye Feng. In terms of speed, no one could match him.

The third manual, the "Nine Yin Divine Fist", was the complete opposite of the "Nine Yang Divine Fist", suitable for feminine people to train in. This was also a move that Liu Xue had practiced before. As for why it was a good thing, she didn't know.

The fourth secret manual was the thinnest, and it was called the « Demonic Ghost Fist ». The name sounded somewhat demonic. There were only three moves, one of them was full of ghostly shadows, the other was full of demonic qi, and the other was the return of countless demons.

For some reason, when Ye Feng saw the last manual, he just couldn't let go of it. He especially liked these names, and in addition to these simple and seemingly useful moves, he really liked all of them.

He raised his head and said, "This is the book!"

Liu Xue was secretly shocked. This secret technique was the one she didn't want Ye Feng to have the most. This secret technique was quite charming and not everyone could use it. Very few people practiced this secret scripture successfully.

There had been a person who had trained in the Gate of Gods. He was powerful, but in the end, he had become a devil. He had killed countless people, and had been killed by a fighter.

Liu Xue knew that this book was very powerful, so she recommended it. However, she did not want to see the Devil's Enchantment happening to Ye Feng.

In her heart she thought, "Ye Feng is different from the senior brother from before. He is a bit more simple-minded, and he is also a persistent person. Maybe he won't become bewitched at all, which will only help him and not harm him?"

Liu Xue didn't know if it was because she loved the house, but she felt that Ye Feng was not that senior and would definitely not walk the same path.

Ye Feng chose his fist arts, but he was incomparably happy. He didn't know that these fist arts had all those allusions, he just felt that he was very fond of them. If you like it, of course you have to choose.

After they had finished choosing their fist techniques, Ye Feng did not look at anything else, but just held onto a secret manual.

Ling Xue actually liked his reckless nature. What she liked was to diligently pursue. If she didn't like him, she would naturally skip him. Thus, she didn't need to waste her energy on something that wasn't important.

Thus, they headed upstairs. On the second floor, they would select a movement technique. The rune of the leg of Ye Feng was just useful, and was also something that Ye Feng liked a lot.

Liu Xue was still very zealous as she brought him up.

This place was still decorated that way. However, there were also over a hundred people here.

So many people were still shocked when they saw Liu Xue. They didn't know why she was walking so close to Ye Feng. However, it was obvious that these people weren't qualified to speak to Liu Xue. They only watched from afar and were jealous from afar.

Ye Feng was still not interested in the others. He turned his gaze towards the bookshelves and scanned through a few secret manuals. With his experience on the first floor, he skipped over some of the books that sounded exaggerated or didn't seem to have any real strength. The former headed straight for the Nine Heavens Thoughtless Earth Movement Technique while the latter was like the Hundred Steps Movement Technique, which he didn't need at all.

His speed wasn't that fast, so he could be considered to be quite meticulous with his observations.

Suddenly, he took down a secret manual. With it in his hand, he continued to walk.

There was a disciple in front who just happened to be blocking the attack. Ye Feng frowned. Everyone here was from the same sect, he didn't know what to do. Letting that disciple leave seemed a bit more tyrannical.

This disciple was also seriously looking at the secret manual, and didn't even know that there was someone behind it.

Until... Liu Xue took a big stride and rushed forward to kick him flying. He hit the wall, bounced, and fell to the ground. This person was obviously very angry, but seeing that the one who kicked him was Liu Xue, he quickly left with his tail between his legs. He didn't even dare to take the secret technique and directly left the Scripture Pavilion.

Ye Feng's mouth dropped open in shock as he looked towards Liu Xue.

However, she smiled sweetly again, without the domineering attitude from before. He shrugged, wondering if she was two different people.

With the previous example, the others didn't dare to approach Liu Xue with a cold expression. Although she was talking and laughing with Ye Feng, she was extremely domineering towards the rest of the disciples. Her strength was at the top among the disciples, so normal people would not dare to provoke her. However, when Liu Xue did things, she did not do it recklessly. It was just that people who were displeased and were in the way would never take the initiative to find trouble with others.

Therefore, although she was a bit domineering, the others could only blame their bad luck.

Ye Feng also liked this method, it was just that he could not do it himself.

However, because of Liu Xue's existence, he could peacefully choose his favorite movement technique. In terms of movement techniques, Liu Xue didn't have much research on it herself. The movement technique she cultivated was a Thousand Mile Disappearance technique given by her master. It could be said to be a high-grade movement technique, but there were some even more powerful ones in the Scripture Pavilion that she couldn't say anything to interfere.

Ye Feng did not have much experience, but his intuition was always good. After he came up, he had been carefully choosing. When he arrived in front of a secret manual, he stopped.

After so many times, he had obtained four secret manuals.

They were, respectively, the 'Profound Truths of Teleportation', the 'True Book of Thunder', the 'Heavenly Profound Movement Technique', and the 'Seven Star Movement Technique'. Amongst them, the Seven Stars Movement Technique was the most marvelous. It actually came from the Big Dipper. It was very powerful. As for the True Lightning Solution, it was as fast as lightning. The Mysterious Sky Movement Technique contained an attack.

Ye Feng looked at it again and again. He liked the Profound Truths of Teleportation the most.

Teleportation was teleportation. It was able to instantly rush to a specific location in an extremely short period of time.

Liu Xue saw that he had been staring at the Teleportation Arcanum for a long time, so she was a bit worried. The Devil Fist that he had chosen was the most difficult one to begin with. Now that he had chosen a technique for teleportation, it was even more difficult. Both of these secret manuals are extremely difficult. Wouldn't it be a huge drain on one's energy?

She was slightly worried that Ye Feng did not have the time to train with these things.

However, Liu Xue did not remind her. Perhaps Ye Feng could? She didn't know why, but it was easy to trust him.

Ye Feng looked at it, and finally put down the other three manuals, and took this one instead. He nodded with a satisfied look, and then smiled happily at Ling Xue. Seeing him smile so happily, Liu Xue couldn't remind him even more.

After choosing their fist techniques and movement techniques, they continued to walk up the stairs. The third floor was where to choose their weapon attack methods, and Ye Feng felt that it was better to choose first. After all, the runes he would be learning next would definitely belong to weapons.

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